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Template:On-Going Events

Low-Sec Camp - Ship Replacement Program

The ship replacement program is divided into two segments.

One is to provide newbie-friendly hulls to play around with; the other is to encourage specialized role training by reimbursing these pilots for hulls lost in camp activities.

Camp Hanger container "25-Ship Hulls"

  • Will be stocked with select T1 hulls provided by the camp (Frigates, Destroyers, Blackbirds)
  • Hulls are free for the taking if you can use them at that moment
  • Feel free to donate REPAIRED and REPACKAGED hulls up to this container for camp use.

Ship Replacement Fund

The holding and administrative corp for the Ship Replacement Program(SRP) is:

  • "LSC Offshore Bank Account"
  • ID: 631655
  • Verification Code: mCTKhZWdia8rDGPkt3lMztoDXP7dll5j42qum2TzYv4HQvlrLrdI0ivcr0366Af9
  • Access Mask: 11540483

The only members of this corporation are alts of camp staff.

We hope to have a website available in the future which will allow anyone to see the fund wallet balance.

Direct ISK donations can be made to the corp, just put "SRP" or similar in the comment for the donation. Anything without a comment may be used for hangar modules and/or the SRP.

Expensive hulls for replacement purposes may be contracted to the LSC Offshore corp.

What is and is not currently covered by the SRP

  • Ship losses happening during local camp activity (2-jumps out of Maseera.

Zayi, Van, Shakasi, Maalna, Shirshocin).

What is not covered by the SRP

Even if you fulfill all the requirements above it's still possible your reimbursement might get denied due to the following reasons:

  • The ship hasn't been fitted for PvP (e.g. having an active tank while not being a bait or having non-combat modules like Mining Lasers fitted).
  • The ship violated the Wartime Standard Operating Procedures (if applicable).
  • The loss happened due to being AFK or violating the established rules for the camp in any other way.

How do i get reimbursed for a loss?

1. Join the mailing list "LSC.SRP"

2. Send a mail to the list. It shall contain the following:

  • Subject: (Ship Hull)
  • Link to the AAR for the loss.
  • Link to the killboard for the loss.
  • Brief explanation.

3. Remove yourself from the SRP mailing list. (unless you like spam)

4. Wait. Reimbursement depends on available funds as well as volunteer time to fulfill requests.

Here is a link to the public log of Reimbursements: LSC-SRP Log