Corporation diplomacy

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Corporations generally build up relationships with other corporations, whether good or bad. A corporation will generally have one or more Diplomats whose job is to deal eith third parties on behalf of the corporation and to come to diplomatic agreements.

Christmas Eagle Logo.png See Diplomacy Department for information on our Diplomats and non-aggression pacts with EVE University


Generally diplomatic agreements involve corporations (or alliances) setting "standings" towards one another. Standings are a way of indicating to your corporation members how a third party is viewed by the corporation. The standings will show up in the overview of members of the corporation as follows:

Icon Status Standing
ColorTag-PlusDarkBlue9.gif Excellent +10
ColorTag-PlusLightBlue9.gif Good +5
ColorTag-Neutral.gif Neutral 0
ColorTag-MinusOrange9.gif Bad -5
ColorTag-MinusRed9.gif Terrible -10

In terms of rules of engagement, most corporations fall into one of two categories:

NRDS - Not red, don't shoot: This means that members can only aggress other players who have 'red' standing (i.e. -5 or -10).
NBSI - Not blue, shoot it: This means that members can aggress any other players aside from those who has 'blue' standing (i.e. +5 or +10).

Christmas Eagle Logo.png For EVE University's rules of engagement see EVE University Rules


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