EVE University Ribbons

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File:Ribbon-Graduate.jpeg Graduate - For having been awarded the Graduate Medal in game.

File:Ribbon-Intrepid Defender.jpg Intrepid Defender - For having been awarded the Intrepid Defender Medal in game.

File:Ribbon-Resolute Sentinel.jpg Resolute Sentinel - For having been awarded the Resolute Sentinel Medal in game.

File:Ribbon-Silver Cross.jpg Silver Cross - For having been awarded the Silver Cross Medal in game.

File:Ribbon-Gold Cross.jpg Gold Cross - For having been awarded the Gold Cross Medal in game.

File:Ribbon-Star of Valiant Duty.jpg Star of Valiant Duty - For having been awarded the Star of Valiant Duty Medal in game.

File:Ribbon-Ensign.jpg Ensign - Hold the Rank of Ensign in the ILN.

File:Ribbon-Lieutenant Junior Grade.jpg Lieutenant J.G. - Hold the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade in the ILN.

File:Ribbon-Lieutenant.jpg Lieutenant - Hold the rank of Lieutenant in the ILN

File:Ribbon-Lieutenant Commander.jpg Lieutenant Commander - Hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the ILN.

File:Ribbon-Commander.jpg Commander - Hold the rank of Commander in the ILN

File:Ribbon-Captain.jpg Captain - Hold the rank of captain in the ILN.

File:Ribbon-Rear Admiral.jpg Rear Admiral - Hold the rank of Rear Admiral in the ILN.

File:Ribbon-FC4.jpg Fleet Commander 4th Class - Command 2 combat fleets and made an AAR for them.

File:Ribbon-FC3.jpg Fleet Commander 3rd Class - Command 10 combat fleets and made an AAR for them.

File:Ribbon-FC2.jpg Fleet Commander 2nd Class - Command 20 combat fleets and made an AAR for them.

File:Ribbon-FC1.jpg Fleet Commander 1st Class - Command 50 combat fleets and made an AAR for them.

Ribbon-DS Participant.jpg Order of the Navy Megathron – Participate in a Dragonslayer which resulted in a slay.

File:Ribbon-DS Leader.jpg Order of Korr’Tanas – Plan, organize, and lead a Dragonslayer which resulted in a slay.

File:Ribbon-Tour of Duty.jpg Tour of Duty - For Serving in the ILN for 3 months.

Ribbon-Old Timer.jpg Old Timer - Having flown in at least 5 wars under the old WSOP… uphill, both ways!

File:Ribbon-Logistics.jpg Big Brother - Fly all race’s logistics cruisers and have Logi V.

File:Ribbon-WSpace.jpg Into the Unknown - For participating in a Uni organized POS bash in w-space.

File:Ribbon-Scout Teacher.jpg Never Seen, but Heard - For those who teach scouting classes.

File:Ribbon-Newbie.jpg Newbie - For being killed by Concord because you tackled a gate.

File:Ribbon-Close Call.jpg Close Call - For escaping while you ship is on fire.

File:Ribbon-Blackbird.jpg Scourge of Highsec - Flying in a blackbird in 30 fleets.

File:Ribbon-No Escape.jpg Quick Reflexes - Getting 30 podkills.

File:Ribbon-Solo Killer.jpg One Man Army - Getting 20 solo ship kills. (and no, FFA and events do not count)

File:Ribbon-Revenge.jpg Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold - Getting the killing blow in a pod.