User:Scifinoide xenoscopic/Mining poetry
From EVE University Wiki
During mining Ops suddenly there popped up some poetry.
- If I can can the can, does the can can or can not can any more?
Anwsers by:
- Scifinoide Xenoscopic > when you can answer this then you did toooo much can jockeying.....
- Kate S'jet > the can can only can, when you can the can
- Kate S'jet > will that mean we will open a cannery?
- Kate S'jet > when I've caned as much can as i can, thats when i will be the can jokey ;)
- Witold Gritz > cant
- Kyoko Tsao > if you can the can, the can canning or the can not canning cannot can the can you can
- Daniel Mandrake > It seems a bit canned :P
- Kyoko Tsao > i think its uncanny
- Aki Talie-Kuo /emote doesn't want to see Scifinoide Xenoscopic dancing the can can
- Kyoko Tsao > if you can the can, the can canning or the can not canning cannot can the can you canned
- Scifinoide Xenoscopic > He canned the can! Do you give him candy?
- Falcon Longbottom > only if you cant can
- Anders Longbottom > totally
- Charlie Longbottom > nope
- Benjamin Longbottom > maybe
- Vger Starseed > haha canned humour
- Do you do mind mining mines? Or are you my mining mind to be mine or mind you my mining mines with too many minding mines that migth mind mining mine?
Anwsers by:
- Kate S'jet > i mind my onw mind cause minding other minds give me a minegrain
- Anna Ohu > ya know we are all a few fries short of a happy meal around here right?
- Scifinoide Xenoscopic > Mindfull mind mining Op.?
- Jamriko Orei > If I mined your mine, would you mind? Would you mine my mine and expect me to mind? If I did mind would you stop mining my mines to save my mind from minding?
- Anaesthera > totally different if you replace the meaning of "mines" with "landmines" lol
- BaJo Thellere > might mining a mind, mind mining minds?
- BaJo Thellere > I don't mind mining minds
- To rat a ratting rat rats to ratting rat?
Answers by:
About Belt rats:
- Kazi Kugisa > Hello ratty's. Come meet your maker.
- Scifinoide Xenoscopic > I'll grind his last bits to oblivion...with my 'killer' salvage bots
- In Sane Kredits -> ISK
Answers by:
- Does bomber bomb bums if your bum is bomber bombed?
Answers: by:
- Bob Maths > only when the bomber bombs a bum but is also bombed by bummer's bombs
- If you can play the play is playing played playback?
Answers by: