EVE University Class Library

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Welcome the the Eve University Class Library. All of the classes in the archive were originally put forth by instructors, and the actual recordings were made by volunteers. Without those volunteers the Class Library would not be possible. Volunteers are people like you! Next time you're in a class, consider recording it for the library, and give something back to the community!

How to Update the Class Library

If you've made a recording, you can host it on Eve Files or any other free hosting service, then please edit this wiki article. You can edit or process the file if you like, but it isn't neccessary.

Where To Start

New to Eve University? Please listen to the recordings in the About Eve University section, starting with the Introduction to Eve University class.

New Arrivals

About Eve University

Introduction to Eve University

Instructor: Turhan Bey
Recorded: 15 May 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 159:53, 18.7 MB
Download: Eve University Server

What the University can do for you, what you can do for the University. How to get involved. Forum familiarity. What to expect as a student.

University Management Q&A
Instructor: University Directorship
Recorded: 3 May 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 128:15, 15.0 MB
Download: Eve University Server

This is a recording of a Q&A session with the University Directorship in May of 2009. The recording explains new management policies, introduces some new directors, and covers some of the history of the university. See Also: Eve University - Past, Present, and Future. (This recording has gaps due to Teamspeak technical limitations)

Eve University - Past, Present, and Future

Instructor: Morning Maniac
Recorded: 14 March 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 132:15, 30.2 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Origins of Eve University. The reason for the uni's neutral stance. Uni relationships with other corporations. Origins and Fate of The Big Blue. History of Fleet Operations. Philosophy of the University.

Races, Ships, Fitting, and Modules

Caldari Spacecraft 101

Instructor: Finraer
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 54:03, 9.28 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Introduction to the Caldari race and the use of their spacecraft. General strengths and weaknesses of the Caldari. General Missile information. Covers Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battlecruisers, Battleships. Some Tech 2 information.

Minmatar Spacecraft 101

Instructor: Keirin
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 43:39, 7.5 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Introduction to the Minmatar race and the use of their spacecraft. General strengths and weaknesses of the Minmatar. Covers Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battlecruisers, Battleships. Some Tech 2 information.

Amarr Spacecraft 101

Instructor: Beastie Boy
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 83:28, 4.78 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Introduction to the Amarr race and philosophy. Use of Amarr spacecraft. General strengths and weaknesses of the Amarr. Recommended fittings. Covers Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battlecruisers, Battleships. Also, Tech 2 information.

Gallente Spacecraft 101

Instructor: Svenjabi
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 48:24, 8.32 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Introduction to the Gallente race and the use of their spacecraft. General strengths and weaknesses of the Gallente. Blaster and Drone basics. Recommended fittings. Covers Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battlecruisers, Battleships. Tech 2 information.

Gallente PvE Ships and Fittings

Instructor: Chks
Recorded: 29 January 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 82:04, 9.40 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Discussion of Gallente ships and their PvE roles. Mission running strategies with Gallente ships. Preparation and Fittings, Gallente tanks.

Gallente 101

Instructor: Sugarfr33
Recorded: 5 October 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 74:21, 17.0 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Note: The audio quality of this recording is below average.

Introduction to Gallente and Gallente weapons, spacecraft, and strategies. See Also: Gallente Spacecraft 101.

Passive Tanking 101

Instructor: Kelduum Revaan
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 62:28, 7.15MB
Download: Eve University Server

Introduction to Passive Tanking. Various ships and fittings discussed.

Intro to Eve Fitting Tool

Instructor: Azmodeus Valar
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Video, wmv, 10:31, 15.7 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Note: You must right-click and save the file, it will not stream

Eve Fitting Tool is demonstrated.

Intro to Quickfit

Instructor: Kelli Degroot
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Video, wmv, 22:33, 13.6 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Note: You must right-click and save the file, it will not stream

The Quickfit tool is demonstrated.

Combat and Logistics Drones

Instructor: Coloumbia
Recorded: 11 January 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 29:55, 3.43 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Advantages and Disadvantages of each drone size. Bandwidth explained. Drones vs ships. Drone Upgrades. Use in combat. Logistic drone use. Tech 2 drone variants.

Shield Tanking

Instructor: DeSaros Umekawa
Recorded: 23 January 2009
File Information: Audio, 32:01, 3.67MB 16kb/s at 22KHz
Download: Eve University Server

Constructing and implementing shield tanks.

Armor Tanking

Instructor: Chks
Recorded: 21 January 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 61:01, 6.99 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Armor tanking Strategies, analysis, optimizing resistances, recommended skills, Tech 2 tanks. Examination of buffer and armour tank setups.

Gunnery 100

Instructor: Dinsdale Pirannha
Recorded: 21 February 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 85:25, 10.0 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The basics of Gunnery. Hybrids, Lasers, Projectiles. Falloff, Angular Velocity, Gun Traversal Speed, Gun Signature, Ship Signature Radius. Related Skills. Eve Fitting Tool is discussed.

Social Sciences, Politics, History, and the Metagame

Individuality and Freedom in EVE
Instructor: Jade Constantine
Recorded: 25 March 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 129:15, 14.7 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Guest Lecture: Jade Constantine is leader of the Star Fraction Alliance. Alternatives to grinding ISK, preventing being used as a pawn by corporations, showing individual motives.

History and Politics of Eve - 2003 to 2007

Instructor: Reiisha
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 83:35, 9.57 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Origins and decline of the superalliances. Early Eve Corporations and their accomplishments. History of Alliance Civil wars. Origins of Band of Brothers. Discussion of early PVP fleet tactics.

History of the Geminate Region

Instructor: Wolf VanBerg
Recorded: 18 January 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 35:38, 4.08 MB
Download: Eve University Server

History of the Geminate Region circa 2006-2007.

Corporation Management

Instructor: Taudia
Recorded: 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 69:37, 7.96 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The basics of forming a corporation and managing it. Corporation Management Tools.

Management Philosophy

Instructor: Darius JOHNSON
Recorded: 22 March 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 103:34, 11.8 MB
Download (original version, adult language): Eve University Server
Download (cleaner edit): Eve University Server

Guest lecture: Darius JOHNSON is the CEO of Goonfleet. Managing large groups of players. Goonswarm and Goonfleet philosophy. Politics in EVE. General Q&A with a wide assortment of topics. (This recording breaks up occasionally due to the large number of people who attended the course on teamspeak.)

The Necessity of Espionage

Instructor: The Mittani
Recorded: 23 March 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 112:16, 12.8 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The Mittani is the spymaster for Goonswarm. Espionage and metagaming, effective use of espionage. Cited examples. This recording breaks up occasionally due to the large number of people who attended the course on teamspeak.

Counterintelligence and Social Engineering

Instructor: Vio Geraci
Recorded: 6 June 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 102:46, 12.1 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Guest lecture: Vio Geraci is a Counterintelligence officer with Goonswarm. Espionage/Counterespionage, Spying, Social Engineering, The Metagame. Cited examples.

The Dark Side of Eve

Instructor: Disco Uncertainty
Recorded: 12 November 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 87:04, 14.2 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Guest Lecture. CONCORD mechanics, Suicide Ganking, Corporate Theft, Piracy.

Running Multiple Accounts

Instructor: Hal Sonofzal
Recorded: 10 June 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 31:23, 3.6 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Accounts and account management. Dual, triple, quadboxing. Trial accounts. Possible advantages to Alternate accounts. Research Agents. PLEX and paying for accounts.

The Dominion Expansion

Instructor: Erestas Drake
Recorded: 30 November 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 52:14, 16.16 MB
Download: Eve University Server

How Apocrypha differs from Dominion.

Trade, Industry, and Mining

Introduction to Production

Instructor: Finraer
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 58:01, 9.96 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Blueprints and research. Suggested Skills. Personal Production vs Public Production, Researching with Player-owned Stations.

Alt Hauling 101

Instructor: Jericho Alar
Recorded: 10 April 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 15:26, 2.66 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Quickly setting up an alternate character to be used for Hauling.

Production, Research, and Invention 101

Instructor: Selucia Dreamslayer
Recorded: 7 June 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 84:34, 9.68 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The basics of Production, Research, and Invention. Blueprints, manufacturing, related skills.

Trading 101

Instructor: Romick Kracken
Recorded: 7 October 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 52:02, 6.09 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Also Available: Sun Win's 2007 version Eve University Server
Also Available: Eldiora's 2008 version Eve University Server

The basics of trading. Emphasis on interregional trade and getting started. Buy and Sell orders. Creating a Trade Alt. Buying Low, selling high. Trade via hauling. Details of the Market system, Market analysis. Recommended Skills.

Trading Redux

Instructor: Dr Deus
Recorded: 03 December 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 67:42, 7.75 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Introduction to trading. Emphasis on station trading, trading in Jita, Maximizing profit.

Trade and Hauling

Instructor: Oshi Daro
Recorded: 11 August 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 123:30, 14.2 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Supplementary Material: Images, 5.53 MB Eve University Server

The basics of safe hauling, appropriate fittings. The Market System. Different types of trading. Common mistakes. Market Research.

Introduction to Industry

Instructor: Karox
Recorded: 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 124:33, 14.2 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The basics of Industrialism and Research.

Research and Production 101

Instructor: Draco Carollis
Recorded: 2 October 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 69:48, 7.99 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The mechanics of research, production, and manufacturing. Related skills.

PvP, Fleet Operations, Fleet Command, and Strategy

War 101

Instructor: Angelica Tharax
Recorded: 5 March 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 129:15, 7.91 MB
Download: Eve University Server

How war declarations are issued. Where to find them. What to do when the Uni prepares for war. How to contribute in PvP. Using the Killboard. Eve Uni Reimbursement policies.

Factional Warfare 101

Instructor: Garr Anders
Recorded: 26 March 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 55:04, 5.3 MB
Download: Eve University Server

What is factional warfare? Why should I consider joining? Available rewards and consequences. Requirements to join. Things to consider before joining. Joining and quitting Factional Warfare.

Factional Warfare 102

Instructor: Garr Anders
Recorded: 26 March 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 48:06, 5.8 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Militia chat, Battlefield Intelligence Page, Star Map usage. Occupancy and Plexing. FW Missions. Pirates and pirating in FW.

PvP Tactics 1, 2, and 3

Instructor: Elirath
Recorded: 27, 28 March 2008

PvP Tactics 1
File Information: Audio, mp3, 20:40, 4.74MB
Download: Eve University Server

PvP Tactics 2
File Information: Audio, mp3, 112:01, 6.41MB
Download: Eve University Server

PvP Tactics 3
File Information: Audio, mp3, 175:45, 10.0MB
Download: Eve University Server

The Details of PVP. Strategies, Tactics, Fittings. Wide assortment of PVP Combat topics discussed.

PVP Fittings and Strategy

Instructor: Troubadour
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 167:44, 9.61 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Fleet-based PVP. Roles of each fleet member. Wide assortment of PVP Combat topics discussed.

Small Ship PvP

Instructor: TeaDaze
Recorded: 15 November 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 120:08, 13.8 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Teadaze is an instructor for Agony Unleashed's PvP courses, and is an alliance tournament commentator. Fitting, Overheating, Transversal/Tracking.

University Fleet Ravens

Instructor: Silentbrick
Recorded: 16 August 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 30:32, 7.13 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Fitting and using Eve's most popular battleship in Uni fleet operations and pvp. Torpedo Raven and Cruise Ravens discussed.

Basic Scanner and Staying Alive

Instructor: Victor Menendez
Recorded: 2 November 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 102:26, 11.8 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Using the scanner to detect potential threats.

Intro to Squad Commander

Instructor: Silentbrick
Recorded: 1 May 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 90:58, 10.6 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Forming fleets, responsibility of Squad Commander, composition of squads.

Remote Armor Repair

Instructor: Victor Menendez
Recorded: 24 October 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 54:29, 6.38 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Fittings and strategies for Remote Armor Repair.

Remote Shield Repair

Instructor: Victor Menendez
Recorded: 24 October 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 53:41, 6.29 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Fittings and strategies for Remote Shield Repair.

Staying Alive in Hostile Territory

Instructor: Victor Menendez
Recorded: 24 October 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 79:54, 9.28 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Tips for surviving when surrounded by enemies.

Fleet Command

Instructor: Kody Apollo
Recorded: 19 December 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 80:36, 9.23MB
Download: Eve University Server

Intermediate level Fleet Command. How Fleet Command works in Eve University.

Fleet Operations Laboratory 101

Instructor: Dlardrageth
Recorded: 13 October 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 72:17, 8.28 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Beginning to Intermediate Fleet Operations lecture with audience participation.

Fleet Operations Laboratory 102

Instructor: Dlardrageth
Recorded: 13 October 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 88:13, 10.1 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Intermediate to Advanced Fleet Operations lectiure with audience participation. See also: Fleet Operations Laboratory 101.

Introduction to Electronic Warfare

Instructor: Dierdra Vaal
Recorded: 23 Oct 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 104:59, 12.1 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Also Available: 2008 Version Eve University Server

The Basics of Electronic Warfare. Modules and fittings.

10 Minute Overview

Instructor: Chks
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 9:50, 4.51 MB
Download: Eve University Server

A follow-along guide to configuring your Overview. Configure as you listen.

Lowsec and 0.0 Q&A

Instructor: Aayllaa
Recorded: 20 April 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 78:02, 8.94 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Impromptu question and answer session regarding lowsec and 0.0 life.

Nullsec Life

Instructor: Fluff
Recorded: 14 December 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 72:26, 8.29 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Guest-lecturer Fluff, CEO of Shiva explains the perils and promise of living in 0.0 space.

Living in Nullsec

Instructor: Erestas Drake
Recorded: 21 November 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 128:19, 14.8 MB
Download: Eve University Server

General Information, determining when you are ready, finding a corp, what to bring, how to make ISK.

Piracy Avoidance

Instructor: Devilish Ledoux
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 41:50, 9.58 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Strategies and tactics for avoiding or preparing for pirate attack.

4 PvP Tips

Instructor: Shinma Apollo
Recorded: May 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 39:52, 5.0 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Four simple PvP tricks for use in fleet warfare.

Maximizing DPS

Instructor: Unknown
Recorded: 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 77:27, 13.3 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Getting the most bang for your buck.

Impromptu Scouting 101

Instructor: Phinneas Gage
Recorded: 20 April 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 113:17, 12.9 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Role of a Scout in fleet warfare. Cloaking device operation. Covert Ops ships.

Emergency PvP

Instructor: Dierdra Vaal, and ended by Wolf Vanberg
Recorded: 21 February 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 121:04, 13.8 MB
Download: Eve University Server

This class is a recording of an Emergency PvP Training op.

ECM Jamming 101

Instructor: Drillock
Recorded: 9 June 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 115:44, 13.5 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Also Available: 5 Mar 2009 Version Eve University Server

This course covers all aspects of ECM, the Caldari Electronic Warfare method of choice. It covers ship fittings, modules, skills, and tactics for the six primary Caldari ECM-based ships in Eve (the Widow, due to it's non-ECM primary role, is not covered in this course).

PvE, Missions, and Exploration

Missions 101

Instructor: Beastie Boy
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 24:22, 4.51 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Missions and agents. Selecting the correct Ammo. How to prepare for Missions.


Instructor: Bion Beefhammer
Recorded: 15 June 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 70:35, 12.1 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The basics of high level mission running. Differences between hi-sec and lo-sec missions. Advice on agent selection and mission corporation. Coverage of mission-related skills.

All About Wormholes

Instructor: Varius Arcturus
Recorded 5 October 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 87:04, 9.96MB
Download: Eve University Server

Locating wormholes, transiting wormholes, and things that you can do inside wormhole space.

Apocrypha Exploration

Instructor: Dierdra Vaal
Recorded: 24 March 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 48:24, 5.54 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Also Available: 10 April 2008 Version Eve University Server
Supplementary Material: Images, 1.25MB Eve University Server

Scanning, probing and exploration after the Apocrypha Expansion. This course replaces Introduction to Exploration.

Scanner Operation

Instructor: Amiable Rashala
Recorded: 2007
File Information: Video, wmv, 6:53, 53.5 MB
Download: Eve University Server
Note: You must right-click and save the file, it will not stream.

Functions of the Directional Scanner, demonstrated.

Scanner and Starmap Operation

Instructor: Dierdra Vaal
Recorded: 25 January 2008
File Information: Audio, mp3, 100:25, 22.9 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Operation of the onboard Directional Scanner and Starmap.

Directional Scanner and Starmap

Instructor: SugarFr33
Recorded: 21 September 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 64:28, 14.9 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Directional Scanner and Starmap functions. Using the scanner to locate people. Interpreting starmap data.

NPC and Faction Standings

Instructor: Balthisar Calderon
Recorded: 11 March 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 70:26, 8.07 MB
Download: Eve University Server

What standings are used for. Types of standings. How to look up your standings. How to set standings towards others. Faction standings interactions. How to increase agent/corp standings. How to increase faction standings.

Missions, Agents, and Standings

Instructor: Mattch
Recorded: 2 May 2009
File Information: Audio, mp3, 27:04, 3.1 MB
Download: Eve University Server

Missioning, how Standings work, Security Status, how Agents work.


Eve Online Trinity Trailer Music

Creator: CCP Games
Recorded: 28 Nov 2007
File Information: Audio, mp3, 2:19, 3.21 MB
Download: Eve University Server

The custom music from the Eve Online Trinity trailer. Video available on The Eve Online site.