Anarchy - Burning Need (1 of 3)

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Level 3
Type Courier
Objective Deliver 1x Tri-Vitoc (0.5  m3)
Mission briefing
Did you bring me that Tri-Vitoc I need? No? You're not the guy Tarkur sent out to me? Damn! Where is that guy? I'm starting to think he was waylaid by CONCORD on the way. Friggin' cops! I need that Tri-Vitoc!

Man, what am I gonna do now? Hey! Maybe you're willing to help. Could you scoot over to Eystur for me? My pal Tarkur works in the cargo hangar on a Security Service station there. Lousy job, excellent location. Gets him close to all kinds of good stuff. Got me hooked on that Tri-vitoc a while ago, brilliant stuff, highly recommend it... Oh yeah. Now where was i?

Oh, yes, you. Go to Eystur, bring Tri-Vitoc from Tarkur. Bring it to me. It sounds so simple a monkey could do it. So, stop this monkey business and get going! Har, har! Sometimes I kill myself... Mm. Vitoc yeah.