Installing EVE on Linux
With the exponential increase in computing and constant exposure to new software, chances are you've used, or at least heard of, Linux.
There are many flavors (types) of Linux out there, most of which are completely free.
Some Flavors
- Patience File:1.pngThe Ubuntu Terminal
- A working installation of your flavor of choice
- A computer with the minimum hardware requirements to successfully run EVE
- Research your hardware; make sure that Linux drivers are available for your setup
- One way of doing this is by installing Ubuntu onto a USB drive and "test-driving" Ubuntu through it
- Research your hardware; make sure that Linux drivers are available for your setup
One may consider purchasing a new hard drive (a small 20GB one will do) so that a Linux install won't interfere with your Windows installation.
If that is not an option, one will have to Dual-Boot (installing two Operating Systems (OSs) on a single disk), choosing which one to use when the machine is powered on.
People unfamiliar with Linux are highly recommended to use Ubuntu 10.04, as in my experience it is the most user-friendly and easiest to get into.
Wine is an incredibly useful tool that emulates a Windows environment within a Linux installation.
Basically, it lets one install and run applications designed for Windows (in this case, EVE) in Linux.
For simplicity's sake, this walk-through will be done with Ubuntu.
EVEin' in mah Linux
Before we install Wine, open up your browser (if using Ubuntu, this will be Firefox) and go to this URL:
to download the Windows offline version of EVE while we configure Wine in the meantime.
Also, open up Ubuntu Software Center. This is in the top-left of your screen under Applications.
In the search box, type in "Restricted" and install Ubuntu Restricted Extras. You may need to put in your password.
Installing and configuring Wine
If this is your first task in your Linux installation, you will need to set up a root user (Linux-speak for Administrator). Open a Terminal window (Default CTRL+ALT+T in Ubuntu 10.04) and type:
sudo passwd root
Hitting [Enter], it will ask you for your current user's password, and then for the password you'd like root to have:
Note: As you're typing in the passwords, the passwords will NOT show up. This is normal.
Adding/Updating Repositories
Next, we'll need to update the repositories, which is a fancy name for the place in which Ubuntu downloads its software.
Updating these ensures that you get the most current software when you're ready to download. So first we'll add the Wine's repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
and then update all repositories:
sudo apt-get update
A lot of text will scroll up; you'll know when its done when the terminal allows you to type in commands again.
Updating current software and drivers
Now that the repositories are updated, we'll need to update this software that is currently installed on the system. This step is essential:
sudo apt-get upgrade
This step may take significantly longer than the previous. This is similar to Windows Update as it may require a restart after its complete.
Installing Wine 1.2.x
Once the update completes, we can then download Wine. The most current stable version at the time of this writing is 1.2, so you'd type:
sudo apt-get install wine1.2
and hit [Enter]. This will download and install Wine in one easy step.
Configuring Wine
When it completes, type in:
and press [Enter]. This will open up a configuration window for Wine.
Click the Graphics tab and select Emulate a virtual desktop
Also, set the desktop resolution to something smaller than your current settings. This can be readjusted later.
Installing WineTricks
Unfortunately for us, Wine doesn't come with the fonts than EVE requires in order to run properly. For this, we need to download and install WineTricks:
sudo wget
Installing critical fonts
After hitting [Enter] and waiting for the program to complete installing, type:
sh winetricks corefonts
This will install the required fonts.
Installing C++ Filez
Finally, the following will install Visual C++ files that the game will need later:
sh winetricks corefonts vcrun2005sp1
Installing EVE
If you followed this guide to the letter so far, the installer should be close to finishing now.
Once it has finished downloading, mouse to the top left of the screen and click Places. Browse over to the folder you downloaded the installer to.
Right-click the installer and click Open with Wine
This will open the all-too-familiar Installation Wizard. Accept all defaults ("Next", "I agree", "Install"). Once it completes, uncheck the "Run EVE Online" box before clicking Finish:
Modifying the Desktop Shortcut
Right-click your new desktop shortcut and click Properties. Change the Command line to:
wine explorer /desktop=EVE1,1680x1050 "C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\eve.exe"
Note!: Change the above resolution to YOUR COMPUTER'S resolution or you may run into issues later. The first number is the width; the second is height.
The Comment section can be changed or left blank:
Click Close to save the changes.
Dropkicking Audio Bugs
Go to Applications > Wine > Browse C: Drive
Browse to Program Files\CCP\EVE\res\audio and rename the Jukebox folder to anything but "Jukebox".
Leaving Windows; Moving to Linux
Fell in love with Linux? Bid adeiu to Windows and let's go through the movin' checklist!
Importing/Exporting your Overview settings
So the overview is your eyes in EVE, but it can be a time-consuming chore to set it up.
No longer.
Let's export your settings from your current installation of EVE and import them into your new EVE. It sounds easy because, oddly enough, it is.
Open up your EVE client, undock, click the little white triangle in your overview and hit Export Overview Settings.
This will open up a new window. Simply select the saved presets you'd like to export, give it a file name, and hit Export.
Remember the file path!
Depending on your Windows install, the default location will be:
- Windows XP or older:
- X:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents\EVE\Overview\FILENAME.xml
- Windows Vista or 7:
- X:\Users\USERNAME\My Documents\EVE\Overview\FILENAME.xml
Browse to this file, copy it, and save it onto your removable media of choice.
Now, on your Linux machine, go to Applications > Wine > Browse C: Drive.
Click your way to "c:\users\USERNAME\My Documents\EVE" and . . .
So let's create one by right-clicking the white-space and selecting Create Folder.
Name it Overview.
Insert and open your removable media device (should appear on the Desktop by default). Copy over your FILENAME.xml overview file to your newly created Overview folder.
- Start EVE.
- Log in.
- Undock.
- Click the small white triangle in your overview.
- Click Import Overview Settings.
- Click Import Overview Settings.
If you completed the above steps correctly, your file should appear in the Import window that opens.
- Select your file and place a checkmark beside each individual preset you'd like to keep.
- Click Import.
This could not be easier. Open up your terminal again (CTRL+ALT+T in Ubuntu 10.04) and type:
sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client
That's it.
After the command has finished doin' its thing, you can find Teamspeak in Applications > Internet > Teamspeak.
If you cannot get the Linux version to run properly, follow this link and download the Windows version.
We'll be running it through Wine!
While it's downloading, open a Terminal (CTRL+ALT+T in Ubuntu 10.04) and enter:
sudo apt-get remove teamspeak-client
to remove your broken Linux version.
Browse to the directory you downloaded Teamspeak into, and right-click Open with Wine.
Install using the default options.
Setting it up
Regardless of which method you use to get on Teamspeak, check out this guide to review how to configure TS2 for our Teamspeak server.