Angel Kickbacks

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On warp in:
As soon as you arrive, your instruments detect a large group of ships departing. Further analysis of the data indicates this was a convoy of six to eight transport ships from the Salvation Angels accompanied by an unknown number of combat vessels. Your navigational systems have already come up with a likely destination in case you feel you have any business with them.

First Location

First Pocket


Frigate 4 x Frigate Coreli Patroller/Watchman/... Icon remote sensor dampening.png
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Corelior Infantry/...
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate Shadow Serpentis ? Trigger for possible escalation

Second Pocket

Simple warp in to the pocket is trigger for possbile escalation.

Expeditions: Angel Kickbacks:
Not much here, except this empty warehouse. Perhaps the next location will reveal something more...

Second Location

First Pocket


Frigate 4 x Frigate Coreli ?
Destroyer 6 x Destroyer Corelior ?
Commander Frigate 1 x Commander Frigate Shadow Serpentis ? Icon large red x.png

Second Pocket


Frigate 4 x Frigate Coreli ?
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corelior ?
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum ?
Expeditions: Angel Kickbacks:
Again, a similar setup and this time you caught some bad guys in the act. Not that stealing from the Serpentis is necessarily "bad". Now if you only would find one of these hideouts where the Angels still store some booty. Perhaps the next location will lead you to something more interesting.

Third Location

First Pocket


Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli ?
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Corelior ?
Commander Frigate 1 x Commander Frigate Shadow Serpentis Patroller Icon large red x.png

Second Pocket


Frigate 5 x Frigate Coreli ?
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corelior ?
Expeditions: Angel Kickbacks:
It's another hidden warehouse and this time a stiffer resistance. There is one location left and it should get interesting. Your computer grabs your attention, indicating that the route to the last location has been calculated.

Fourth Location

First Pocket


Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli Defender
Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Scout/Spy Warp Disruptor Icon stasis webifier i.png
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Corelior Soldier/Trooper

Second Pocket


Frigate 2 x Frigate Coreli Defender
Frigate 6 x Frigate Coreli Patroller/Protector/Watchman Icon remote sensor dampening.png
Frigate 1 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Patroller Warp Disruptor Icon stasis webifier i.png
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Watchman Icon remote sensor dampening.png
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Corelior Soldier/Trooper
Frigate 1 x Frigate Shadow Coreli Antagonist
Expeditions: Angel Kickbacks: (Expedition success)
The ethics involved in robbing this hapless band of Angels are are interesting. Robbing from thieves who stole from drug dealers who sold their drugs to people who robbed someone to afford them...You wonder how long it has been since the valuables in your cargo hold were in honest hands.


Commander and other valuable loot
Item Name Est. Value Note
Coreli A-Type modules From Shadow Coreli Antagonist
