Applying to EVE University

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Welcome! If you've arrived here you're (presumably!) looking to join Eve University, New Eden's oldest and most famous educational institution. We receive roughly 30-40 applications per day and our Recruitment Officers do their work unpaid out of goodwill. So we ask that you make their job easier and don't waste their time, by following all of the steps below. Particularly note the further information linked in Step 8 for when the Uni is at war (which is quite often).

Step 1 - Check your standings

Eve University has jump clones provided by the corporation Wirkomi Peace Corps. In order to maintain our high reputation with this corp, and thus continue to use their services, new applicants must not have standings with them. To check this:

  • Open your character sheet and go to the standings tab
  • Check the liked by and disliked by tabs – Ensure that "Wiyrkomi Peace Corps" is not present on either list. (Not to be confused with Wiyrkomi!)
  • If they are on the list you have two options:
    • 1. Grind standing to at least 8.0 by doing missions for the corporation – a very tedious and lengthy process.
    • 2. Apply with a different character who does not have standings with this corporation.

Step 2 - Submit your application

To submit an application you simply need to "show info" on the corporation. To do this you must:

  • Open the "People & Places" window using the button on the right-hand side of your screen, then navigate to the "Buddies" tab. Use the drop-down list at the top of the window to change your search parameters to "Corporation", then type "Eve University" into the search box and click on "Search".


  • In the new window, right click on the top entry for "Eve University" (ignore the rest) and select "Show Info".


  • You should now have a window open that displays information about Eve University. At the bottom of the window, you'll spot a button titled "Apply to join" - click on that button.


  • In the new window, type a short introduction about yourself, or why you'd like to join Eve University. Click "OK".

You have now applied to Eve University. You should receive an evemail reply within 24 hours.

Step 3 - CSPA change

The Concord Spam Protection Act (CSPA) is a scheme aimed at preventing spam by charging players and organisations ISK in order to contact each other. To avoid this charge, you must place Eve University in your address book as a "buddy" - failure to do so can result in your application being put on hold (as we cannot contact you without paying ISK). To add the Uni to your buddy list:

  • Open the "People & Places" window and navigate to the "Buddies" tab.


  • Use the drop-down list at the top of the window to change your search parameters to "Corporation", then type "Eve University" into the search box and click on "Search".


  • In the new window, right click on the top entry for "Eve University" (ignore the rest) and select "Add to address book".


  • You should now see Eve University in the Corporations/Alliances section of your buddy list.


Step 4 - Read up a little

While you wait for the evemail, you should take the opportunity to do some reading.

  • First of all, read this article and familiarise yourself with the Ivy League Policies.
  • Then, read our Code of Conduct, again familiarising yourself with it.

You will be required to follow both of these during your time within Eve University, so please be familiar with them.