Archive:Ivy League Navy

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About the ILN

The Ivy League Navy (ILN) is a coalition of members in Eve University who agree to stay in the Uni for a minimum of three months to protect it from aggressive forces. While it is not a formally organized group, the ILN is lead by Admiral Silentbrick, Vice Admirals Ubercado and Kyrlin DiShai and the rest of the ILN Officers.

During war, Eve University switches to the control of the ILN Officers. Wartime rules and procedures are more strict then those during peace. With the exception of the ILN Officers on the Board of Directors, ILN Officers do not have direct control over students, but requests from ILN Officers during war should be treated the same as a director. ILN Officers of rank Captain and above, along with Intel agents, may initiate lockdowns.

The ILN's goal is to defend the Uni and to assist pilots interested in PvP. The ILN has no formal or required training programs, nor does it have regularly scheduled operations. Upon joining the ILN, Uni members gain access to a new forum in which a list of recommended assignments are posted, to help new members select a direction to train in.

During war, while the ILN Officers often lead fleets, any member of the Uni may create and take out a fleet. A fleet must contain at least two Uni members, and the only requirement to leading a fleet is upon its completion, the Fleet Commander must post an After Action Report in the appropriate forum.


The Purpose of the Ivy League Navy is two fold. First, it is to protect and defend the Ivy League Alliance against any and all attackers. Second it is to help PVP oriented students develop training plans and skills that will assist them in learning PVP at various levels from small gang up to larger fleet operations. It is also hoped that this will extended the dwell time of pilots in Ivy, to allow us to field a more experienced navy against our foes. The Navy will hold fundraising activities and provide a means for practice engagement as well as ILN anti-piracy operations. It is NOT a group just to get additional, constant PVP. ILN members are expected to be willing to help take leadership in regards to starting and conducting fundraising activities as well as PVP oriented activities within Ivy policy and Rules of Engagement. ILN members are held to a higher standard of behavior than regular Ivy personnel.

Chain of Command

  • The Boss – Kelduum Revaan

Titled Fleet Commanders are as follows:

  • Fleet Admiral – Silentbrick
  • Vice Admiral - Ubercado (Line), Kyrlin DiShai (Intel)
  • Rear Admiral - Smurfprime (BG Coordinator)
  • Captains – Kra Martel, Kahrll, Xavier Deeppockets, Scrapyard Bob, Qato Vollan, Corwin Inigo, Geekusoid
  • Commanders - Frax'ion, Hamilcar Gisco, Luzxz, Cerennar
  • Lieutenant Commander - Ceragor, Ezrida, Levanon, Kaein Sotorus, Larsen Knight, Thea Infinitas, Psia, Hsai Aoch, Michael Mclaren, Flay Geobukseon, Mr Mastershake, Fenr1r
  • Lieutenants – Matheus Esp, Trexdirex, Neb Daemon, Wendalon, Incy Tatus, Admiral Tomahawk, Din Chao, Kaykwok, Motriek, Sto Lo

Rank Meanings

  • Fleet Admiral - Highest ranked officer in the military, the final word on all things military/pvp for the Ivy.
  • Vice Admiral - One step down from Fleet Admiral. If the Fleet Admiral isn't on, they're the ones that will lead.
  • Rear Admiral - First step into the leadership of the military. Likely have specific tasks or areas that they handle. Training, etc.
  • Captain - Fleet Commander/Battlegroup CO, fully able to lead and command fleets, provide leadership in times of war and only Captains and above have the ability to order lockdowns (No mining, no missions, only people outside of stations are organized pvp fleets.)
  • Commander/Lieutenant Commander - Experienced fleet commander/Battlegroup XO or Battlegroup Staff Officer
  • Lieutenant/Lieutenant Jr - Beginning fleet commander/Battlegroup Squad Commander/XO and must hold the Squad Commander certification
  • Ensign - General Combat pilot (Since ranks pertain only to fleet leadership, Ensigns could fly anything up to cap ships with the right skills)

Now, anyone is allowed to try and lead gangs or fleets. However a ranked FC takes precedence and can overrule a non-ranked FC. This is subject to change without notice so refer to it if you have a question.

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