Remote assistance
Remote assistance modules are modules that benefit someone else, as opposed to local modules that only affects your ship. They tend to be stronger than their local counterpoints (but not always) and allows support ships to give other ships bonuses, augmenting their performance, or simply repair them with remote logistics modules.
There are also Command Bursts and Phenomena Generators that affect whole fleets, that are very similar to remote assistance modules, but function slightly different as they are not directly targeted.
Remote assistance
There are several modules that doesn't give you any bonuses, but instead is activated on a friendly ship to give them a boost. Below is a list of common assistance modules.
Remote assistance module | Description |
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Repairs hull hit points of the targeted ship. |
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Repairs armour hit points of the targeted ship. |
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Repairs shield hit points of the targeted ship. |
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Transfers capacitor energy to the targeted ship. |
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Increases the tracking speed and range of the targeted ship's turrets. |
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Increases the scan resolution and locking range of the targeted ship. |
Absent from that list are Command Burst and Phenomena Generator modules. They too are very similar to remote assistance modules but they function slightly different and are not directly targeted, thus will not have the same kind of interaction with legality and timers.
Remote assistance and combat timers
Whenever you remotely assist someone, you will automatically inherit all the combat timers of the one you're assisting. The time left will be whatever the recipient of your assistance has left, so if someone has 22 seconds left of their weapon timer when you assist them, your inherited weapon timer will also have 22 seconds left, assuming you don't have a weapon timer of your own with more than 22 seconds left on it.
Apart from inheriting timers, naturally legality puts itself on top of that, regulating what actions cause you to get a suspect or criminal timer.
Remote assistance and legality
As remote assistance can turn the tide of battle, certain actions are legal and some are not. In general, interfering in a fight between two parties, aiding a suspect or an outlaw is usually a suspect offence and assisting criminals is a criminal offence.
While at war
During peace
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If you manage to get matching Limited Engagement Timers with the friend you're going to assist, you will not be forced to go suspect to assist your friend. For example, you and your friend find a suspect that you engage. As long as you aggress the same people as your friend, you'll have matching ![]() This is obviously harder and harder to do the more people you engage, but if you have time, this can easily allow you to engage and assist people playing suspect games in high or low security space without turning suspect yourself. |