UniWiki:Patch Notes/Patch Notes - Version 22.01
Patch Notes - Version 22.01 are sourced from Patch Notes - Version 22.01.
Online forums:
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by the player's feedback or suggestions.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-26.1
Features & Changes
Corporation Project
To Be Determined - It is now possible to select the Capsule as the Ship Type parameter for following contribution methods:
- Damage Capsuleers
- Destroy Capsuleer's Ship
- Remote Boost Shield
- Remote Repair Armor
- Ship Loss
Note: the "Golden Pod" variant provided by Genolution 'Auroral' AU-79 implant will not be recognized as a Capsule for contribution purposes for now.
Corporation Project + Daily Goals
To Be Determined - "Salvage Wreck" contribution method for both the Corporation Projects and AIR Daily Goals will now count any successful salvage attempts, even if the wreck didn't yield any salvage materials.
Daily Goals
Updated - Target value for 'Salvage Wreck' has been changed to 5.
Homefront Operations
To Be Determined - Additional sites can now spawn near Hek.
To Be Determined - Increased the minimum contribution amount required to be rewarded in Salvage Research sites.
To Be Determined - The passive capacitor recharge amount for Destabilizing Arrays in Stabilize Rift sites has been reduced.
To Be Determined - Capacitor Transmitting NPCs within Stabilize Rift sites will linger on their targets for longer and transmit more capacitor.
To Be Determined - Drone NPCs within Traffic Stop sites will no longer focus their fire on player-owned drones.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-25.1
Features & Changes
User Interface
Ignore - Fitting Icon for Ship Cards
- To assess the load to the server, we will be adding the fitting icon for all ships in the hangar in 'Ship Card' view, for a subset of players, and gathering data this week.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-21.1
Patch Notes For 2024-06-20.1
Features & Changes
Homefront Operations
To Do - Three new Homefront Operations sites have begun appearing throughout empire-owned High Security systems. Like existing Homefront Operations, these sites will primarily be found near trade hubs and Career Agent systems.
Unlike existing Homefront Operations, these sites will only permit standard T1 Destroyers and T1 Frigates. Their rewards are also optimized towards a smaller fleet of 3 pilots.
To Do - Traffic Stop
- Smugglers disguised as legitimate transports are using this location to hide the trafficking of Contraband Data. Scan the cargo holds of vessels on site to identify the smugglers and destroy them before they dock without disturbing innocent civilians.
To Do - Stabilize Rift
- Sleepers are attempting to collapse an Abyssal rift we have been ordered to keep open. Drain the capacitors of their Destabilizing Arrays to foil their plans.
To Do - Salvage Research
- Ashes of Turnur extremists have attacked a research facility. Salvage wreckage to secure Encrypted 'Istina' Data before the site's reactor explodes and they are lost forever.
SKIN Selling in Paragon Hub
To Be Determined - Players can now sell the SKINs they create in the Paragon Hub through the Collection.
Selling Options
- Players can set both the price and the currency (PLEX or ISK) for their SKINs.
- A brokerage fee, always charged in ISK, is required to list a SKIN for sale. This fee is based on the selected listing duration, in line with current Marketplace standards.
- Pricing can only be set in whole numbers and must be greater than 0.
- Brokerage fees are displayed to the player based on the chosen listing duration.
- Required skills must be met to list SKINs on the storefront.
- Sales are taxed in the currency chosen (PLEX or ISK).
- Taxes are rounded up to the nearest whole number.
Listing Duration
- Players can choose from various listing durations:
- 1 Day
- 3 Days
- 1 Week
- 2 Weeks
- 1 Month
- 3 Months
Get ready to expand your in-game business by selling your unique SKINs and managing your listings directly in the Paragon Hub!
🤝 The Ship SKINR is located in a new folder - Paragon Services in the NEOCOM. But we are sure you will want to put a shortcut to it in the main NEOCOM Bar!
Updated - The planned date for allowing Sovereignty Hubs to transition to the new system, and for new Sov Hubs deployed to be operating in the new system, has been delayed 1 week from June 20th to June 27th. We outline why we're delaying it here .
Ignore - Blueprints for old "defunct/deprecated" sov upgrades can be manufactured once again to make sure there are still enough old upgrades around with this small delay.
Ignore - Research/Copying and buying new blueprints is still disabled
Ignore - the planned date for manufacturing to be disabled again is June 27th.
To Be Determined - The Infrastructure Hold can now contain Command Centers.
To Be Determined - Standup Fighters are now able to be stored in the Infrastructure Hold again.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-14.1
Features & Changes
Updated - Equinox DLI Day 6 Alpha reward has been updated to Basic Cerebral Accelerator.
Missions & NPCs
To Be Determined - Adjusted the Force field in the Infested/Shielded Starbase escalation to have less regeneration so Dreadnoughts with less optimal fittings can kill it.
- Shield Hitpoints: 300,000 → 400,000.
- Shield Regeneration Time: 60s → 120s.
- Peak Shield Regeneration: 12,500 HP per second → 8,333 HP per second.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-13.1
Features & Changes
Missions & NPCs
To Be Determined - Adjusted the Infested/Shielded starbase escalation's Forcefield and Control Tower Signature Radius from ,000m to 32,000m so that all capital weapons (Such as T2 XL Torpedo's and close-range heavy fighters will now be able to apply full damage).
Science & Industry
To Be Determined - Blueprints for the Metenox Moon Drill are now available in all Upwell Consortium Member Corporations for 6 billion ISK.
To Be Determined - Metenox Moon Drills can now be bought and sold on the market.
To Be Determined - Skyhook Blueprints now get benefits for manufacturing from engineering complex structure rigs that provide bonuses to structures, such as the Standup XL Set Structure and Component Manufacturing Efficiency I rig.
🤝Further tweaks based on player feedback.
To Be Determined - Carriers:
- Conduit jump fuel cost per LY reduced from 21,000 to 3,000.
Updated - Squall:
- Powergrid Output increased from 215 to 250.
Updated - Deluge:
- Powergrid Output increased from 180 to 190.
Updated - Torrent:
- Powergrid Output increased from 230 to 265.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-12.1
Features & Changes
Air Daily Goals & Reward Track
To Do - When clicking on a milestone in the Air Opportunities window the players will be sent to AIR Daily Goals page.
To Be Determined - Counter-Insurgency Sentry Guns have had a 30 day decay timer added to them, so they will now disappear after 30 days from being deployed. Existing ones will also disappear after 30 days from now if they aren't destroyed by players.
Login Rewards
To Be Determined - Until June 20th a special set of Expansion login rewards will be available for players who log on. Rewards include Sequence Binder Welcome package and components for SKINR Ship Personalization, up to 200K skill points, and boosters.
Ignore - The new navy fighters will now appear in the faction and storyline drop down section for the market.
Science & Industry
To Be Determined - Reduced the amount of Serpentis Modified Capital Microprocessors from 1,500 to 75 for the Vendetta.
To Be Determined - Magmatic Gas has had it's volume adjusted from 1.5m3 to 0.1m3.
The Upwell Haulers were a little too strong if they were fit for max tank (ignoring the missile bonus completely), so we're rebalancing them by bringing their powergrid and CPU requirements closer to existing ships in their class, and giving them a huge fitting reduction bonus to medium missile launchers.
Updated - Added a new role bonus to the Squall, Deluge and Torrent: 90% reduction in heavy missile launcher, heavy assault missile launcher and rapid light missile launcher powergrid and CPU fitting requirements.
Updated - Squall
- Powergrid Reduced from 400 to 215
- CPU Increased from 380 to 395
- Base price adjusted so it no longer insures for more than the build cost.
Updated - Deluge
- Powergrid Reduced from 430 to 180
- CPU Reduced from 400 to 300
- Agility increased from 0.51x to 0.59x
Updated - Torrent
- Powergrid Reduced from 460 to 230
- CPU Reduced from 420 to 305
To Be Determined - It is now possible to put Standup Fighters, Upwell Structure ammo and bombs inside the infrastructure hold of the Upwell Hauling ships (Squall, Deluge, Torrent and Avalanche)
To Be Determined - It is now possible to scoop deployables and structures directly to the infrastructure hold of the Upwell Hauling ships.
Structures & Deployables
To Be Determined - The Maximum deployment range for upwell structures around Sovereignty Hubs has been increased from 1,000km to 10,000km.
User Interface
To Be Determined - Added a 'Create Skill Plan' button to the Confirm Skill Purchase window that pops up after clicking the new 'Buy and train' button for required skills.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-11.1
The Equinox expansion is out!
Full overview of the contents of the expansion can be found here: Equinox Expansion Notes !
Additionally, for those interested in seeing the values for Power, Workforce and Reagents for all the nullsec systems in New Eden + SOV upgrade costs, you can download a spreadsheet with all that juicy info here: Equinox System Resource Data !
Features & Changes
To Be Determined - FREE 7 Days Omega is back until 20 June.
Updated - Added Mining Drone Operation lvl3 skill to Mining Barge Operations Expert System.