Operation Rattlesnake - Filling the Ranks (2 of 3)

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Revision as of 10:24, 19 September 2023 by Evon R'al (talk | contribs) (Add briefing from screenshot at https://imgur.com/a/MW9hj. Update {{Missiondetails}}.)
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Level 2
Type Courier
Objective Transport 130x Marines (260m3)
Rewards Hardwiring implant
Mission briefing
Now that you've proven yourself I'll fill you in on my secret assignment here in Ani. I was sent here by the Republic Fleet to prepare for a major assault that they've planned against the Angel Cartel strongholds in the constellation. The elimination of the Serpentis in the ice field was solely made to weaken the Cartel's position, as the Serpentis there were directly supplying them with arms and other equipment.

Your second task is to transport a regiment of our finest ground troops to the Sisters of EVE Bureau in Inder from the Brutor stronghold in Ivar. They will play a major role in our assault against the Cartel positions, so I need them here ASAP. I'll fill you in on your last and most important mission after you've completed this simple task.

Simple courier mission