User:Laura Karpinski/shiptemplate

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Isis destroyer.png Destroyer

Logo faction caldari state.png Caldari State

Alpha go 24x20.png Can be flown by Alphas

In diplomacy, rockets speak louder than words. - Tibus Heth

The Corax adheres to the well-established Caldari design philosophy that there is strength in numbers, and that the messages sent to an enemy should be strong and unequivocal. This applies equally to peace talks as it does to actual engagements on the battlefield - there should be no doubt in the strength of Caldari spirit, nor in the fact that when one blow has been struck, others are going to follow.

As such, the Corax does not pepper its opponents with pellets from a gun, nor does it toast them with continuous beams of light. Instead, it delivers strong, hard-hitting payloads at a pace that's not only steady, but rapid enough to rock its targets and knock them off-balance.


Caldari Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to kinetic Light Missile and Rocket damage
10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion velocity
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity


EVE Workbench



Powergrid 53 MW | CPU 210 tf | Capacitor 500 GJ | High slots 7 | Launcher slots 7 | Turret slots 0 | Medium slots 4 | Low slots 2 | Rigs 3 small | Calibration 400


Max Velocity 235 m/sec | Inertia Modifier 2.7 | Warp Speed 4.5 AU/s | Base Time to Warp 6.55 s


No drone bay


Max Tgt. Range 45 km | Max Locked Targets 7 | Gravimetric Sensor 12 points | Sig. Radius 69 m | Scan Res. 475 mm


Structure Hitpoints 750 HP | Mass 1,750,000 kg | Volume 52,000 m³ | Cargo Capacity 450 m³


Armor Hitpoints 750 HP |Armor Resistances: EM 50, THR 45, KIN 25, EXP 10


Shield Capacity 1,000 HP | Shield Resistances : EM 0, THR 20, KIN 40, EXP 50

Ship Information

New Caldari players who enjoyed the missile-centric playstyle of the Kestrel have the option of flying the missile-flinging Corax on their way to piloting a Caracal, rather than being forced into the turret-toting Cormorant. With its range bonus and a bonus to explosion velocity that helps its missiles apply damage to small, fast targets, the Corax can threaten most frigates, from long ranges.

Being a Tech 1 destroyer and potentially a pilot's first step up from frigate hulls, the Corax is quite forgiving. Basic fitting skills and support skills are desirable. Missile Bombardment and Missile Projection increase missile ranges and synergize well with the Corax's strengths.

The Corax's range bonuses push it towards mid- and long-range engagements. With honed skills and Tech 2 equipment, it can be fitted to project around 150 DPS at around 70 km, though this DPS will be delayed by missile travel time.

In PvP the Corax has some niche uses as a cheap long-ranged missile ship. When sniping, the Corax will have no way to pin its targets in place on its own, and must work with other ships. It lacks the high speed and MWD signature reduction of its rival the Talwar, and does not tend to be favoured for close-range or mobile work.

In PvE combat, the Corax can make short work of Level 1 missions, and can even attempt some Level 2s, though a Caracal will be a good step up for those. Pilots should remember that the ship has a bonus for only kinetic missile damage.

The Corax is a fantastic ship for completing low-tier Abyssal Deadspace sites.

Corax is part of the scientific name for the common raven, corvus corax; it was a Latin word meaning "raven", and was borrowed into Latin from ancient Greek. This makes the Corax a rare example of a ship in EVE which has a name meaning the same thing as that of another ship, the much larger Raven.

Patch History


  • Powergrid increased to 53 (was 48)

Lifeblood v. 1.0 - Build: 1203953 - 24.10.17

  • Mass reduced from 1,900,000 kg to 1,750,000 kg (-150,000 kg)
  • Shield HP increased from 950 to 1,000 (+50 HP)

Retribution v. 1.0 - Build: 476047 - 04.12.12

  • Ship introduced.