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WTS BPCs (in-game chat channel available "WTS BPCs")

All BPOs are fully researched, and willing to sell the BPCs at the listed price in this sheet (by runs or full copies). The final price is the combined price of all BPCs you WTB + 10,000 ISK for the broker fee (contract). All BPCs are copied when requested (ie copy on-demand). EVE-mail "Xiangkunwan" to place your order or for more information.

WTS BPOs (in-game chat channel available "WTS BPOs")

All BPOs are fully researched, and willing to sell at the listed price in this sheet . The final price is the combined price of all BPOs you WTB + 10,000 ISK for the broker fee (contract). All BPOs are researched when requested (ie research on-demand). EVE-mail "Xiangkunwan" to place your order or for more information.