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Guristas epic arc - Smash and Grab
Chapter 1 - For Fun and Profit
Previous mission: Upward Momentum
Next mission: Fuel Gauge

Type Encounter
Objective Hack the Venal Regional Comms Tower structure
Faction Caldari State
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship size limit Limited to T1 destroyers and T1/T2 frigates
Rewards 6,000,000 + timie bonus
Extra Requires hacking (data)
Mission briefing
I was hoping you'd contact me. You've made quite the impression among the Guristas ranks, so I had to jump at the chance of working with the hot, new capsuleer.

We've been picking up increased Navy activity in the region. It's really gutsy of them to come this far into Venal. This is our turf, after all. Before we can draw them into an ambush or respond in any meaningful (and hopefully humiliating) way, we need to know more about their activities. Luckily, Kori's provided me with some rather juicy information on a communications station that the Navy has erected. I need you to take it out.

According to our intel, the State uses the Venal Regional Comms tower to feed their forces information about our movements within this region. I don't know: This is pretty dirty, even by Caldari standards. We can change this situation, though. If you hack the tower, it'll redirect the signal to follow the Navy's movements instead of ours.

Take this Data Analyzer and hack the tower. You'll have to hang around the tower for a bit once you've successfully hacked the signal. Something may turn up, possibly some more trouble. Roll with the punches on this one, and think on your feet. I assume you know what you're doing. After all, we capsuleers are invincible warriors, right?

This mission can be completed remotely. The mission requires Hacking skill and a data analyzer module (provided by agent).

Bliz: Hack the container, grab the item and warp out before any of the defenders even get close.

Room 1

You will land 12 km from the Venal Regional Comms Tower that you need to hack. Initial defenders are scattered 30-50 km from the hackable container so you will have time to hack it before any of them gets close to you. Remember to take the item from inside the hacked tower.

No ships need to be destroyed to complete the mission.

Initial defenders

Frigate 10 x Frigate Caldari Navy Patrol FrigateP
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Caldari Navy Special Operations Patrol
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer

Reinforcements arrive after succesful hacking.


Frigate 2 x Frigate Caldari Navy Patrol FrigateP
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer

You can remotely complete this mission and remotely accept the next while still in space.