Mission fleets

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Mission Fleet

Standings Fleet

A standings fleet (sometimes called a spider fleet) is the name for a corporate mission running fleet in which each member runs whatever missions they have individually. The members of the fleet share mission rewards: loyalty points, ISK, and corporate standing increases.

To join the standings fleet, make sure to be in the "missions.e-uni" channel and read the rules in the Message of the Day.

Choose the Fleet Neocom button, go to the Fleet Finder tab, then select "get fleet" button. You will be given a search box that allows you to select certain restrictions and parameters. You want to select Corporation fleet but do not select any other more restrictive criteria. If there is an existing standings fleet it will come up with some welcome message. Select join and you will automatically be added to the fleet and a fleet chat window will be opened. We do not chat in the fleet window instead we chat in the missions.e-uni channel.

Once in the fleet, you are expected to be missioning. Free loading in this fleet will be considered corp theft. Use some common sense. You do not need to drop from fleet while salvaging. If you're going to change locations and not be missioning for 20 jumps, leave the fleet and rejoin when you reach your destination. Run your missions and when you do your turn in you will be given a window that asks if you want to share rewards with fleet members or to claim them for yourself. Choose the top option which is to share the rewards.

In the event you find no fleet available it pays to ask in the "missions.e-uni" channel if there is a spider fleet in case the person who formed the fleet did not know the proper way to list it under the fleet finder.

If there is no existing fleet, just start it up yourself. To start a standings fleet, open the Fleet window from the Neocom, go to the My Fleet tab, and press the "Form Fleet" button. Afterwards you need to list it in the Fleet Finder. Select the "Fleet Finder" tab, then the subtab "My Advert" and then "Create Advert". A window will open and you should fill it in as you want. Mentioning the fact that it's a Standings Fleet it probably a good idea, and be sure to set it to Corporation only.

See the Fleetwindow and fleetfinder article for more detailed information.