User:Biwako Acami/2020 WHC Skilling Club

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WHC Skilling Club is an event at the Wormhole Campus that will run along with the Skilling Spree Event in EVE Online. WHC Skilling Club runs from 13th March 2020 until 14th April 2020.


Leg 1

Timeline: 13th March After DT to 23rd March Before DT

Most Kills during Skilling Spree - 50m

  • Winner: Pink Kondur
Leaderboard - Player (Awarded for Wins)
Player Wins Losses Matches Win Percentage
Pink Kondur 26 11 37 70.27
Brock Carlisle 18 6 24 75.0
SpaceBus Junior 11 8 19 57.89
John Echeriedes 9 10 19 47.37
Talenelat Stonesinew 7 4 11 63.64
Alecks Kautsuo 6 5 11 54.55
Larkvi 6 9 15 40.0
Danny Algaert 5 1 6 83.33
Mira Pinkdottir 5 3 8 62.5
Erywin Chelien 5 5 10 50.0
Tori Moliko 5 7 12 41.67
Professor Academiac 4 2 6 66.67
Ichii Nee 4 3 7 57.14
Sophia Ligeti 4 12 16 25.0
Lucius Septimus Severus 3 1 4 75.0
Biwako Acami 3 3 6 50.0
Mike Kingswell 2 2 4 50.0
Mae Jemison 2 9 11 18.18
Finzel 2 14 16 12.5
Reid Deleuze 1 1 2 50.0
Gideon Mastracci 1 2 3 33.33
Rusting 1 2 3 33.33
Conci Furiram 1 0 1 100.0
Arndal Chelien 0 1 1 0.0
Brookie Achasse 0 1 1 0.0
Drak N'Gol 0 1 1 0.0
Ito Fonulique 0 1 1 0.0
Khalista Hemah 0 4 4 0.0
Minako Acami 0 2 2 0.0
Waruiru 0 1 1 0.0
Leaderboard - Ships (Stats Only)
Player Ship Wins Losses Matches Win Percentage
Brock Carlisle Breacher 8 3 11 72.73
Brock Carlisle Tormentor 7 1 8 87.5
John Echeriedes Incursus 7 7 14 50.0
SpaceBus Junior Rifter 6 4 10 60.0
Pink Kondur Kestrel 5 2 7 71.43
Talenelat Stonesinew Tristan 5 1 6 83.33
Mira Pinkdottir Atron 4 1 5 80.0
Larkvi Incursus 4 2 6 66.67
Pink Kondur Incursus 3 2 5 60.0
Pink Kondur Merlin 3 1 4 75.0
Pink Kondur Imicus 3 0 3 100.0
Pink Kondur Venture 3 1 4 75.0
Brock Carlisle Executioner 3 1 4 75.0
Lucius Septimus Severus Tormentor 3 1 4 75.0
Danny Algaert Rifter 3 0 3 100.0
Tori Moliko Incursus 3 1 4 75.0
SpaceBus Junior Incursus 3 0 3 100.0
Erywin Chelien Tormentor 3 1 4 75.0
Alecks Kautsuo Incursus 2 1 3 66.67
Alecks Kautsuo Breacher 2 3 5 40.0
Alecks Kautsuo Kestrel 2 1 3 66.67
Professor Academiac Incursus 2 1 3 66.67
Pink Kondur Slasher 2 1 3 66.67
Pink Kondur Tormentor 2 0 2 100.0
Pink Kondur Atron 2 1 3 66.67
Ichii Nee Rifter 2 0 2 100.0
Ichii Nee Merlin 2 1 3 66.67
Larkvi Rifter 2 1 3 66.67
Sophia Ligeti Incursus 2 3 5 40.0
Mike Kingswell Breacher 2 1 3 66.67

Longest Surviving T1 Frigate in 1v1 - 50m

  • Winner: Brock Carlisle
Top 5 Longest Winning Streaks by Ship (Awarded)
Player Ship Matches
Brock Carlisle Breacher 6
Pink Kondur Kestrel 5
Talenelat Stonesinew Tristan 4
Mira Pinkdottir Atron 4
Brock Carlisle Tormentor 4

KingSlayer - 50m

  • Winner: Pink Kondur
Kingslayer (Awarded)
King Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Match 4 Match 5 Match 6 Kingslayer
Breacher.jpg Incursus.jpg Heron.jpg Tristan.jpg Tristan.jpg Executioner.jpg Incursus.jpg Tristan.jpg
Brock Carlisle John Echeriedes SpaceBus Junior Erywin Chelien Erywin Chelien Erywin Chelien Professor Academiac Pink Kondur

Most ISK Destroyed during Skilling Spree - 50m

  • Winner: Pink Kondur
Top 5 Destroyers - Player (Awarded)
Player ISK Destroyed
Pink Kondur 146,299,255.94
Brock Carlisle 126,014,364.19
SpaceBus Junior 75,136,392.79
John Echeriedes 68,353,385.05
Talenelat Stonesinew 51,574,744.39
Top 5 Destroyers - Ships (Stats Only)
Player Ship ISK Destroyed
Brock Carlisle Breacher 68,992,190.54
John Echeriedes Incursus 56,860,238.18
SpaceBus Junior Rifter 43,229,029.93
Brock Carlisle Tormentor 35,312,430.37
Talenelat Stonesinew Tristan 33,910,683.42

A Ridiculous Kill - 50m

  • Winner: Pink Kondur
Ridiculous Kill! (Awarded)
Red Corner Blue Corner Winner
Ships Imicus.jpg Breacher.jpg Imicus.jpg
Pilots Pink Kondur Alecks Kautsuo Pink Kondur
Ridiculousness Whc2020spree ridiculous1.png

Best Written AAR - 50m

  • Winner: SpaceBus Junior

Awarded on quality of storytelling on multiple AAR posts.

Leg 2

Timeline: 23rd March After DT to 3rd April Before DT

Most Kills during Skilling Spree - 50m

  • Winner: Danny Algaert
Leaderboard - Player (Awarded for Wins)
Player Wins Losses Matches Win Percentage
Danny Algaert 3 2 5 60
Pink Kondur 3 2 5 60
Alecks Kautsuo 2 1 3 66.67
Brock Carlisle 2 1 3 66.67
Sophia Ligeti 2 2 4 50
Larkvi 1 1 2 50
Minako Acami 1 1 2 50
Rayni Ptarth 1 1 2 50
Waruiru 1 1 2 50
Mira Pinkdottir 1 2 3 33.33
Talenelat Stonesinew 1 2 3 33.33
Conci Furiram 1 0 1 100
Gaelys Aarmenvar 0 2 2 0
Reid Deleuze 0 1 1 0
Leaderboard - Ships (Stats Only)
Player Ship Wins Losses Matches Win Percentage
Pink Kondur Tormentor 3 1 4 75
Alecks Kautsuo Breacher 2 1 3 66.67
Danny Algaert Tormentor 2 1 3 66.67
Brock Carlisle Rifter 1 0 1 100
Brock Carlisle Tristan 1 0 1 100
Mira Pinkdottir Tormentor 1 2 3 33.33
Minako Acami Rifter 1 0 1 100
Talenelat Stonesinew Tormentor 1 1 2 50
Conci Furiram Tormentor 1 0 1 100
Larkvi Incursus 1 1 2 50
Sophia Ligeti Incursus 1 0 1 100
Sophia Ligeti Breacher 1 1 2 50
Danny Algaert Rifter 1 0 1 100
Waruiru Tristan 1 1 2 50

Longest Surviving T1 Frigate in 1v1 - 50m

  • Winner: Pink Kondur
Top 3 Longest Winning Streaks by Ship (Awarded)
Player Ship Matches
Pink Kondur Tormentor 3
Alecks Kautsuo Breacher 2
Danny Algaert Tormentor 2

KingSlayer - 50m

  • Winner: Conci Furiram
Kingslayer (Awarded)
King Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Kingslayer
Tormentor.jpg Breacher.jpg Breacher.jpg Breacher.jpg Tormentor.jpg
Pink Kondur Alecks Kautsuo Sophia Ligeti Gaelys Aarmenvar Conci Furiram

Most ISK Destroyed during Skilling Spree - 50m

  • Winner: Brock Carlisle
Top 5 Destroyers - Player (Awarded)
Player ISK Destroyed ISK Average
Pink Kondur 159,043,533.1 5,484,259.76
Brock Carlisle 138,345,150.07 6,917,257.5
SpaceBus Junior 75,136,392.79 6,830,581.16
John Echeriedes 68,353,385.05 7,594,820.56
Alecks Kautsuo 57,250,400.16 7,156,300.02
Top 5 Destroyers - Ships (Stats Only)
Player Ship ISK Destroyed ISK Average
Brock Carlisle Breacher 68,992,190.54 8,624,023.82
John Echeriedes Incursus 56,860,238.18 8,122,891.17
SpaceBus Junior Rifter 43,229,029.93 7,204,838.32
Brock Carlisle Tormentor 35,312,430.37 5,044,632.91
Alecks Kautsuo Breacher 34,146,029.23 8,536,507.31

A Ridiculous Kill - 50m

  • Winner: Sophia Ligeti
Ridiculous Kill! (Awarded)
Red Corner Blue Corner Winner
Ships Incursus.jpg Tristan.jpg Tristan.jpg
Pilots John Echeriedes Sophia Ligeti Sophia Ligeti
Ridiculousness Contract 5m Tristan vs 20m Incursus!

Best Written AAR - 50m

  • Winner: Pink Kondur & Rayni Ptarth

Only 2 players wrote AARs for this leg. Each player is awarded 50m.

Leg 3

Timeline: 3rd April After DT to 14th April Before DT


  • Have to be a WHC Member or Alt
  • No podding (obviously, resist the urge!)
  • Only T1 Frigate Hulls Qualify
  • You can use meta/T2 mods and faction drones/ammo are allowed. Remember pricier mods means your opponent can get ahead for most ISK destroyed.
  • Victor docks up his ship for the next fight.
  • Do not sacrifice your T1 ship. There's a prize for the one that gets the most kills without blowing up.
  • Kill padding with alt kills will not be accepted. I will accept if your alt is used to compete however.
  • Do not warp off when engaged in combat.
  • Biwako will participate but will not be eligible for rewards (obviously)
  • Biwako holds final judgement on validity of the kills and who qualifies for the reward.


  • Achievement over Event
    • Best Pilot of Skilling Spree March 2020 (decided by Biwako) - SSWR Kikimora Fit
  • Achievement per Leg
    • Best Written AAR - 50m
    • A Ridiculous Kill (intentionally vague, surprise me)- 50m
    • Most ISK Destroyed during Skilling Spree - 50m
    • Most Kills during Skilling Spree - 50m
    • KingSlayer (Breaks the longest winning streak) - 50m
    • Longest Surviving T1 Frigate in 1v1 50m
      • Counting the number of victorious fights for a type of frigate before a ship of this type is lost


  • Ask your opponent if they're using the Contract fit or if it has been modified
  • Ask your opponent if they are using T2 guns
  • Make sure you are able to bring a fit that you feel will adequately compete with the opponent.
  • If you're unable to improve your fit ask your opponent to fight you in another ship. (They won't lose credit for longest surviving T1 Frigate if they lose another type of frigate)
  • Use Skilling Spree bookmarks in Innuendo folder to setup the fight to spin a coin on range control:
    • Players warp to Pilot 1 and Pilot 2 bookmarks and look at each others ships
    • When ready both warp at either 0 or 10 to the Center bookmark
    • Do not move, activate mods, lock or put out drones
    • Get someone to help with a countdown and take your actions once countdown is up.
  • Alternatively if you think you can take down someone's high skill fit ask them to bring their best fit to the field.

Low SP Fits


See also