Talk:Titles within EVE University

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Revision as of 15:15, 5 May 2012 by Aethlyn (talk | contribs)
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new titles system

I think this article is not completely clear, see for recent changes.

As I see it:

  • you get freshman automatically
  • you get sophomore automatically
  • graduate you still have to apply for, I do not know if automatisation is planned here too.

For participation the Member_Involvement_Index is used, an indication on needed values would be nice I think.

  • in the past you could apply for alpha, now demands for alpha are the same as for sophomore. So instead of "alpha requires freshman and some other stuff", we could say "alpha requires sophomore."
  • wiki says you can apply for theta, which is also included in graduate. Theta applications are not processed at the moment it seems.
  • psi you can apply for, though these applications are also not being processed at the moment.

Actually, Alpha is quite a bit easier to get than Sophomore (its more time in corp plus some class activity, rather than activity in general), although the time in corp is about the same. Theta will be getting automated next. Kelduum revaan 11:41, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
This still seems to be quite confusing and misleading, especially regarding hangar access. E.g. the first half of the document states that Sophomore will grant you Alpha access, but in the second part you're able to read that you need Mumble participation (something obviously optional for Sophomore, as it says forum, wiki, or Mumble participation). So I'd suggest at least moving the hangar access under Progression Titles to a new bullet called Allows applying for (or something similar) or updating the requirements above. --Aethlyn 15:15, 5 May 2012 (UTC)