Archive:EVE University Interview Queue

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NOTE: Draft

What is the queue?

Most often, the queue people around E-Uni are referring to is the Application queue. Waiting in this queue is what gets an applicant an interview with a Personnel Officer, Senior Personnel Officer, or other staff member.

How does it work?

When you complete your application, the time-stamp is saved. This time-stamp never changes, even when you log out, unless you log out of the queue for two weeks. As many as a hundred people apply to E-Uni each day, though, so you might see yourself moving backward quite a bit -- this is simply because people that had earlier timestamps than you are logging in.

What happens when I don't login to the queue for two weeks?

You lose your place in the queue, and will have to start fresh.

Does being in the queue all the time help?

Not at all. We typically only look at the queue order, not how long you've actually been waiting in it. If you log off Eve for the night immediately after applying, come back a day later, you will still be exactly where you would have been if you had spent all night being in the queue.

Is there anything that can hurt my place in the queue?

There sure is! If you're in the queue but you are not actively watching the E-Uni public chat channel, you might miss hearing your name being called. If this happens, some folks may skip over you for some time in the future. Close the browser or leave the queue when you won't be watching every two minutes or so!

How will I know when it's my turn for an interview?

A Personnel Officer will call your name in the E-Uni channel.

What is the SPO queue?

Some applications require evaluation by a Senior Personnel Officer. People that are told to do so should enter this queue. Your place in the queue will show where you are in relation to all people in all queues.

Is there an SPO online? Is anybody doing SPO interviews?

You will only know that when you are called. None of the POs that are online know if or when any SPOs will be online or doing interviews.

Some people seem to be getting called first, even though I'm #1. What's going on?

There are a couple of cases where someone else might get priority, even if you're #1 in the queue. One of those cases is wartime re-entries; because we encourage members to leave during wartime if they need to do things that would otherwise break the WSOP, we prioritize their return to E-Uni when the war is over.

Depending on the mix of folks in the queue, and the mix of the PO's that are around, some Senior Personnel Officers will jump ahead and handle the SPO cases behind you, since there are far fewer SPO's than PO's.

These are just a couple of examples. Rest assured, if you're in the queue and see your position in it, we do as well. We're trying our best to get people moved through fairly and quickly.