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A War Declaration Shield (DecShield or Dec Shield), is a game mechanic that the University uses to discourage casual War Declarations by making them more expensive to the potential aggressor.

The cost to the declaring corporation or alliance is based both on the number of wars that they currently have in process and the number of wars the target corporation or alliance have, as this equation from the Evelopedia shows:

cost = B * (N+1) * (W+1)

Where B is the base price, N is the number of wars the agressor entity has, and W is the number of wars the target entity has. As you can see, these are multiplicitive factors. Since we cannot affect B or N, but we can increase W by having 'friendly' corporations declare wars on the University and Ivy League Alliance.

A number of E-UNI members and alumni have sacrificed a character slot, and have wardecced E-UNI with various shell corporations. These wars are all being paid for by the Uni and all management of these is being maintained by the directors via the API.

The end result is that the cost of declaring or continuing a war with E-UNI will be between 500 M and 1 B ISK per week, and that's before the casual aggressor realizes that the Wartime Standard Operating Procedures we use mean that easy targets are usually out of reach, and the only E-UNI ships out of station are PvP-fit Uni fleets looking for them.

Of course, in the event that a corporation or alliance who has a proven track record of good PvP combat and/or the numbers to provide a good fight wants to engage the University, they should contact EVE University Management, and we can declare war on them ourselves, or accept the war as mutual (bypassing the CONCORD fee).