Nullsec Border Rare Asteroids

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Nullsec Border Rare Asteroids is a combat anomaly that spawns in nullsec systems on the border with lowsec (or, in rare cases, directly with highsec).

It contains special "border ores" Ducinium, Eifyrium, Mordunium and Ytirium, which have high reprocessing value per  m3. Moreover, they are a source of minerals otherwise not available in nullsec. In addition they contain Crokite, which is available otherwise.

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit m³ total
Moonshine Ytirium 8[Verify] 172,363[Verify] 0.6 103,417.8 m3
Imperial Ducinium 1 3,086 16 49,376 m3
Augmented Eifyrium 1 3,086 16 49,376 m3
Mordunium 5 771,605 0.1 77,160.5 m3
Pellucid Crokite 1 ? 16 ?
Sum 16 - - 279330