Wolf Pack

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The term wolf pack refers to the mass-attack tactics against convoys used by German U-boats of the Kriegsmarine during the Battle of the Atlantic and submarines of the United States Navy against Japanese shipping in the Pacific Ocean in World War II. The idea was to form a pack of U-boats, and to delay an attack until all boats were in position to conduct a massed organized attack. This would overwhelm the hostile fleet as the sheer number and surprise of the attacking boats would throw the defense into disarray. The first boat to make contact was designated as the “shadower” – whose job was to maintain contact and to report the convoy’s position back. The shadower would remain out of the visible range of the convoy. When enough boats have converged with the convoy, command would give the signal to attack. Whichever tactics employed, the general strategy was to attack by sheer numbers at the same time to create sufficient confusion on enemy fleet


Wolf Pack.jpg

In EVE, Wolf Pack tactics of the WWII is still executable on certain hostile targets and fleets by packs constructed under the principle concept of Hydra. Strength of many could work as one to conduct alpha attack on selected target with Wolf Pack tactics. Objective of the Wolf Pack is to identify a selected target and conduct high alpha attacks by surprise or traps. The pack should be mobile, easy to fly, fast locking, cheap, easy to fit focused for high alpha damage (vole damage). The main differences of the Destroyer Wolf Packs from the Frigate Hydra Fleets are their decent DPS ratios and high alpha strikes. While frigate fleets use their unified e-war strength to avoid the damage, Wolf Packs primarily focus on fast encounter and high alpha strikes to take hostiles down by surprise and finish them as quick as possible. Destroyer Wolf Packs utilize their offensive strength as their defense. Engagement usually resolve under 2 or 3 minutes which prevents hostile target to engage whole pack and eliminate them before they do !


Destroyers are the perfect tool of destruction for Wolf Packs. While having great offensive properties, they are lack of defense even worse than frigates. Strengths and Weakness of the Destroyers are;

+ They have many high slots and can fit Up to 7-8 turrents + They have bonus to optimal of turrets + They have bonus to Damage + They have high tracking speed and bonus to Tracking + They have high Scan Resolution + Their skill requirements are low and could be covered by any new player + They are cheap to fit and fly + They are fast and agile

- They are lack of defense and HP - They are almost impossible to fit tanks - They have limited mid and low slots - They have reduced rate of fire

Building up a Wolf Pack with Destroyers

Hydra principle dictates that all weaknesses should be covered with collective mind and movements. The high vole damage and agility of the destroyer makes them perfect alpha strikes. The main defense of the pack will be the high offensive strength that is sufficient enough to destroy hostile before it engages the pack.

A basic math could show us the Alpha strength of the pack. A low level character could easily make around 450-500 vole damage with a destroyer. With decent skills, rigs this number could go up to 900-1000. Assuming a pack of 30 destroyers with average of 400 vole damage; Alpha strike of the pack will be 12000 which is sufficient enough for all frigates class (tech 1 and tech 2) and tech 1 cruisers. After second or third salvo, most of the Battle Cruisers will go down ! This decisive damage will finalize the engagement in matter of 1 or 2 minutes. This alpha strike usually supported by multiple flyby attack through different directions which ends up taking a single ship with each attack will be main tactic of the wolf pack.

Such short attacks will minimize the chance of being targeted and destroyed by hostiles. Even in extended fights, limited e-war support systems fitted will be sufficient enough to level hostile threat.

Fitting Scheme for Wolf Pack Destroyers

As described in previous topic, Wolf Pack will use its decisive alpha strike force for both offense and defense, so all Wolf Pack destroyers should focus the highs amount of vole damage to increase the fleets alpha strike force. The engagements will be made on various ranges; Medium and Long range attack will be the preferred engagement distanced and used during flyby attacks. On the other hand, short range encounter should be expected during maneuvers. The principle of fitting high slot is to go for long range but include short range ammo for such close encounters.

High Slots;


- Weapons with +16 km Range and lots of various range ammo.


- A remote armor or hull raps for field treatment after each encounter.


- Launchers and anything offline to work as heat sink in case you overheat guns.

The second important slots are mid energy slots. Destroyers are also fast and agile, so we don’t need a micro-warp drives. MWD also increase the signature radius and made destroyers easy to be locked. The secondary modules are the support modules and you should fit some of them and carry the rest in cargo hold. You may switch modules according to fleet composition and tactics.

Mid Slots;


- Afterburner (must)


- Tracking Destructor & both scripts - Sensor Dampener & both scripts - Sensor Boosters & both scripts - Warp Disruptor (No scram just disruptor) - Webifier Low slots are usually very low on destroyer.

The important point in fitting is to have the highest alpha strike so you should first focus on increasing vole damage. Mic. Aux Cores, Co-processors are you tools to upgrade your grids to fit more guns . You should consider, weapon grades and check the possibility of acquiring more vole damage by using weapon upgrade in low shot rather than fitting bigger guns.

Low Slots;


- CPU & Power grid upgrades; (if necessary to complete the fits)


– Weapon Upgrades


- Damage Control (Shall, strongly recommended but If you don’t have sufficient grids or require a low slot to complete the fit then you may not fit) - Speed and agility modules: Nano int. Structures, overdrive injectors

Sample Fits for Wolf Pack Destroyers

Each capsular should tweak these fits according to their skills according to above given concept.

[Thrasher, WP-HD-250-Rigged]

F-M3 Munition Inertial Suspensor

Emergency Damage Control I

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Supplemental Scanning CPU I, Scan Resolution

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Scan Resolution Dampening

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

Small Coaxial Regenerative Projector

[Thrasher, WP-HD-250-Wartime]

F-M3 Munition Inertial Suspensor

Emergency Damage Control I

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Supplemental Scanning CPU I, Scan Resolution

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Scan Resolution Dampening

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I, Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S

Small Coaxial Regenerative Projector

Small Projectile Burst Aerator I

Small Projectile Collision Accelerator I

[Thrasher, WP-HD-280-Wartime]

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Damage Control II

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Supplemental Scanning CPU I, Scan Resolution

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

Small Coaxial Regenerative Projector

[Thrasher, WP-TD-280-Rigged]

F-M3 Munition Inertial Suspensor

F-M3 Munition Inertial Suspensor

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Supplemental Scanning CPU I, Scan Resolution

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

280mm Carbine Howitzer I, Titanium Sabot S

Small Coaxial Regenerative Projector

Small Ancillary Current Router I

Small Ancillary Current Router I

[Cormorant, WP-HD-Wartime]

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I

DDO Photometry Tracking Disruptor I

Cap Recharger II

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

Salvager I

[Cormorant, WP-HD-Rigged]

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I

DDO Photometry Tracking Disruptor I

Cap Recharger II

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Plutonium Charge S

Salvager I

Small Ancillary Current Router I

Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I

Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I

[Coercer, WP-HD-Wartimes]

Nanofiber Internal Structure I

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

C4S Coiled Circuit Thermal Radiator

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

[Coercer, WP-HD-Rigged]

Nanofiber Internal Structure I

Nanofiber Internal Structure I

C4S Coiled Circuit Thermal Radiator

C4S Coiled Circuit Thermal Radiator

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Medium Modal Laser I, Ultraviolet S

Small Ancillary Current Router I

Small Ancillary Current Router I

[Catalyst, WP-HD-Wartime]

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Nanofiber Internal Structure I

Nanofiber Internal Structure I

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Targeting Range Dampening

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

[Catalyst, WP-HD-Rigged]

Linear Flux Stabilizer I

Nanomechanical CPU Enhancer I

Nanofiber Internal Structure I

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters

Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Targeting Range Dampening

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

150mm 'Scout' I Accelerator Cannon, Uranium Charge S

Small Ancillary Current Router I

Small Ancillary Current Router I

Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I