Instant align

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Instant align often referred as Insta align is a methode using Server ticks to be near to perfectly safe from getting caught in a gate camp. Combined with the Interdiction Nullifier of an interceptor it also a "safe" methode for null security space. Exceptions will be explained in the advanced part.



Do I know how insta locking works?

First, a good article about the server ticks, so you know how EVE Online is working server side. After reading that article, you know how long 1 tick takes(1 sec for the lazy people). And you want your ship, if possible, out within 2 ticks(before the third starts, because otherwise your enemy has the 3rd tick to tackle you). So as long as your ship is faster than 2 secs align time, you are mostly safe from even instant locking ships. All thanks to game mechanics. \o/ Yes, there is a "but" as you can read here. But I doubt that WTs are able to pull it off. :) And another nice graph about instalocking and how it works.

Conclusion: If your ship can align within 2 secs and your enemy has a bad internet connection(or his scan resolution is to low), you are pretty much safe from getting shot at/tackled.

Can warp core stabs help me to stay safe on my travel?

Yes! And No! Probably... depends. Maybe. How do stabs save you from WT's? They negate the effect of one point per stab. And while you can still warp if you get scramed with 2 stabs in your fit, it will still disable your MWD. So if you see that your ship can't get the 2 seconds align time, you can maybe use enough stabs to get out. Or not. Even if you can get 8 warpcore stabs(this will keep you from aligning in less than 2 seconds), a single ship can still lock you down. They are called HICs. Those little buggers can use a point that ignores all your stabs and keeps you from warping. But it won't shut down your MWD, so you could still try to crash the gate and jump away from the HIC.

Conclusion: While you can try and travel in a ship that is slower than 2 secs align by using warp core stabs, they can just bring enough points/scrams or a HIC to keep you from warping.

But no rule without exception: When can you ignore the <2 sec align time and stacking warp core stabs? Here is the short list:

  • Cloaky ships
    • Cov Ops cloak
    • If you feel comfortable to use the cloak+MWD trick, do so, but they can still catch you with fast ships (As the align takes 10 seconds, which is long enough for a fast ship to decloak you and since the MWD is causing a signature bloom, insta lock you)
  • Close to a campus that is able to form a QRF in a reasonable time and enough buffer to last untill help arrives. (Not a very good idea)