Opening EVE and Mumble simultaneously

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How To: Open EVE and Mumble at the same time, using one shortcut.

A step by step guide on how to create and setup a shortcut anywhere to open both EVE Online and Mumble.

PLEASE NOTE: This is for Windows as I don't use a Mac I have no idea how to go about this, if you do please feel free to add it in.

Why should I do this?

Well having Mumble loaded is extremely helpful and required in some situations, however most of us either:

  • Forget to load Mumble and don't bother with it after we've logged in or
  • Load Mumble after we've logged in and don't get the fancy overlay unless you restart EVE

Using the shortcut I will show you how to create you can load both at the same time so you get both the usefulness of Mumble and the nice overlay (if you have it set up).

Will clicking the shortcut again open more windows?

After some testing of the shortcut this does not open another instance of Mumble, it will however reopen your EVE launcher if you have it set to close once the game loads.

  • (I have mine set to stay open as I log into both my accounts one after the other using the same launcher.)

How to setup your shortcut:

Please note this uses a batch file. In case your not aware this is for Windows only, or more accurately DOS.

From here on I will reference the default installation directory, please replace this with your own.

Step 1 - Create a separate copy of the original EVE Shortcut:

There are two reasons for this, the first is because you are going to alter your shortcut and in whatever case you do not want to launch Mumble as well then you can go back to your old shortcut. The second is because it will copy the EVE icon with your shortcut so it looks nicer.

Step 2 - Modifying the shortcut

Right click on the shortcut and select properties,

  • In the Target: field replace everything with this line C:\Program Files\CCP\Start.bat
  • In the Start in: field replace everything with this line C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE

(The start in line must be set to your EVE installation, this is because the launcher outputs a debug.log file. If you do not set this is will dump the log wherever your shortcut is.)

You can also rename the shortcut to something easily recognizable. I renamed mine to EVE + Mumble

Step 3 - Creating the batch file

For simplicity I added the batch file to C:\Program Files\CCP\ you can put it anywhere you like, just remember to alter your "Target" field in the shortcut to match where you place it.

You will need to go to the folder C:\Program Files\CCP\, create a new text document in the folder and rename it to Start.bat.

Once done, right click the batch file and select "EDIT" it should open in notepad.

You are then going to add the following, again alter the paths to where YOU have EVE and Mumble installed.

@echo off

start "" "C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\eve.exe" start "" "C:\Program Files\Mumble\mumble.exe"

If you are on Windows 8 and your overlay does not work you will need to add nod3d9ex to the end of the Mumble line like so:

@echo off

start "" "C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\eve.exe" start "" "C:\Program Files\Mumble\mumble.exe" -nod3d9ex

Save and close the file and your done. You can now use this new shortcut to load both you EVE Client and Mumble at once.

Useful Links

  • How to set up and use Mumble: Mumble