Profitable wormholes

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Profitable Wormholes

W-space is both profitable as well as dangerous. This article will guide someone that's new to w-space and what to look for to avoid wasting time or worse losing a ship while identifying where to spend time to maximise potential profit.

Note: Although a good wormhole can get you more ISK/hour than mission running, mission running is more consistent as you can have a 'dry patch' in wormholes to run.

What this cover and don't cover

  • This guide does NOT cover running sites within a wormhole.
  • This guide does NOT cover how to scan down a wormhole.
  • This guide identify potential sources of risk within a wormhole.
  • This guide identifies how to estimate whether or not a wormhole will be profitable.
  • This guide identifies what will generally be requested when you try to get a fleet together for your wormhole.

First steps

Once you've found your wormhole and warped to it. The first thing you should do is bookmark it. After you've bookmarked it you want to gather as much information as you can before you even jump into the wormhole.

You do this by having a look at the information as well as the wormhole [ID/Type]. The information of the wormhole will give you a message in the line of.

An unstable wormhole, deep in space. Wormholes of this kind usually collapse after a few days, and can lead to anywhere.

This wormhole seems to lead into unknown parts of space.

This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won't last another day.

This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it.

From this you are looking for the following pieces of information.

The first This wormhole seems to lead into unknown parts of space. will tell you the destination of the wormhole. This is especially handy if the wormhole type is of K162. This says whether the wormhole leads into a C1/C2/C3 (unknown parts of space) a C4/C5 (dangerous unknown parts of space) a C6 (deadly unknown parts of space) or known space (empire, lowsec or nullsec).

Secondly you are looking for This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won't last another day.. This will tell you the time that will be remaining on the wormhole.

  • This wormhole has not yet begun its natural cycle of decay and should last at least another day. - Indicates that the wormhole has just spawned (won't get it from a K162)
  • This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won't last another day. - There's more than 4 hours left before the wormhole collapses
  • This wormhole is coming to the end of its natural life cycle. - There's less than 4 hours remaining till the wormhole collapses

Lastly you are looking for This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it.. This will give you some information with regards to the percentage of the wormhole's total mass.

  • This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it. - There is more than 50% of the total mass remaining
  • Some ships have passed through the wormhole, but not to a critical point - There is less than 50% but more than 10% of the total mass remaining
  • This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse. - There is less than 10% of the total mass remaining

Ideally you don't want to go into a wormhole that has less than 4 hours remaining or has less than 50% of it's mass left with a fleet as you can have half the fleet stranded or the wormhole can collapse while you are busy.

All looks good? Now you can jump...

Once you've jumped, the first thing you should do is bookmark the exit wormhole.

After you've bookmarked the exit, you should run a D-Scan.

D-Scan: Safety First...

During your set of D-Scans you want to check the following.

  • How many active POSes are on D-Scan. An active POS will have a force field on D-Scan as well. Make sure you are not double counting them.
  • How many ships and of what type are on D-Scan.
  • Which starbase structures are around, especially is there any XL ship assembly arrays.
  • Whether or not there's any wrecks on D-Scan

The Good

Any POS (tower) without a 'force field' up is inactive and can be ignored.

No ships or wrecks on D-Scan means that at present there shouldn't be another fleet running sites in the system.

Having drones on D-Scan without other ships. Stay for a while and continue scanning, it might be drones left 2 weeks ago or the owners could have noticed you on D-Scan and warped off.

The Bad

If there's more than 2 POSes online in the system it usually indicates a very active corporation has set up base in the system. Usually such a corp know how to defend 'their' W-space system and will engage any 'trespassers'.

Any wrecks on D-Scan means there's already a fleet in the system and it's a high risk to bring in another fleet as you can encounter them in an anomaly or get jumped by them. Further it would mean less potential ISK to make when you manage to get a fleet together.

The Ugly

If there's a XL Ship Assembly Array and / or Capital ships (Carriers: Archon, Aeon, Chimera, Wyvern, Thanatos, Nyx, Nidhoggur, Hel. Dreadnoughts: Revelation, Phoenix, Moros, Naglfar) in the system the inhabitants should be fairly skilled and capable to use them on your fleet. Since it takes a fairly significant fleet to destroy any of these it's not advised to continue in the system.

If there's any T3 ship (Legion, Tengu, Proteus, Loki) on D-Scan it's advised not to continue as they are fairly potent when fitted and flown properly.

Almost There

You've established the current risk level. Next you need to check for historical risks.

There are various sites that gives you statistics on a specific system. A widely preferred site is dotlan. Using it in the IGB it will pick up the system you are in otherwise you can use it out of game and search for the Locust signature.

What you are looking at is:


Especially in the last 6 hours, the more jumps there has been the more likely it is that somewhere else in Eve another fleet is forming or the inhabitants are active in the wormhole.

Ship Kills

Ship Kills are not a definite indication of PvP as Sleepers will kill player ships, it is however a warning sign.

Pod Kills

Sleepers do NOT pod players, only other players do that. I've had someone once loose a ship and the person sat on a sleeper BS to provide a warp-in with his pod.

NPC kills

You are only looking at the last 2-3 hours here for safety purposes. If there has been kills in the last hour it's fairly likely that the group that has been killing the sleepers are still in the wormhole.

Show me the Money

After you've established the relative safety of the wormhole, you can start determining the profitability of the wormhole.

Since we've already got dotlan open you want to look a bit further back in the NPC kills section. If a lot of kills has been made in the last 48 hours it can mean that the wormhole has been cleared. There are however times you come across a wormhole were you just cannot clear it in time.

Now drop your probes and scan the whole system to get an idea of combat anomalies as well as signatures in the system.

Interpreting the Probe Results

If there's 10 or more anomalies in the wormhole system then it's a fair indication that the wormhole will be profitable.

Even though Radar and Magnetometric signatures are the most profitable, those 17 signatures might be all other wormholes, Ladar or Gravimetric sites. If there has been a lot of sleeper kills in the last 48 hours the chances are that you will not get good signatures in the wormhole system (even if there's a lot of anomalies).

In general if there's not many anomalies the signatures won't make the wormhole worth the effort to get a fleet out. However if there is a lot of signatures around 5 Radar / Magnetometric sites will still make it worthwhile to try and put a fleet together.

Time to call in the Cavalry

You've decided you want to try and get a fleet together. These are the general information that you would need to provide potential fleet mates for them to determine if it would be worth their time. All this information you should have else you've skipped a step.

  • Locust Signature (Jxxxxxx from the top left)
  • How many active POSes on D-scan (force fields as well make sure you checked the whole system, esp that planet that's 24AU from all other planets)
  • How many ships and their types is on D-scan.
  • Is there any XL ship assembly arrays.
  • Is there any wrecks on D-Scan.
  • How many anomalies & signatures are there.
  • If less than 10 anomalies scan down the signatures so you know what you have.
  • How many jumps from Aldrat (give or take) as well does it go through Hek etc (esp crucial during wartime)...
  • What is the state of the wh (time / mass) as well as the ID of it.

Getting the Loot Home

A successful wormhole operation does not just entail getting the wormhole and getting a lot of loot, it also entails getting everyone out as well as getting the loot sold. So a few rules to make it safer for the loot to get out.

Firstly check at [staticmapper] to see if there's any suspected static wormholes. A static wormhole will always originate from the wormhole system and will always be of the same type (including destination type) it will NOT always end into the same destination system. Thus if a system has a B274 static wormhole, there will always be be static to highsec, whether it's 2 or 35 jumps from Aldrat.

Also note that staticmapper is a community driven project where people report what wormholes they've found in a wormhole system and is thus neither complete nor 100% accurate.

Exiting a wormhole

One of your first people that should exit is the salvager. Reason is to put the loot at the lowest possible risk.

The LAST person that should exit a wormhole is the scout. The only exception can be if there's another fleet member with a probe launcher and good probing skills. This is so that in case something happens and the wormhole collapses that the fleet can get a way out. It's not profitable if you have to self-destruct half your fleet to get out.

Exiting into low/null sec space

When exiting into a low or null sec system it is a good idea for a combat ship to jump first and confirm the other side isn't being camped. A salvager has no offensive or defensive capabilities and more than likely the loot that such a salvager is carrying would more than make up for a lost ship. But lost loot is lost... Make sure you check and follow the E-Uni SOP as well, especially when dealing with the fact you have a null sec exit into player controlled (SOV) null sec.