Gallente Basic Ship and Skill Overview

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This guide is meant to introduce new players to Tech 1 Gallente ships for PvE and PvP. Required and recommended skill lists for various roles and fittings.

Rookie Ship

The rookie ship is the first ship you start with. If you are Gallente, it will be a Velator. A new rookie ship is given whenever you dock at a station where you do not have any ships.


The Velator can be used to go through the first tutorial missions, although upgrading to a frigate in the Military tutorial as soon as it is offered is recommended. A civilian shield booster will suffice for the first missions, although beyond the first few missions in the tutorial, civilian modules should never be used.

[Velator, PVE Basic Skills Velator]

Damage Control I

Civilian Shield Booster I

75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S

[Velator, PVE Basic Skills Velator] Required skills
Hull Upgrades I
Small Hybrid Turret I


Frigates are small fast ships, used mostly for pve in level 1 missions. They are used mostly for tackling and electronic warfare roles in pvp.


The Atron is the Gallente fast frigate, although only having two mid slots makes it unloved for tackling in pvp despite its speed and high scan resolution.

It can serve as a level 1 mission runner until Gallente Frigate III is trained for the Incursus, and Destroyers I for the Catalyst.

[Atron, PVE Basic Skills Atron]

Damage Control I
Small Armor Repairer I

1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I

75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x1

[Atron, PVE Basic Skills Atron] Required skills
Afterburner I
Drones I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Frigate II
Hull Upgrades I
Repair Systems I
Scout Drone Operation I
Small Hybrid Turret I


The Imicus is the Gallente scanning frigate, and it boasts a 15 m3 drone bay, enough for 3 light drones. Some players who train drone skills early will use if for level 1 missions instead of the incursus or catalyst.

[Imicus, PVE Basic Skills Imicus]

Damage Control I
Small Armor Repairer I

1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I

75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x3

[Imicus, PVE Basic Skills Imicus] Required skills
Afterburner I
Drones III
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Frigate II
Hull Upgrades I
Repair Systems I
Scout Drone Operation I
Small Hybrid Turret I


The Incursus is the typical pve and pvp frigate for Gallente players. It is faster and has a better scan resolution than the tristan, which makes it better for tackling in pvp.

[Incursus, PVE Basic Skills Incursus]

Damage Control I
Small Armor Repairer I

1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I

125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x1

[Incursus, PVE Basic Skills Incursus] Required skills
Afterburner I
Drones I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Frigate III
Hull Upgrades I
Repair Systems I
Scout Drone Operation I
Small Hybrid Turret I

[Incursus, PVE Basic Skills Incursus] Recommended Skills
Acceleration Control I
Afterburner II
Controlled Bursts II
Drones I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Energy Management II
Energy Systems Operation II
Evasive Maneuvering I
Gallente Frigate III
Gunnery III
Hull Upgrades II
Mechanic II
Motion Prediction II
Rapid Firing II
Repair Systems II
Scout Drone Operation I
Small Hybrid Turret III
Sharpshooter II
Targeting II
Weapon Upgrades I

[Incursus, PVE Epic Arc Boss Killer Incursus]

Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I

Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I
[empty med slot]

Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x1

[Incursus, PVE Epic Arc Boss Killer Incursus] Required Skills
Drones I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Frigate III
Scout Drone Operation I
Small Hybrid Turret I
Weapon Upgrades I

  • This fitting will require the some gunnery skills to have enough DPS to break Dagan's tank. See the recommended skills for the standard PVE Incursus.
  • This fitting should break Dagan's tank in 15 minutes or less depending on his resists, which can vary.
  • While orbiting at 500m, Dagan's guns should not be able to track the Incursus. If your own guns have difficulty tracking at full speed, reduce speed to 75%.
  • This fitting should also work well against Kristan Parthus.

[Incursus, PVP Basic Skills Incursus]

Damage Control I
Overdrive Injector System I

1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Stasis Webifier I
Warp Disruptor I

75mm Gatling Rail I, Iridium Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail I, Iridium Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail I, Iridium Charge S

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x1

[Incursus, PVP Basic Skills Incursus] Required skills
Afterburner III
Drones I
Gallente Frigate III
High Speed Maneuvering I
Hull Upgrades I
Navigation III
Propulsion Jamming I
Scout Drone Operation I
Small Hybrid Turret I

[Incursus, PVP Basic Skills Incursus] Recommended skills
Acceleration Control III
Afterburner III
Combat Drone Operation III
Controlled Bursts III
Drones III
Electronics IV
Energy Management III
Energy Systems Operation III
Evasive Maneuvering III
Gallente Frigate IV
Gunnery III
High Speed Maneuvering III
Hull Upgrades III
Mechanic III
Motion Prediction III
Navigation III
Propulsion Jamming III
Rapid Firing III
Scout Drone Operation III
Sharpshooter III
Signature Analysis III
Small Hybrid Turret III
Targeting III
Warp Drive Operation III

  • The microwarpdrive can be replaced with an afterburner for those who don't have the High Speed Maneuvering skill yet.
  • Electronics IV is required to fit the third 75mm railgun with listed fitting. With Electronics III two 75mm rails will do.
  • For Uni fleets, ammo that gives an optimal range of approximately 7,500m (iridium with basic skills when using 75mm rails) is ideal to orbit battleships at this distance to avoid smartbomb range. This may vary according to skills. Although dealing damage is not a tackler's priority, and cap should not be wasted on guns if it is needed to maintain tackle in prolonged encounters.


The Maulus is an electronic warfare frigate, specialized in dampening. Its low locking range makes it ineffecitve at range damping snipers. However, it can resolution damp effectively with the help of ECM in the fleet.

[Maulus, PVP Basic Skills Maulus]

Damage Control I
Signal Amplifier I

1MN Afterburner I
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening

125mm Railgun I, Uranium Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Uranium Charge S
[empty high slot]

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x2

  • The afterburner should only be used to get out of smartbomb range, or to go to optimal orbit in a defensive gate camp. Running the afterburner while damping will cap out the ship shortly.
  • Like other frigates, the Maulus is at risk of being popped quickly by smartbomb fitted battleships. Range should be maintained over 7,500m from battleships unless they are seen shooting from gun ports.
  • The empty high slot can be used for a nosferatu if the afterburner is switched out for a third damper. The nosferatu should usually not be used on battleships due to its short range and the risk of smartbombs. Without the nosferatu sucking cap, the maulus can quickly cap out. Cap should be closely monitored, especially in extended engagements if you use guns. If guns are fitted, like the incursus tackler, and optimal range of 7,500m is recommended for Uni fleets (uranium with basic skills when using 125mm rails).

[Maulus, PVP Basic Skills Maulus] Required skills
Afterburner I
Drones II
Electronic Upgrades I
Gallente Frigate II
Hull Upgrades I
Scout Drone Operation I
Sensor Linking I
Small Hybrid Turret I

[Maulus, PVP Basic Skills Maulus] Recommended skills
Acceleration Control II
Afterburner III
Combat Drone Operation III
Controlled Bursts III
Drones III
Electronics IV
Electronic Upgrades I
Energy Emission Systems I
Energy Management III
Energy Systems Operation III
Evasive Maneuvering II
Frequency Modulation III
Fuel Conservation III
Gallente Frigate IV
Gunnery III
Hull Upgrades III
Long Distance Jamming III
Long Range Targeting III
Mechanic III
Motion Prediction III
Navigation III
Rapid Firing III
Scout Drone Operation III
Sensor Linking III
Sharpshooter III
Signature Analysis III
Small Hybrid Turret III
Targeting III
Warp Drive Operation III


The tristan is an excellent pvp frigate, but requires missile skills to use effectively, which many Gallente players will not train early in their career. It is also slower and has less scan resolution than the Incursus, making it a worse tackler for typical Uni fleets.

[Tristan, PVE Recon Tristan]

Damage Control I
Overdrive Injector System I
Overdrive Injector System I

1MN Afterburner I
Small Shield Extender I
Medium Shield Extender I

[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

  • This fitting is made specifically for the Recon missions (level 2). Since they require no fighting, a quick frigate with moderate tank will perform best to complete the missions quickly with minimal risk.

[Tristan, PVE Recon Tristan] Required Skills
Afterburner I
Gallente Frigate III
Hull Upgrades I
Shield Upgrades I


Destroyers are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates, have more high slots. They are often used in pve for level 1 missions. They are rarely used in pvp, as their DPS is unimpressive without high skills, although they sometimes fill the role of anti-interceptor.

Flying destroyers is not recommended for typical Uni fleets, unless it is for a specialized Thrasher Hit & Run fleet.


The Catalyst has 8 high slots, all of which can be fitted with guns. It is the typical level 1 mission runner ship for Gallente pilots once they have amassed enough ISK to purchase it and fit it out.

The Catalyst is also used as a salvaging boat.

It is also used as a suicide gank ship by outlaws who participate in the Hulkageddon event.

[Catalyst, PVE Basic Skills Catalyst]

Damage Control I
Small Armor Repairer I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I

125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S

[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x1

[Catalyst, PVE Basic Skills Catalyst] Required Skills
Afterburner I
Destroyers I
Drones I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Energy Management II
Gallente Frigate III
Hull Upgrades I
Repair Systems I
Scout Drone Operation I
Small Hybrid Turret I

[Catalyst, PVE Basic Skills Catalyst] Recommended Skills
Acceleration Control I
Afterburner II
Controlled Bursts II
Destroyers I
Drones I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Energy Management II
Energy Systems Operation II
Evasive Maneuvering I
Gallente Frigate III
Gunnery III
Hull Upgrades II
Mechanic II
Motion Prediction II
Rapid Firing II
Repair Systems II
Scout Drone Operation I
Sharpshooter II
Small Hybrid Turret III
Targeting II

  • Switch the Micro Auxiliary Power Core I to Adaptive Nano Plating I (omni tanking) or Reactive Plating I (to fill the explosive hole in armor tanking, especially when facing Angel Cartel rats) if you have sufficient powergrid.
  • Fit three Small Capacitor Control Circuit I rigs if you can afford it (requires Jury Rigging I and Mechanic III).

[Catalyst, Salvaging Boat]

Capacitor Power Relay I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Co-Processor I

1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Cap Recharger I

Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I

Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I

[Catalyst, Salvaging Boat] Required Skills
Afterburner III
Armor Rigging I
Destroyers I
Electronics Upgrades I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Frigate III
High Speed Maneuvering I
Jury Rigging III
Mechanic III
Navigation III
Salvaging I

  • The low slots on a salvaging boat can vary. The co-processor is only needed if you lack cpu. The capacitor power relays help running the modules for longer periods of time, especially if cap skills are low. Cargo expanders can be of use in missions with many wrecks to loot. Even with cargo expanders, a destroyer will often run out of cargo space in level 4 missions.
  • Rigs are optional, they're a bit expensive for most newbies. The salvage tackle rigs can be changed to capacitor control circuit rigs if cap runs out too often.



The Celestis the the Gallente EW cruiser. Damps have a poor optimal, and even in falloff, it has difficulty applying damps at typical sniper range. Although it can do well with range damping against mid-range snipers up to 100 km or so. It can resolution damp, but this is not terribly useful without ECM on the field as well.

[Celestis, PVP Celestis]

Damage Control I
Signal Amplifier I
Reactor Control Unit I

10MN Afterburner I
Medium Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening

Medium Energy Neutralizer I
Medium Energy Neutralizer I
Medium Energy Neutralizer I
Drone Link Augmentor I

Hornet EC-300 x2
Vespa EC-600 x3

[Celestis, PVP Celestis] Required Skills
Afterburner I
Drones V
Electronic Upgrades I
Electronic Warfare IV
Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing II
Energy Emission Systems II
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Energy Systems Operation I
Engineering IV
Gallente Cruiser II
Hull Upgrades I
Scout Drone Operation IV
Sensor Linking I

  • This Celestis does three types of EW: damping, ECM, and cap warfare.
  • Cargohold should have 3 range scripts to switch if needed, and as many 800 cap charges as can fit.
  • Engineering IV is required for the 3rd neut. With Engineering III, 2 neuts will do. With Engineering V, the Reactor Control Unit can be replaced by a Power Diagnostic System I.
  • Even with minimal cap skills (Energy Management II and Energy Systems Operation II), cap will last over 3 minutes if the afterburner is inactive.


The Exequror is the Gallente logistics cruiser. It is not often used in pvp. It has a cargo bay bonus which can make it useful for players on trial accounts who cannot train industrial ships. An Exequror fitted with Expanded Cargohold in low slots can haul over 1000 m3 in its cargo bay.


The Thorax is the first ship newbie pilots should look at to fill a damage dealing role in pvp fleets. Its bonus to MWD cap and high DPS potential make it an excellent heavy tackler.

[Thorax, PVP Basic Skills Thorax]

Damage Control I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
400mm Reinforced Steel Plates I

10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Stasis Webifier I
Warp Scrambler I

Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M

Hammerhead I x5

  • If you're missing CPU due to not having Electronics IV and Weapon Upgrades IV, you can upgrade some modules to a higher meta level to reduce cpu required. You could also use a 200mm plate instead of the 400mm.
  • Faction ammo is not required, but the benefit to DPS is substantial. A full load of Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M (600 rounds total, 120 rounds per gun) costs around 600,000 ISK. More rounds are rarely needed, but having 2000 additional standard antimatter rounds in case of ratting or long engagements is recommended.

[Thorax, PVP Basic Skills Thorax] Required Skills
Drones V
Electronics IV
Gallente Cruisers III
Gunnery III
High Speed Maneuvering I
Hull Upgrades II
Medium Hybrid Turret I
Propulsion Jamming I
Scout Drone Operation I
Weapon Upgrades IV

[Thorax, PVP Basic Skills Thorax] Recommended Skills
Acceleration Control III
Afterburner IV
Controlled Bursts III
Combat Drone Operation III
Drone Navigation IV
Drones V
Drone Interfacing IV
Drone Sharpshooting IV
Electronics IV
Energy Management IV
Energy Systems Operation IV
Engineering IV
Evasive Maneuvering III
Gallente Cruiser IV
Gunnery V
High Speed Maneuvering III
Hull Upgrades IV
Mechanic IV
Medium Hybrid Turret IV
Motion Prediction IV
Navigation IV
Propulsion Jamming III
Rapid Firing IV
Scout Drone Operation IV
Sharpshooter IV
Signature Analysis III
Surgical Strike III
Targeting III
Trajectory Analysis III
Warp Drive Operation III
Weapon Upgrades IV

  • This training plan should take 2 months or so to complete, although this will vary a lot with learning skills, implants, and neural remap.
  • With the recommended skill list, EFT calculates DPS at 355 and EHP at 11,495. Cap stable at 49% with MWD inactive. New pilots looking to get into the Thorax early should aim for 300 dps with faction antimatter and 10k EHP minimum.


The Vexor, like the Mymidon and Dominix, is a drone boat. The drone boats are excellent pve ships, and they are also good pvp ships. Drone boats are sometimes fitted with tractors and salvagers to salvage wrecks during missions, this lowers dps, and thus increases mission completion time. Although it also saves time from not having to return to the mission site in another ship to salvage, but wether this saves time in total or merely makes it more convenient is debatable.

The Vexor is also an excellent pvp ship. For low skill pilots, it is usually easier to get DPS out of the Thorax, even with more skills in drones than gunnery.

[Vexor, PVE Basic Skills Vexor]

Damage Control I
Armor Thermic Hardener I
Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Medium Armor Repairer I

10MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I

Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
Drone Link Augmentor I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead I x5
Hobgoblin I x5

  • The hardeners and drones should be switched around depending on the rat types.
  • The damage control can be substituted for a third rat-specific hardener, especially on missions with a lot of explosive damage.
  • The Drone Link Augmentor can be left out if you don't have enough CPU. Electronics IV and Weapon Upgrades III should provide the required CPU.
  • Rigs are relatively expensive and they can be left out when starting level 2 missions if you have insufficient ISK.

[Vexor, PVE Basic Skills Vexor] Required Skills
Afterburner I
Drones IV
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Cruiser II
Gallente Frigate IV
Gunnery III
Hull Upgrades III
Medium Hybrid Turret I
Repair Systems I
Scout Drone Operation IV

  • Drones IV is the minimum amount of drones recommended to start running level 2 missions in a Vexor.
  • Scout Drone Operation IV is required for the Drone Link Augmentor. This module can be left out with little impact to the Vexor's performance.

[Vexor, PVE Basic Skills Vexor] Recommended Skills
Acceleration Control II
Afterburner II
Combat Drone Operation II
Controlled Bursts III
Drones V
Drone Interfacing III
Drone Navigation III
Electronics IV
Energy Grid Upgrades III
Energy Management III
Energy Systems Operation III
Fuel Conservation II
Gallente Cruiser III
Gunnery III
Hull Upgrades III
Jury Rigging I
Mechanic III
Medium Hybrid Turret III
Motion Prediction III
Rapid Firing III
Repair Systems IV
Scout Drone Operation IV
Sharpshooter III
Targeting III
Weapon Upgrades III

  • This recommended skill plan should take approximately two weeks to complete, depending on learning skills trained and implants used. The Vexor can be piloted earlier to get into level 2 missions, after about one week, depending on how the character was skilled and the player's ability to pilot the ship effectively using proper kiting techniques in difficult missions.



The Iteron line of ships, from I to V, are excellent haulers. The Iteron V when rigged is the industrial ship with the largest cargo capacity, although for most players and Iteron I or III will suffice. Industrials can be used to store mission loot and salvage, to haul at a later time and sell at a trade hub for more ISK than can be made in most backwater mission stations.

[Iteron Mark III, Hauler]

Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II

Medium Shield Extender I
Medium Shield Extender I
Medium Shield Extender I

[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Medium Cargohold Optimization I

[Iteron Mark III, Hauler] Required Skills
Astronautics Rigging I
Gallente Industrial III
Hull Upgrades II
Jury Rigging III
Mechanic III
Shield Upgrades I

  • An Iteron III fitted like this is a moderate skill investement, and can carry up to 17,672 m3.
  • A repackaged frigate is 2,500 m3, a repackaged destroyer is 5,000 m3, a repackaged cruiser is 10,000 m3, and a repackaged battlecruiser is 15,000 m3.
  • For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. For this purpose, an Amarr pilot trained for a Bestower is best for the least skill investment.
  • Industrial ships are easily suicide ganked in highsec. Suicide ganks are more likely close to trade hubs, or on paths between trade hubs, especially in 0.5 or 0.6 systems. If you are carrying less than 20 million ISK in goods, a suicide gank is extremely unlikely. Many suicide gankers will not bother with cargo worth less than 50 million ISK, but some will. Some suicide gankers will do it simply to cause grief rather than for profit. The shield tank fitted is mostly to avoid random suicide ganks from ships with low firepower or untargeted smartbomb suicide ganks. See 'The Dark Side of Eve' in the Audio Library for more information about suicide ganking and how to avoid it.



The Brutix is reknowned for its high DPS potential in pvp. It is also a popular suicide gank ship.

Although Gallente ships are usually better armor tanked, the Brutix benefits from a shield tank in several areas. Low slots can be dedicated to gank modules to increase DPS. The shield tank Brutix also has the advantage of being faster than an armor tank, which means it can get into the short blaster range sooner.

[Brutix, PVP T1 Shield Tank Brutix]

Damage Control I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Tracking Enhancer I

10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Scrambler I
Large Shield Extender I
Invulnerability Field I

Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M

Hammerhead I x5

  • This Brutix is very cheap to fit, and after insurance is collected it costs around 3 million ISK (assuming 20 million was paid for the hull), including 840 units of faction ammo, 2000 units of standard ammo, and 25 units of nanite repair paste. It pumps out around 500 DPS with 34k EHP with recommended skills.
  • This fit is not suitable for war time in the Uni due to T1 tank.

[Brutix, PVP T2 Shield Tank Brutix]

Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II

10MN MicroWarpdrive II
Invulnerability Field II
Large Shield Extender II
Warp Scrambler II

Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M

Medium Core Defence Field Extender I
Medium Core Defence Field Extender I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Hammerhead II x5

  • For large Uni fleets with its abundance of warp jammers and webs, the warp scrambler can be dropped for a second Large Shield Extender II, though this may require a Reactor Control I instead of the Tracking Enhancer II to fit. A second shield extender will give about 10k more EHP. For small gangs, the scrambler is recommended.
  • This version pump out around 700 dps with 50k EHP with recommended skills, or up to 60k EHP with double shield extenders.


The Mymidon is the typical level 3 missioning ship. It can fit a passive shield tank like the Drake, but most Gallente players will focus on armor tanking skills, and its armor repair cap bonus make it an excellent armor tanker. The myrmidon should be fitted with Hobgolins and Hammerheads, as well as Minmatar or Caldari drones depending if the rats are weak to explosive or kinetic damage.

The Myrmidon can also be an excellent pvp ship, though the damage potential is much less than the Brutix. It can have a good buffer tank, and some myrmidon pvp fits have double or triple repair modules. Myrmidons can also be fit and rigged for speed with a shield tank.

[Myrmidon, PVE T2 Tank Myrmidon]

Medium Armor Repairer II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II

10MN Afterburner II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M
Drone Link Augmentor I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
Valkyrie II x5

[Myrmidon, PVE T2 Tank Myrmidon] Required Skills
Afterburner IV
Battlecruisers II
Drones V
Electronics IV
Energy Grid Upgrades III
Gallente Cruisers III
Gallente Drone Specialization II
Gunnery III
Hull Upgrades V
Jury Rigging I
Mechanic IV
Medium Hybrid Turret I
Minmatar Drone Specialization II
Repair Systems IV
Scout Drone Operation V
Weapon Upgrades III

[Myrmidon, PVP T2 Light Neutrons Myrmidon]

Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

10MN MicroWarpdrive II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II
Warp Disruptor II

Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
Ogre II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1

  • This Myrmidon uses light neutrons to be able to fit more tank. Since the myrmidon doesn't have a bonus to guns, fitting small guns doesn't have a terrible effect on the DPS.
  • The most DPS from drones is from 2x Ogres, 2x Hammerheads, and 1x Hobgoblin due to the unusual 75 mb drone bandwidth. However, Ogres may have tracking issues to deal with smaller targets, and travel time can also be an issue depending on the initial engagement range.
  • The second web can be replaced by a target painter to help the Ogre DPS against sub-BS sized enemies if no one else in the gang has target painters, or a Drone Navigation Computer to increase drone MWD speed.
  • This fitting should have approximately 100k EHP and 475 DPS with recommended skills. The light neutrons have a very short optimal, and the scram + double webs can help keep enemies in place to apply full DPS.



The PVE Dominix fits are cap stable with Energy Management IV and Energy Systems Operation IV, and Fuel Conservation III (for the afterburner version). Meta 4 guns are used since every little bit of DPS helps when doing L4 missions. Normally you should not lose a Dominix to missions, since you should have good drone skills to kill warp jamming frigates fast. The low tank version should be used in easier missions and the high tank in harder missions. Pilots with higher cap skills might want to switch one of the CCC rigs for an Auxiliary Nano Pump. Some people prefer heavy drones, other prefer sentries. Try both and upgrade whichever you prefer to Tech 2.

[Dominix, PVE High Tank Dominix]

Large Armor Repairer II
Large Armor Repairer II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II

Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Drone Link Augmentor I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warrior II x5
Valkyrie II x5
Berserker I x5
Bouncer I x5

[Dominix, PVE Low Tank Dominix]

Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Large Armor Repairer II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II

100MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Dual 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
Drone Link Augmentor I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warrior II x5
Valkyrie II x5
Berserker I x5
Bouncer I x5

  • The afterburner is used to get in antimatter range, since some rats battleships are faster than a dominix with no propulsion module. It also helps keep angular velocity low to avoid tracking problems.

[Dominix, PVP Neut Domi RR]

Armor Explosive Hardener II
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

100MN MicroWarpdrive I
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution
ECCM - Magnetometric II

Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Large Remote Armor Repair System II
Drone Link Augmentor I

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Warrior II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Ogre II x5
Bouncer II x5
EC-600 x5

  • With a 3% powergrid implant, the Drone Link Augmentor I can be replaced by a second Medium Energy Neutralizer II.
  • T2 heavy drones and sentries are recommended, but T1 will suffice. The neut domi's role is to solidify RR BS gangs with extra tank and repping rather than do DPS, and the neuting will be effective against many ships.
  • The ECCM and Medium Capacitor Booster can be replaced with a scram and web to give this ship some tackle, especially if used as bait. Although the Domi isn't the best bait ship, as it is reknowned for being fitted with heavy neuts which many enemies will avoid getting within the 25 km range.


[Megathron, PVP Blasterthron RR]

Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution
Conjunctive Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I

Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
Neutron Blaster Cannon II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
Large 'Solace' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x5

  • Requires Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV and a 3% powergrid implant. Without a PG implant or with insufficient Advanced Weapon Upgrades, one or two of the blasters can be switched to meta 3 or 4 neutrons.

Ammunition, Range, and Kiting

You should carry 3 types of ammo during missions, and switch when required. By default, close range (antimatter or plutonium) ammo should be used. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (lead or thorium) or long (iron or tungsten) range ammo and fire from further away. Guns can suffer from tracking issues, so I would recommend using the 'keep at range' option instead of the 'orbit' option. With the amount of enemies in missions, orbiting is less likely to mitigate the total incoming damage from rats. Even close to optimal, when orbiting and using close range ammo, guns can have difficulty tracking enemies. Enemies should be kept close to optimal, this should keep angular velocity low to avoid suffering from tracking issues, and as long as enemies are within optimal there will be no reduction in damage.

Antimatter requires the most cap, has the shortest range, and does the most damage. Lead requires the least cap, has no range modifier, and does middling damage. Iron has the longest range, and the least damage.

To find out your optimal with ammo, load ammo in your guns, then right click and show info. The optimal displayed in the attributes will be adjusted for ammo and skills.

Tech and Meta Levels

These fittings were made mostly using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules, or Tech 2 for larger ships. This is partly to avoid confusion with higher meta names. Also, this insures that ship fittings are relatively cheap to get into without spending too much for new players with cash flow difficulties. And during war, pvp fittings using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules are provided by the university.

Higher Meta items up to meta 4 will often be easier to fit. Tech 2 is Meta 5, and harder to fit. Meta 3 and 4 are expensive, often more expensive than Tech 2. Meta 1 and 2 will often be less expensive than Meta 0, due to supply and demand on the market.


Never use Amarr drones, due to their low damage multiplier, they are useless even against enemies who's lowest resistance is EM damage. Gallente drones have the highest damage multiplier, and thermal damage is the best or second best damage to deal against most rat types. For level 1 to 3 missions, gallente drones are fine to use exclusively, although switching drones will make more efficient runs. At level 4 missions, it is strongly recommended to always fit the best drone types to match rat weaknesses.

Drone aggro should be watched. When arriving in a mission room, aggro should be aquired by approaching enemies and shooting them with guns. If a new wave of enemies arrives and the drones catch aggro, they should be recalled to the drone bay, and released only when the enemies have targeted your ship. Under normal circumstances, you should never lose drones when using proper aggro management with rats.

Hot keys are recommended for drone management. They need to be initially launched manually from the drone window, though hot keys can be set for attack and return to drone bay.

Drone aggro can be used by griefers to flag you for pvp.

In pvp, Gallente and Minmatar drones are used almost exclusively. Gallente drones for their damage potential, Minmatar drones for their speed and explosive damage which armor tankers will not always patch.

Salvaging After the Mission

Salvaging boats are usually used to clean up rooms after missions are complete. To do so, make sure you bookmark one wreck for each room in the mission, since the acceleration gates will disappear after the mission has be turned in at the agent. Once the mission is turned in, the MWD can be used to propel the salvaging boat within tractor range faster.

For level 4 missions, many players switch from the destroyer to a battlecruiser. Unfortunately, the Gallente battlecruisers have 6 or 7 high slots, instead of 8 like for some other races. The hurricane is well liked as a salvaging boat for its speed (for a BC sized ship) and 8 high slots.

Tank & Gank

Different rats (NPC pirates) factions have different damage type resistances, and deal different damage types.

Drones and hardeners should be switched around based on rat types.

Damage type resistance and dealt by rats can be found on Eve Survival.

Learning, Cybernetics, and Social Skills

For the fastest way to train learning skills, see the Attributes & Skills Guide on the Eve Online forums.

The basic learning skills should be trained up to level III within the first two days of play. They are quick to train, and will soon pay off in saved training time. Training them up to IV within the first week is recommended, except for Empathy. Many pilots have no use for Charisma-related skills, and thus Empathy can be left at III and Presence left untrained. Advanced learning skills should be purchased when the ISK is available for them. Training advanced learning skills up to III will pay off relatively fast. Many players will train basic learning skills up to V and advanced learning skills up to IV in the 3 to 6 month timeframe, and these levels of learning skills can take up to a year to pay off. Advanced learning skills at level V are not recommended, as they take many years to pay off.

Basic Learning Skills

  • Analytical Mind
  • Empathy
  • Instant Recall
  • Iron Will
  • Learning
  • Spatial Awareness

Advanced Learning Skills

  • Clarity
  • Eidetic Memory
  • Focus
  • Logic
  • Presence

Social skills

The Connections skill will give easier access to higher level missions. The Social skill at level III is a prerequisite.

  • Social III
  • Connections III