User:Qwer Stoneghost

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---========================= Weapons

Weapons are modular systems that project effects to targeted entities. Most weapons are offensive and do damage to their targets. A few weapons act to weaken their targets, and a few are defensive in nature. This page gives a broad overview of EVE weapons systems. For detailed information follow the links to specific weapons topics. Weapons intended for capital ships are not included.

Generic Weapon Types

Weapons usually consist of a ship module that serves as a weapons platform and ammunition that is expended as the platform fires.

There are four generic weapons module types in EVE: launchers, turrets, e-war and counter measures.

  • Launchers fire self-propelled ammunition that hones in on its target and causes damage when it arrives.
  • Turrets are revolving modules that fire their ammunition in a straight line out from the ship.
  • Electionic warfare (e-war) weapons operate by reducing the fighting capacity of the target. These weapons do not always use ammunition.
  • Electronic countermeasures are defensive weapons that act to reduce the fighting capacity of the attacking ship. These weapons do not always use ammunition.

Launchers and Turrets

The most widely used weapons in EVE fire ammunition at a target. Each kind of weapons module typically comes in small, medium, large and extra large - though the naming conventions may use other descriptive terms. You can usually expect smaller weapons modules to load faster and fire more quickly than large ones. Smaller modules tend to do less damage per hit with a rapid hit rate, while larger weapons tend to do more damage per hit with more time between hits.


Damage is determined by the kind of ammunition used. There are four generic kinds of damage: thermal, explosive, electronic and kinetic. To some extent these are related to the physical aspects of real world damage, but for the most part in game they can simply be considered as categories.

Ships use shields, armor and hull to ward off damage in the four categories. Some kinds of ammunition deal damage in only one category; others do damage in multiple categories. Matching ammunition used to the defenses of enemy ships is an important aspect of battling in EVE.


Ammunition plays a large role in weapons effectiveness. The kind of ammunition used can increase or decrease the weapon's range, damage, firing speed and reloading speed, among others.

Ammunition is designed for and fits to a single type of weapon module. Some

This table is meant to provide only a rough comparison. For detailed specifications, go to the pages for the individual weapons.

Weapon type Range Firing speed Reloading Accuracy Damage/hit Links
Launcher Missile Launchers - Missile Damage
Rocket short fast fast high low Example
Missile long medium medium medium medium Example
Torpedo medium slow slow medium large Example
Turret Turrets
Hybrid Example Example Example Example Example Example
Laser Example Example Example Example Example Example
Projectile Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example

Electronic Warfare

Electronic Countermeasures