Fumiku Viljanen

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Fumiku Viljanen is a level 2 agent in Caldari COSMOS located in Otomainen - Foul Creek Ranch.

Deadly Diploma

Mission briefing
I'm working toward my doctorate in Archaeology from the Science and Trade Institute. I'm already done with my thesis, but before my advisory committee allows me to submit it, they're demanding I get some more field experience. So they've sent me out here to collect some artifacts from the fabled dig sites here in Okkelen.

I've been out here for some time trying to get into these areas, but to no avail. I'm simply outclassed. The main dig site is over in Otitoh, but the excavation there is heavily infested with rogue drones, so it's very hard getting anything from there. I've heard rumors that something of interest might be found here in Otomainen, but I haven't found anything substantial yet. But I have one good lead. I understand that the artifacts the infamous Kazka bandits have pillaged or looted throughout the constellation are stored in their headquarters over in Sakkikainen.

If you're willing to help, assuming you have some basic knowledge of archaeological practices, I think that Sakkikainen is the best bet for finding something of interest that is not too dangerous to collect. My committee is mainly interested in old manuscripts, so if you could find something of that nature, I would be willing to pay you good money for it.

Provide 4 x Talocan Sketch Books (4.0 m3) to agent.