Abyssal filaments

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Tier 1 filament: The info of the filament shows what the properties of the site it opens are. That it is a tier 1 filament can be seen by the one glowing stripe on the icon.

A filament is a kind of "key" that unlocks entry into Abyssal Deadspace. Filaments can be found in some Data Sites and also inside of some abyssal deadspace pockets. Within an abyssal deadspace pocket, there are five possible weather effects that affect both the player and NPCs. There are also seven possible difficulty levels, with increasing penalties applied in each tier. The type of weather effect is identified on the info of the filament, as is the tier/difficulty level of the filament. The level of the filament can also be identified by the number of glowing stripes on the icon. The bonus modifier of the weather is always 50% but the strength of the penalty varies by the level of the instance.

The seven levels of the abyss which dictate the strength of the penalty are outlined in this table below:

Level Name Appearance Penalty Strength
0 Tranquil AbyssalFilamentL0.png -30% or -50%, random per site
1 Calm AbyssalFilamentL1.png
2 Agitated AbyssalFilamentL2.png
3 Fierce AbyssalFilamentL3.png
4 Raging AbyssalFilamentL4.png -50% or -70%, random per site
5 Chaotic AbyssalFilamentL5.png
6 Cataclysmic AbyssalFilamentL6.png

The bonus and penalty effects found in each of the five weathers are as follows:

Weather Penalty Bonus
Electrical Icon resist em.png -30/50/70% EM Resist Icon capacitor capacity.png -50% Capacitor Recharge Time
Dark Icon target range.png -30/50/70% Turret Optimal and Falloff Range Icon velocity.png +50% Maximum Velocity
Exotic Icon resist kin.png -30/50/70% Kinetic Resist Icon sensor resolution.png +50% Scan Resolution
Firestorm Icon resist therm.png -30/50/70% Thermal Resist Icon armor.png +50% Armor HP
Gamma Icon resist exp.png -30/50/70% Explosive Resist Icon shield.png +50% Shield HP

For further information on the details of the site, see the Abyssal Deadspace entry.