Slave Breeding Plants

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Escalation Text: Among the intelligence you get from the ruins of this outpost is a schedule for slave transports, listing several times and locations where they are supposed to be. Most of the information is outdated, but your instruments run through the list and find a reachable location.

First Escalation:

Warp in before acceleration gate (Newly Constructed Acceleration gate)

Warp in

Initial defenders

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Centii Butcher/Manslayer/Plague
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Centior Abomination/Devourer
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate True Sansha escalation trigger Faction modules

If no commander spawns, warping to the second room can trigger the next escalation.

Escalation message
Nothing but an old deserted bunker, owned by True Power and probably used as a slave holding place. After a short search, you find a short list of co-ordinates leading to similar facilities nearby.

Second Room


Structure 1 x Sansha Bunker
Asteroid 51 x Veldspar

Second escalation:

Warp in before acceleration gate (Newly Constructed Acceleration gate)

Warp in

Initial defenders

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Centii Enslaver/Manslayer/Plague
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Centior Abomination/Devourer
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate True Sansha's Enslaver escalation trigger Faction modules
Escalation message
Again a True Power slave hold and this time it was inhabited. You have a second look at the list of locations you found and pick out the nearest one.

Second Room

Initial defenders

Frigate 4 x Frigate Centii Savage/Slavehunter

Third Escalation

  • 4 frigates
  • 6 destroyers
  • 0-1? faction frigate (escalation trigger)
Escalation message
Again a slave hold run by the Sansha True Power corporation, much like the last one and now nothing but a smoldering ruin. On the navigation panel, you punch in all of the remaining locations from the list you found and a new flight plan pops up.

Fourth Escalation (low sec)

Acceleration gate:

Assorted frigates Cruisers (~ 8 -10= gate 60 km away)

Second pocket: ~ 12 frigs / cruisers +0-1? faction frigate (escalation end)