Operation Rattlesnake - The Scanner Tower (3 of 3)

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Revision as of 10:55, 19 September 2023 by Evon R'al (talk | contribs) (Add briefing from screenshot at https://imgur.com/a/MW9hj. Update {{Missiondetails}}.)
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Level 2
Type Encounter
Objective Acquire 1x Angel Cartel Scanner Data (0.1 m3)
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Ship size limit T1 cruiser
Rewards 3 run storyline BPC + faction standings
Mission briefing
Now we're entering the final stages of our preparations for the military offensive. But there is one last mission I'd like to offer you that is critical to our objective. The Military Depot in Inder is currently under Angel Cartel control. Allthough the meager fleet guarding their positions there are no match for a full scale assault by the Republic armada, they have a huge advantage due to the terrain. The acceleration gate leading in to the complex is not fit for large vessels and if we take the longer route of manually flying through the deadspace area we will undoubtedly run into countless of their booby traps, potentially causing us heavy casualties.

But there is something that could turn the table in our favor, <Pilot>. Our agents have already infiltrated the pirate forces inside the Military Depot, and have reported a glaring weakness. They use a large scanner tower to detect any incoming ships from light years away, giving them extra time to prepare their defenses for any incoming assault. Ifthis scanner tower is destroyed, they will loose one of their biggest advantages.

The scanner tower is located inside the Military Depot complex. Once you have destroyed it, bring me something from the wreckage as proof. I won't doubt your sincerity, <Pilot>, but I'm afraid my superiors are a little more skeptical and would require some sort of evidence before they launch the strike.

Angel Cartel Scanner Data drops from the Scanner Tower in Contested Minmatar Military Depot - "Overrun Headquarters".