Fleet interface

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Revision as of 07:16, 25 November 2014 by Cavaris (talk | contribs) (→‎Broadcasting: Updated broadcast settings screenshot and description to account for new UI - primarily broadcast color settings)
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The Fleet User Interface

The fleet interface can do some handy things for you. This is a merge and edit of all previous fleet window UI articles.

Fleet Window

The general fleet window has 2 settings, you can see a flatlist or a hierarchy


Fleet as flatlist

In this screenshot you can see the fleet as a flat list. You see the ranks of people in the fleetlist but you can't see what wing or squad people are in. In this example Red is the fleetcommander. Green are the wingcommanders and blue are the squadcommanders. Normal fleetmembers get no colour.


Broadcasting to the fleet
  • 1 Enemy Spotted - Broadcasts to: Global - You can click this one if you see an enemy. In uni fleets it's generally not used as this information is shared over TS
  • 2 Need Armour - Broadcasts to: People on grid - Click this button if you need your armor to be repaired
  • 3 Need Shield - Broadcasts to: People on grid - Click this button if you need your shield to be repaired
  • 4 Need Capacitor - Broadcasts to: People on grid - Click this button if your Capacitor is running low and you require a refill
  • 5 In Position - Broadcasts to: Global - This broadcast can be used when the fleetcommander asks you to do a specific task or go to a specific place and you have reached your goal.
  • 6 Need Backup - Broadcasts to: Global - This broadcast can be used when you are getting attacked and you need other people to help you
  • 7 Hold Position - Broadcasts to: Global - This broadcast can used if you need to stay on your current location
  • 8 Location - Broadcasts to: Global - This puts your current location on the broadcast list. i.e. Aldrat
  • 9 Who will receive the broadcast - This button has 3 options.
    • 1) My group FC will broadcast it to everyone, WC will broadcast to everyone in his wing. SC will broadcast to everyone in the squad and squadmembers broadcast to everyone in the squad too. (limited they are within the broadcast range)
    • 2) Everyone This will broadcast your command to everyone in the fleet (limited they are within the broadcast range)
    • 3) Superiors This will broadcast to your direct superiors. If you are in wing1 squad1 only the fleetcommander, the wingcommander of wing1 and the squadcommander of squad1 will get this broadcast. (limited they are within the broadcast range)
Checking the distance(Clickable)
Broadcasting your location extra option

The broadcast option Location has an extra feature. If you rightclick on the broadcast and click on distance, you get a popup with the distance between you and that fleetmember in jumps and in lightyears (ly). The amount of jumps is calculated in on the shortest route setting.

Broadcast settings(Clickable)
Changing the settings of the broadcasts

In this window you can change if you want to receive certain broadcasts. For example the need armor, need shield and need capacitor can be turned off if you aren't in a logistics ship.

You can also change the background color for each type of broadcast to make them easier to spot in the broadcast history tab.

Fleet composition

Who's in my fleet?!!?(Clickable)
Who's in the fleet and what are they flying?

The fleet composition window will give you some extra information on your fleetmembers Only people in command positions have access to this screen and you can only see your subordinates. This means a squadcommander will only see his squad, a wingcommander his wing and the fleetcommander and the boss will see the entire fleet.

  • 1 Pilotname - Shows the name of the pilot
  • 2 Location - Shows where the pilot is located
  • 3 Shiptype - Shows what ship the pilot is flying
  • 4 Shipgroup - Shows what shipgroup the pilot's ship belongs to
  • 5 Fleetrole - Shows the role in the fleet. i.e. Squadmember, squadcommander, wingcommander or fleetcommander
  • 6 Leadership skills - Shows what leaderships skills the pilot has. First number is Fleet Command, second is Wing Command and last is Leadership
Opening the fleetcomposition window(Clickable)


Broadcast history(Clickable)
Checking what has been broadcasted

In the broadcast history you are shown all broadcasts which you have turn on in the broadcast settings. It also shows who it was from and who it was send to.

Voice history(Clickable)
Who said something over Eve Voice

Here you can see who said something on the fleet's Eve Voice channel(s). Eve voice isn't used by the uni. We use Mumble

Member history(Clickable)
History of the membership

In this window you can see what members were in the fleet, what roles they have been gives and when they left. This is great when you want to make an AAR and see what happened in the fleet composition.

Loot history(Clickable)
Who looted what

When you create a fleet in the Uni you must enable Loot Logging. When this is active, all loot events are sent to members of the fleet, making it very easy to divide the spoils collected in a fleet operation (e.g., ratting, PvP engagement, wormhole operation, etc.).

You can export the loot log to disk so that you can collect all the info in Microsoft Excel, if you wish. Right click the loot logging tab and click "export." This is saved to C:\Users\(your PC user account name)\Documents\EVE\logs\Fleetlogs


How to find a fleet(Clickable)
Finding a fleet in the big list of fleets

In this window you can look for fleets you can join

  • 1 Scope - Here you can select what type of fleet you are looking for. You can select from the following options
    • My Available fleets - Select any available fleet you can join
    • Corporation fleets - Select all fleets from your own corporation
    • Alliance fleets - Select all fleets from your alliance
    • Standings fleets - Select all fleets from people you have high enough standings with
  • 2 Range - Here you can chose the range in jump to look for fleets. You can choose between any, 5 Jumps, 10 Jumps and Region. Which will show you all fleets you can join within your chosen parameters.
  • 3 Standing - This will limit the number of fleets checking your standing towards the fleetboss. You can choose here from Any, Good standing (above 0.0) and High standing (above 5.0). With this you can limit the fleets so you don't accidently join a pirate fleet.
Not advertizing your fleet(Clickable)
Advertizing your fleet

Here you can see the difference between having an advert and not having an advert. You can make an advert by clicking the add fleet to fleetfinder button.

Advertize your fleet(Clickable)
Changing the options(Clickable)
Changing options advertizing your fleet

This is the place to change options for your fleet advert

  • 1 Fleetname - Here you can give your fleet a name.
  • 2 Fleet description - Give a description to your fleet
  • 3 Joining restrictions - Restrict joining to certain people/groups
    • Corporation - Only people in your corporation can join your fleet
    • Alliance - Only people who are in your alliance can join your fleet
    • Based on standings - Only people who have standings higher or equal too the set standings at point 5 can join the fleet
  • 4 fleet settings -
    • Requires approval - When you check this box, everyone that want to join need to be approved by the person in fleetcommander position or the fleetboss. Squadcommanders and wingcommanders can't approve the fleetfinder joinrequests even if the fleetboss is below them in the fleet hierarchy.
    • Hide information - This will hide the current location of the fleetboss, the amount of fleetmembers and whether you need approval to join the fleet.
  • 5 Restrict to standings - Here you can set the standings people at least need to have to you or your corporation to be able to join the fleet. This also needs to be checked for option 3 - based on standings to work
  • 6 Restrict to security status - This restricts people with a security status of below the set one to join your fleet. Set if for example to 0 to keep obvious pirates away from your fleet.

Posting an Open Fleet Invite

Putting a link to an auto-invite fleet is a two-step process, after the Fleet Finder was introduced with Dominion

Start out by forming a fleet with yourself - click the fleet icon in the left-side menu and create a fleet.

Then go to the "Fleet Finder" tab and the "My Advert" sub tab. Be sure to set the fleet to "Alliance only" and give it a nice description:


After the fleet is prepped and submitted, it is now visible to others in the alliance.

Switch to the "Find Fleets" sub tab and you should see available fleets, including your own. Now simply drag your character picture to a chat window:


Posting a WSOP Compliant Fleet Advert

Fleet adverts during times when the WSOP is active require a few additional settings to protect the Uni and members of the fleet. The following image shows how the fleet advert settings should look.


Key Parts

Name: For the paranoid - change this from your character name to prevent a War Target from using a locator agent to close in on your fleet.

Description: Do not put your fleet/mission location in the description.

Open Fleet to: This should be set to "My Corporation" ONLY.

Application Requires Approval: Check this if you don't want other unistas to be able to automatically join your fleet. (Keeps out Spais.)

Hide Details in Advert: ALWAYS CHECK THIS BOX this will prevent the fleet finder from broadcasting your fleet's location to everyone.