User:Warlock Venom

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Warlock Venom

Warlock is a PvPer at heart having played numerous MMO's he came to EVE in 2007 played for about a month and did not really get EVE, so mothballed his account and went back to playing that other large MMO that his therapist recommends he doesn't name.

After much therapy, and lots of long nights in cold dungeons, Warlock finally saw the light and decided to try EVE again in June of 2010. Those clever people at CCP had transformed the game - he was hooked.

As Riffman, he was sucked into a smallish corp who held a WH with a static exit in high sec. These fine gentlemen helped him to discover the basics of the game and are really responsible for him staying with the game.

Having played for about a month and created an industrial alt, Riff's corp was war dec'ed by a bunch of mercs who completely stomped on his corp mates. A group of them moved to Shaha out in the dead regions of Ammar space to hide out during the war. This had little effect, however, and the ability to play was severely hampered (long term Unistas will understand the frustration of station spinning). Riff and his colleagues did not have the benefit of something like ILN fleets to go out and mix it with the war targets, so frustration set in.

Riffman wanted to go out and blow up these bullies but did not have the skills either in skill points or in player skills. At this point, the CEO made a call that would change Riffs life. He asked everyone to create an alt and join corp then all the mains to drop and join an NPC corp while creating a channel for us to all join. The idea was to suddenly present the enemy with no targets. One of the officers told Riff about this amazing organisation called EVE University, so Riff applied and joined.

This was the start of a wild roller coaster ride as Riff learned to PvP with some really great players, notably joining fleets and small gangs with Sto Lo and being given the amazing StiGirl as a mentor.

Under StiGirl's guidance Riffs skill queue was quickly sorted and the essential core skills made solid, this led Riff, a Gallente pilot, to want to play both Caldari and Minmatar for the ECM of the Caldari and the PvP beauty of the Mini ships.

Thus was born Warlock, initially as an experiment in how you would build a character from scratch when you actually had a vague idea of what to do, unlike the random way Riff grew up out of trial and error.

So Warlock was trained so that each skill was up to 4 initially and each skill was chosen for its importance and only those in the current remap, luckily around this time CCP handed out a free remap, so Warlock had 3 of them and was able to train skills in 3 groups, this was an odd system as initially he could fly a Hurricane with T2 guns but not fit any tank or other modules so he sat training in a station for a lot of the time.

Having graduated from the UNI, and become a Lt. Commander in charge of training in BG3 the time finally came for Riff to leave the UNI and learn more about PvP in Null and Low Sec, but he did not really want to leave BG3 and especially Qato Vollan, his Captain so he got permission to swap Warlock into the UNI and continue the work he started.

Riffman / Warlock was responsible for setting up and running the BG3 basic training programme. He joined the teaching staff and is working on a number of teaching projects and now is chomping at the bit to run some really fun things through this new office.


Assistant Events Manager
- BG3 Lt Commander
- BG3 N7 Training Officer