User:Kintoki kuroda

From EVE University Wiki
Revision as of 10:57, 30 December 2016 by Laura Karpinski (talk | contribs) (Not a current WIP)
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To all of you who don't know me: I'm pretty much a cheerful, laid-back guy that loves to fleet up and/or just talk about stuff. You can convo me anytime you need something, though i can sometimes not respond, especially when I'm in a fleet. I've been playing games for a long time and I have a very wide taste. I'm also interested in Japan, TV shows, Movies, Comics, Music and many more, go figure.

To those who know me: I'm back people! Fun times are back. :P


Learning: I'm still pretty inexperienced when it comes to many aspects of Eve. And I'm either attending classes/lectures, reading up on the wiki, chatting in the chat, or fly around in fleets.

Contributing: I'm trying to help anyone who comes out with a problem, or a question. I also love contributing to Uni hosted Events.

My history with EVE

I've had a very complicated on and off relationship with Eve, that started in 2005. Since then, I've grown through stages:

  • Ships in spaaaaaaace!
  • What the hell? how am I supposed to do anything here?
  • Ships in spaaaaace again!
  • Wow, this is hard.
  • Hmmmm... i like this learning curve.
  • Wait... what?
  • Crap, can't pay... let's mine for plex.
  • Holy... this is so boring.
  • Uninstall
  • Ships in spaaaaace... once more!
  • Huh... why am i still mining?
  • kaboom
  • that's why i'm mining again, huh?
  • uninstall
  • ships in space, huh?
  • pew pew
  • charts in space.
  • charts are awesome.
  • fleets are awesome.
  • logistics are awesome!
  • real life kicks me in the nuts.
  • I'm back... i have to relearn everything.