Partnership Program

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Revision as of 17:10, 22 September 2023 by Aesir Valtari (talk | contribs) (Removed links to Ashy in Space (blog disabled by owner) and Hateless Gaming (streamer have died in car accident))
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EVE Online Partnership Program encourages EVE Online enthusiasts to spend more time making content about EVE Online and less time earning ISK.


The current perks are:

  • Game Time Support: free Omega and 500 PLEX per month
  • Access to Devs: chat with the developers and other Partners, get priority access for streams and interviews with the developers
  • Exclusive Partner SKINs: receive a big bundle of SKINs every month to reward your audience
  • Promotion: CCP will promote you
  • Partnership with Admitad Affiliate Network: receive incentives for promoting EVE Online

Minimum Requirements for Partnership

Requirements are aspirational, so don't worry if you don't meet the minimum.

An account in a good standing.

As a Partner, at least 30% of the content you create must be EVE Online related.


  • Minimum average concurrent viewer count greater than or equal to 40 sustained (across all streams) for at least 3 months prior to being accepted
  • Regular EVE Online related stream schedule with at least one stream per week
    • Sometimes you might not be able to stream for a week or two and that’s okay. We just need to see effort for regular content over the previous 3 months.
  • Average of at least 20 hours of streamed EVE Online content per month sustained for at least 3 months prior to being accepted

YouTubers / Video Creators

  • Average EVE-related video views of at least 1000 per video over the last 3 months
  • Minimum 2 EVE-related videos per month sustained for at least 3 months prior to being accepted


  • Minimum 500 monthly downloads
  • At least two EVE-related podcasts published monthly or one long (2+ hours) episode sustained for at least 3 months prior to being accepted

Blogs, News, Fansites, and Other Media

  • Minimum 5,000 monthly readers
  • At least two detailed EVE-related articles per month over the last 3 months or:
    • For smaller blog posts, at least 4 EVE-related blogs per month
    • If your fansite is not article/post oriented, evidence of sustained effort to deliver up-to-date, meaningful EVE community content

Third-Party Developers

  • Minimum 1,000 monthly users (verified using available metrics)
  • Evidence of regular sustained effort to keep your project up-to-date


If you make EVE Online content but don’t see your category, feel free to apply anyway.

Removal from the Program

Partners who no longer meet the Minimum Requirements will be reviewed before being removed.

Once removed you have to wait at least 90 days to be eligible again.

EVE Partnership Content Guidelines

All content created by Partners must adhere to the EVE Partnership Content Guidelines.

Current EVE Online Partners[1]

3rd Party Applications

Partner Description
EVE IPH EVE Isk per Hour is the most comprehensive industry program for EVE industrialists to maximize their isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering. EVE Online fan website dedicated to helping you find, buy, and sell abyssal modules.
Little UFO LittleUFO is a centralized service for personal, corporation and alliance use, with a powerful fleet tracker, stats/taxation, SRP, calendars, market superpowers, wiki, and Discord/TeamSpeak management and notification capabilities.
Adam4Eve Market, industrial and general statistical tools.
Veetor's Abyss Loot Tracker Abyss Loot Tracker.
EVE Gatecheck Is your route through New Eden gate camped? Find out with the Gatecamp Checker.
EVE Ref Easy access to the information present in the game, such as ships, item stats, industry, reprocessing, systems, agents, etc.
zKillboard A website that collects killmails and provides some statistics.
Battle Report Tool Aggregates and presents battle reports from EVE Online.
Janice Appraisal service that computes prices using Jita 4-4 market orders including all ranged buy orders.
EVE ESI Java Client for the EVE Swagger Interface (ESI).
EVE Mogul Market trade analytics and tools for market traders.
Evanova Evanova is an Android application for managing your Eve Online characters, corporations, fittings or other Eve Online information. Wormhole classification tool.
Fuzzwork SDE tools Blueprint Calculator, LP Store Calculator, and more!
EVE-O Preview A way to keep an eye on several simultaneously running EVE Online clients and to easily switch between them.
PyFA Pyfa is the python fitting assistant; it is a fitting tool for EVE Online that allows you to calculate the stats of any possible combination of ships and modules without having to buy them all in-game.
EVE Eye A universal mapping system for EVE Online.
EVE HR Eve-HR is a third party application for Eve Online that is designed to help you run your corporation.
EVE Market Watch EVE Market Watch is the best tool for players of EVE Online to keep their markets supplied.
Eve Workbench Ship Fit Database.
DOTLAN EveMaps The go-to mapping resource, navigation planer, alliance/sovereignty updates and historical database that gets constantly updated via ESI.
Ellatha Wormhole lists, Loyalty Points database, PI DB and other tools created by DaOpa.

Blogs / WIKIs / Fansites

Partner Description
EVE University Everything there is to know about EVE.
FUNZWIKI Korean Wiki site.
JeuxOnline EVE News and forum, in French.
K162News New Eden News in Russian
The New Eden Post Community Sourced News: Articles and Streams
Imperium News Network (INN) Streaming News Network
000- 報告書 EVE ONLINE Japanese Blog with a focus on Nullsec.
EVEoganda Rixx Javix's EVE Online blog.
Barkkor German blogger and veteran. Guides and overview settings for capsuleers in all situations.
Jezaja's Giant Secure Container German blogger with fanfiction, tutorial resources and point of contact for the Broadcast4Reps crisis help initiative.
EVE Online Japan Wiki EVE Wiki in Japanese. EVE Online Information in Japanese
EVE Onion The Onion, but about EVE. Enlightened discussions about EVE Online in forum format, with memes
Quafe Blog German blog with refreshing fanfiction and opinions
EVE Missions Mission lists, guides, fits and videos


Partner Description
Declarations of War War stories, interviews, analysis, and insight into null sec, wormholes, EVE's mercenaries, the CSM, and more by one of the oldest mercenary corps in EVE Online.
Less than 10 Podcast dedicated to smallgang PVP.
Primary Target Podcast Musings on the current state of EVE Online.
Talking in Stations A dedicated news crew that brings you the stories that occur in EVE Online and EVE Echoes.

Streamers / Youtubers

Partner Description
A Higher Perspective Cinematic and story driven content for the many battles in EVE-Online
Corvus Onzo PVP Streamer
BjornBee PVP - Solo, Small Gang & Big NPSI Public Fleets.
Delonewolf Tutorials and insights.
Baleful Dysnomia PVP and Fleet Commanding.
Streamfleet The EVE Online Streamers Collective.
Eventon Tutorials for Alphas and Omegas.
BonkersY2k Tutorials and fight streams.
Pyrophobic Tutorials, Abyssal Deadspace, PVE and general all round carebear
Aceface Tutorials and insights.
Zaenis Desef Roleplay ganking.
Suitonia High-quality PVP focused educational content for Eve Online.
Alecjeay Explorations and more.
The Oz Everything Economy related.
Erstschlag Abyssals, Events, Exploration. Twitch / Youtube
NETFQ - Gameplay PVP / PVE / Mining.
JoeBane Space Pirate PVP.
One Crazy Monkeh ESS and PVP.
Dobber_av Solo PVP.
Strange net Tutorials and insights.
Markee Dragon Everything EVE Related.
RonUSMC War Reports on the current World War in EVE Online.
Pando FC-ing and fleet warfare.
Torvald Uruz Abyssal Deadspace PVE.
Rushlock Everything EVE related.
3TEARS All kinds of space shenanigans.
Uncle Online PVP, PVE and Exploration.
Lokley Theo Youtuber focused on PVP.
Rahne Chocolate "Elite" "PvP" Streamer
DaOpa Mostly PVE, Mining, Events and sometimes covers null battles

Non-English Streamers

Partner Description
La Forja de Orik Tutorials, guides, news and everything else about EVE in Spanish
Walldeck German speaking streamer. Insights and conversations
Takuya Gogiko Japanese PVP streamer
TR Cortez Russian youtuber with tutorials
БДИ / BDI2 Russian youtuber with tutorials, industry, PVP.
z85tvc Russian youtuber with content on trade and industry.
iBeast Russian PVP Streamer
Ancient Syndicate Russian gaming channel on youtube with regular EVE Online streams.
Архонт Сибирский Russian youtuber with tutorials.

External Links
