Web Resources for Industry and Trade

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This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: The resources on this page should ideally be merged into the appropriate articles.

Out-of-game Tools

  1. Eve-meep Online Manufacturing Cost and Profit calculator.
  2. Fuzzwork BPO Calculator Another BPO tool that can calculate perfect ME and research times that has an attractive interface and faster server.
  3. Chruker's EVE Online section A website with important data and formulas.

Planetary Interaction Resources

EVE planets A website dedicated to planetary interaction.

http://fazenda.w-space.org Interactive chart showing how PI production chains.

https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/pi/ Fuzzwork Planetary Interaction margin calculator.

http://alysii.com/eve/pi/ Another interactive production chain.

http://util.eveuniversity.org/PiBear/ Some useful tools created by our own Turhan Bey, including a locator for planets of a certain type.

http://www.eve-icsc.com/jumptools/jumpplanner.php Calculates Light Year distances to see what systems will be in range based on your Remote Sensing skill level

http://www.hst-soft.de/korai/Eve_PI_Diagrams_v1_4.pdf PI manufacturing chart

http://www.evegadgets.com/ PI planning tool that lets you test your colony set-up to determine what you can achieve at your current skill levels.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArlHEr5t26lndDN3QVhBODJ3YnF5MWVMcUQ0bHdxQXc&hl=en#gid=14 link Planet Interaction Spreadsheet



A blog about industry in nullsec and wormholes.