Archive:The Explorers Shadow 001

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EVE University Headquarters

A New Home

Book: Book ONE: So You Want to be an Explorer?
Chapter: Chapter One
Previous Quest: none
Next Quest: <Next Quest with Name>
Your Target: Travel to Slays VII - Moon 3 - Center for Advanced Studies School and make a nice photo of yourself, in front of the EVE University Headquarters and the moon.
Reward: none
Your Mission
Incoming Transmission

You hear crakling static on the communication channels. It seems like the agent uses pretty deprecated hardware.

"Test ... one, two, three...", the agent's voice is fainting within the white noise.

You are tempted to turn up the volume, when suddenly three loud bangs sound through your capsue, like small explosions. The agent has tapped the microphone, that's your best guess. But it seems to have an effect, since the static decreases significantly in volume.

"Oh yes, that's better.", the agent mumbles.

Then he raises his voice. "Hello, sorry about that. That old scrap metal transmitter does that from time to time. Well, here you are and here I am... let me introduce myself first, my name is Abraham Grunt, I am an EVE University agent and I will happily assist you in your first ventures into deep space."

What kind of name is this? Did his parents hate him that much?, you think. You don't have the time to find an answer, since Abraham Grunt continues in a snarling voice.

"I will do my best to train you enough so you will return from your trips. But I am not sure about that, hehe.", he giggles. "You know, you're not the first one who tries to embark in the footsteps of our Great Explorer, Horace Bellybutton. Most of you students go out with a bang like a supernova long before you are even qualified to think of it."

He sighs.

"But there's the deal.", he continues. "Travel to the EVE University Headquarters, which are currently located at the Center for Advanced Studies School at Slays VIII. When you are there, make a nice photo of yourself in front of the station. Make sure you fly your nicest bling and try to look good. And make sure the station and the moon are visible on the photo! Do your best, so I can use it in my Gallery of Failed Explorers(tm) after your death."

The agent chuckles. "Okay, here you go. I will contact you again after I received the image and know you are ready."

The transmission ends.

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Sol arisa keʹaide (talk) 11:24, 18 September 2015 (CDT)