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My scratchpad

Fitting Your Ship

Basic fitting "do's and don't" for new players



Is basically "way to keep you ship alive under fire" my numerous ways like increasing your shield/armour resists to reduce incoming damage, increasing armour/shield points to make u take more damage before blowing up, repairing taken damage, or avoiding it by flying faster than enemy's cannons can track.

Armor tank

Depends on resistance modules, plates or repairers to keep your ship alive. Comes in two verieties, buffer and active armor tank. Buffer tank relies on increasing EHP by using modules and rigs increasing resistance and total armor HP. Used mostly in PVP (where incoming damage is much higher than active tank can repair and you want to survive long enougth so you gang will eliminate targets, or enougth time to run away) and in WH ops, when you rely on your gangmates to repair you.

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Active armor tank

Depends on using repairer and hardening modules to counter stream of incoming damage. Rarely used in PVP because PVP dmg tends to be bursty (a lot of dmg in short amount of time) so in worst case ship's armor can be melted before repper can cycle. Suitable for PVE when stream of incoming dmg is rather steady and not that big.

Buffer armor tank

Used mostly in PVP and WH, depends on increasing total EHP of ship by increasing resists and armor HP by plates

Shield tank

Modules used:

  • Shield Booster and Shield Boost Amplifier - first one repairs certain amount of shield's HP, second boosts repaired amount.
  • Shield Hardener - comes in omni (Invunerability) and dmg specific varietes, this is active module increasing shield resistances.
  • Resistance amplifier - passive version of above, doesn't have "omni" version and have lesser resists, it's very rarely used xcept when u need tank that's immune to cap drain
  • Shield Extender - increases shield's HP and ship sig radius, so it's a bit easier to hit
  • Shield Recharger - increases passive shield regeneration rate
  • Shield Power Relay - increases passive shield regen rate, at cost of decreasing cap regen

Damage Control

Damage Control - this little module increases shield and armor resist for few % and hull resist for huge amount in exchange for little amount in cap. It does not have stacking penalties with enything but u can use only one of it. What it does (xcept quite useful resist boost) is it gives u few more seconds when ure in hull to run away. Usually its a good idea to have it, as "buffer" to run away.

Active shield tank

Uses (mostly active) hardeners and shield booster + usually one or 2 shield boost amplifiers to reduce and repair incoming damage

Passive shield tank

Focuses on increasing resists and shield natural regen per second. As regen speed is same regardless of shield's HP, increasing shield HP by using shield extenders, have same effect as decreasing shield recharge time by using power relays and rechargers, both are boosting natural shield regen. GOod side of passive tank is that u just need to turn ahrdeners on, after that u dont have to activate any module, bad side is sig radius is much bigger and it uses a lot of slots, both med and low. Maximal shield recharge is around 25% of shield, below that means your tank is broken. Useful both in PVE, WH and PVP

Buffer shield tank

Passive tank without recharger modules, or some of them swapped for hardener or another shield ex. Used in PVP or WH

So what to do when u are planning fit for your new ship. First, you should specify


of your fit. What is primary and secondary purpurose of ship u wanna fly, what are things u need and what are things u would like your should would do. Trying to build ship that does everything, usually ends in ship doing everything bad.


This is quite simple, first thing u want is enougth tank to keep you alive, after that most DPS u can get. For PVE passive or active tank, because rats have steady damage over long time. Whether u want shield of armor tank depends on ship u wanna fly, more low slots work better with armor tank, more mid slots work better with shield tank, tho some ships can do both (like passive shield tanked Hurricane or Myrmidon). After fitting tank, weapons, and (most of the time) propulsion mod like afterburner. What weapons u fit depend on ship but in general, shorter range, more DPS dmg weapons like blasters and autocannons work best on fast, agile ship (if u can't get to enemy, tons of blaster DPS won't help), while long range low DPS (beam lasers, railguns, artillery) let's u have more freedom with range, but cant hit anything on short range. Pulse lasers are medium range with good tracking, so they are usually good choice.

Also in general when u're closer to NPC u tend to get more dmg, so when u can't tank and have to warp off often, switching to long range weapons can help.


For BC, you want as much tank as possible, while having at least some buffer (so u have time to warp off). Passive tank on ships like Drake, Myrmidon or Hurricane tends to work well. Even in c2 sleepers hit quite hard (more than l3 missions). You want long range weapons most of the time because cruisers tend to orbit >15km but then killing frigs can be a problem, esp. that if u dont use any ECM or RR they aggro drones, so fitting one ECM module for that can be beneficial.

For BS, u want as much resistance as possible, and healthy buffer (100k EHP is a good target), most of BS in C3 are rr (remote repair) gangs, which means when u get primairied by sleepers, other gang member will use remote armor/shield repair modules to rep u. Pref. all gang members should be same type, either armor or shield tanked. After that light/medium drones for dealing with sleeper frigates and long range guns as sleeper BS can spawn more than 75 km away.

With RR u usually dont need propulsion mod, as RR range is only about 10km max, so you will be standing still most of the time, instead mount cap recharger or another hardener. Tracking enhancers/computers on "non laser" weapons help too


Buffer tank 90% of time, sometimes for frig you will use what's called "speed tank", which means fit with speed/agility mods like nanofiber which enables u to orbit target fast so u can avoid getting hit. As for rest, depends on your role in fleet, most of the time you will want MWD instead of AB for closing distance or getting out of enemy range. Remember that 40% more tank is better than 20% more dps, coz it let's u live longer to do damage