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This page is a collection of ideas for lesson plans and community events in the Eve-Uni Abyssals group. For general information regarding Abyssals, please start here. //Link

Unless otherwise specified, this page should not be seen as official or reliable.

Abyssals 101 for Newbros - x classes

Module Scope:
Solo T0 - T1 in a frigate.
SP:0 - ?
ISK:0 - ?

Purpose: 1. A starting point to learn Eve-Onine. This lesson plan aims to give players time for SP and IRL-skills growth that apply to multiple areas of the game while making ISK in relative safety and doing an easily accessible activity (able to do solo, not constrained by time or other people joining) 2. Be a jumping-off point for moving to Null-sec or other more risky ventures

Notes: If recommending other class, specify schedule and where to find schedules Try to teach skills that are applicable in many other activities if possible More advanced classes can include more specific Abyss knowledge Can be an alternative starting point for brand new players to later branch out to other stuff (Maybe too much solo activity? Own mumble chat? How do other Uni communities do? Do T2 in frigates community runs? Stream a T6 for first class?)

Class 1 - Introuction

2 ways to run Abyssals

1. Lazy way: T0 in frigate/T3 in cruiser --> Orbit chache, destroy everything

   - Good if you don't like Abyssals 
   - Good if you want a quick solo activity for some ISK
   - Good while you are still figuring out what you want to do in Eve, those first 20M using buyback feel amazing as a new player

2. The learning way: Make your way up to solo T1/T2 in a frigate and move on to T5/T6 in a cruiser

   - Good if you want a deep understanding of core skills and PvE concepts
   - Good if you like Abyssals (very IRL friendly) 
   - Good if you like boat-loads of ISK (Bling-Gila isn't gonna buy itself)

What this will not teach:

   - //This section needs updating 


IRL Skill progression:
1. Safe location to pop instance (useful skill for almost any activity)

   - Home station & clean clones
   - How to create a deep-safe --> Recommend CORE Bookmarks class
   - Use Alliance-bookmarks (explain why this might be dangerous)

2. Becoming comfortable maneuvering your ship like it's second nature (you won't have to focus on basic things like this when it gets hectic)

   - Know how to read and use overview (teach Uni-overview) 
   - Q-clicking (Practice on first few T0 runs, 1 pupil will spiral towards chache while others keep at range) 
   - Targeting and module use using hotkeys (first few runs, get people to use hot-keys) 

3. Own ship knowledge

   - How to fit a frigate (Why do the T0 fits use the modules they do, Chris?) --> Recommend CORE fitting class
   - Which damage do I deal? --> Recommend CORE Weapon System class
   - Which damage am I susceptible to? 
   - Which e-war am I susceptible to? --> CORE E-War class
   - Optimal/effective range of weapons/e-war

SP progression:

   - Basic frigate and cruiser Eve-Uni skill plans
   - Fitting Skill Plan

ISK progression:

   - Freedom to loose T1 frigates
   - Freedom to try other activities

Class 2 - Parsing information

Before T1 IRL Skill progression: 1. Enemy ship-knowledge

   - Which enemies do what kind of damage/e-war (create cheat-sheet for in-game notepad) (teach how to evaluate enemies based on stats) 
   - Kill order (which enemies should be killed first?) (Take students on T1 runs, have them tag enemies in order and explain why) 
   - Danger rating (Which enemies will screw me and why? Ex.: Get underneath guns, kite, etc.) (have students identify real dangers)  
   - How to research enemies for activities in general (how to do the same for missions) 

2. Own Ship knwoledge (Switch between punisher and missiles+drones, teach drone hotkeys)

   - Which damage should I deal, which guns and ammo should I use based on enemy and Filament/activity type. (compare to missions/pvp?) 
   - Boosters & Implants, when & why
   - Overheating modules, when & why (Take students through T1 with only one rep, have them use heat to manage damage) 
   - Control range based on enemy type (possible to do T0 without rep, only managing range/transversal?) 
   - Drones, Different weapon types and ammo types (assumes Punisher use up until now, branch out and learn about missiles and other weapon types.) 

3. Other

   - When to use towers & clouds (Take through T1, have student call out if cloud/tower is useful or should be avoided) 
   - Evaluate systems (stretch-goal, monitor system for pvp-ganks etc. Tim?) 

SP progression: 1. Working on core skills like the Eve-Uni Fitting and Tank Plans 2. Look to the future, cruiser how?

ISK progression: 1. Start building up capital to support cruiser

Class 3 - Graduation

Run T1 Solo consistently - Graduation (If possible, do T1 in a frigate while working on SP/ISK for cruisers. More info needed if you need to focus on frigate skills to make T1 frigate solo viable while focusing on cruiser skills. Better to focus on T2 frigate?)

IRL skill progression: 1. Apply knowledge in other PvE activities or PVP

SP progression: 1. Work towards cruisers (Missiles, Drones, Cruiser)

ISK progression: 1. Afford the povertila 600M / 40M/h = 15h --> SP will be main limiting factor. How to speed up SP-gain?

Once you are able to solo T1 in a frigate while using above skills you should be able to apply these skills to do cruiser runs as well as many other activities such as (integrate other parts of Uni to take advantage/give natural progression): - Tackle in a fleet (Spiral in to enemy, keep correct range to not die while keeping tackle) - FC in a fleet (call out targets, stay calm under pressure) - DPS in fleet (module and heat management, staying calm under pressure) - Running missions - Faction Warfare - NullSec

Other activities to do while progressing

- Learn how to scan and run anomalies (Fun, I guess) - Learn about standings and how to run missions (2nd best at most) - Learn about mining (ewwww) - Learn about industry (numbers go brrr?) - Complementary classes (CORE)