Uni Tackle and EWar

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Tackle and Ewar for either fleet

General description

These fits are chosen to work with either main fleet type (armor or shield). They are divided into several types of tacklers, and a fleet should have a mix of all types. Some are designed to grab an initial point, while others are to be the second wave, taking over tackling from the initial tackler and holding the ship for an extended period. Ewar are ships that will work well with either fleet type. Some fleets will have tank specific ewar, depending on the ship, race, and fleet composition.

Pros and Cons


1. Allows new players to have starting ships that work with either main fleet type

2. Different types of tackle allow us to hold ships at all stages of an engagement


1. FCs need to ensure they have enough of each type to maintain effective tackle

2. Fits may work better if tweaked to a specific fleet doctrine

3. The tackle fits are build around fast long range point and fast, sturdy scram. There are not man webs in the tackle fits, so FCs need to make sure to take that into account when facing ABing targets.

4. All other ships should bring heavy tackle (scram, web) if possible to take over the frig tackle when it has to get out or dies.

Command Structure

Fits into command structure of the Armor, Shield, or Dessie Fleet.

General Tactics

Ships marked as “Long Range” are designed to use fleet interceptor tactics. They should hold at a distance, using a long point to get initial tackle, and distance/speed to maintain that tackle with some survivability. Spiraling into targets, and staying outside of neut or web range are essential.

Ships marked as “Short range” use sig tanking, along with a scram and web to hold targets tightly. They should take steps to remain alive, but be willing to sacrifice their ship if it means they hold the target long enough for the heavy guys in the fleet to grab tackle from them.

For more information, read: http://www.evealtruist.com/2012/08/newbie-tackling-guide.html We ruthlessly “borrowed” many of his fits and ideas.

Ships marked as “Ewar” bring electronic warfare capabilities. Please read the ship flying advice for specific guidelines, as it differs for each race.


These fits are geared towards the specific roles that need to be filled in a fleet. We have included both a low SP and a high SP version of each fit. You may alter the fits to be appropriate to your skills and isk, but please maintain its current role and philosophy. Examples of acceptable changes include dropping the rigs if you are a new player, or upgrading some of the mods (from the basic fit) or downgrading some mods (from the advanced fit) if your skills fall between the two extremes.

T1 Tackle Long range


The job of the T1 long range tackler is to get a quick first point (warp disruptor) on the target. This can be on a gate or anywhere else in space. They are all fit like you would fit a Fleet Interceptor, that is MWD (to actually get a fast point), Warp Disruptor (for the range) and a Medium Shield Extender (for the survivability) but compared to real Fleet Interceptors they lack the MWD signature bonus, the speed and the lock time.

They are intended to keep the target from warping away until the second line of tackle (the ones with scram/web) get a heavier tackle on the target. As your main focus lies on providing tackle and staying alive, your weapons are the least important part of your ship.

Specialized Tactics

So usually you will try to get a point on the primary or secondary target and when told to spread tackle (or you see it’s the right moment for yourself) you will spread your tackle on any target on the field whose name is as close to the first letter of your name as possible (to spread your fleet’s tackle to as many targets as possible without micromanaging it)..

While doing all that, you should try to shoot enemy drones who are the main threat to small ships. Focus especially on ECM drones and light drones, namely warrior IIs.

When you are taking damage, you have to consider to die a hero’s death or to get out in time. As your T frigate is usually not that expensive, you might want to stick around if it looks like a Chaser frigate is going to tackle it soon.










T1 Tackle Close Range


The job of the T1 close range tackler is to get his scram (and maybe the web) on the primary or secondary target.

They are fit like you would fit a Chaser AF, that is MWD (to actually catch the target), scram (to slow it down) and a heavy tank (to survive till the BC/BS can take over or kill the target). Some also fit a web to slow the target down.

Compared to the AF counterpart the T1 frigs lack the MWD signature bonus and the tank (both lead to less survivability). They also deal less dps but that is not their main job. They are intended to slow the target down so the main damage dealer can get in range, apply more of their damage (due to better hits on slower targets) and also to take over the prevent warping away part from the first line of tackle. As your main focus lies on providing tackle and staying alive, your weapons are the least important part of your ship.

Specialized Tactics

Usually you will try to get a point on the primary or secondary target and when told to spread tackle (or you see it’s the right moment for yourself) you will spread your tackle on any target on the field whose name is as close to the first letter of your name as possible (to spread your fleet’s tackle to as many targets as possible without micromanaging it).

While doing all that, you usually will try to shoot enemy drones who are the main threat to small ships. Focus especially on ECM drones and light drones, namely warrior IIs.

When you are taking damage, you have to consider to die a hero’s death or to get out in time. A the T1 frigate is quite cheap, you might want to keep your target tackled when there is a chance that the target gets killed before you go down.










T1 Ewar


The main job of the Ewar ships is to apply their Ewar abilities from their Ewar optimal range. The fit revolves around that Ewar capabilities.

You are a major threat to the enemy fleet, so you need to take care to stay alive. Your best option is usually to utilize on the range of your Ewar modules.

Specialized Tactics

So usually you will try to warp in at your Ewar optimal’s range. If you are close to the enemy fleet, it usually makes sense to “bounce”, which means to warp out (the closest celestial from your pod saver tab is a decent bet)# and then warp back in at your optimal range. Once you landed at your optimal range, put your Ewar on the enemy it makes most sense on.# Align to some celestial immediately and “bounce” as soon as you ship is at risk.



[Griffin, meta0]	
Signal Distortion Amplifier I

ECM - Spatial Destabilizer I
ECM - Phase Inverter I
ECM - Ion Field Projector I
ECM - White Noise Generator I

Light Missile Launcher I, Inferno Light Missile
Light Missile Launcher I, Inferno Light Missile
[empty high slot]

Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor I

Get to your ECM optimal range and jam all targets

Fitting advice:
- Bring 2 of each ECM jammer extra in cargo, you might want to refit on the run
- You can swap the SDA for a DCU
- You can bring a propulsion module if you want to
- The Augmentor rig is really expensive, maybe leave this slot empty or fit another cheap projector rig
- If you want to upgrade to meta modules, start with the ECM and the SDA

[Griffin, T2]
Don’t look here. Fly a Blackbird asap, it is so awesome


[Arbitrator, rookie]	
Damage Control II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

DDO Photometry Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script
DDO Photometry Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script
DDO Photometry Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I

Drone Link Augmentor I
Drone Link Augmentor I
200mm Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S
200mm Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S

Medium Ionic Field Projector I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Vespa EC-600 x5
Hammerhead I x5
Warrior I x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

Get in your TD’S optimal range and disrupt turret ships (or speed disrupt and get under the guns) Job: apply TDs on enemy turret ships.
Fitting advice:
- Try to fit EANM II > ANP II > EANM I > ANP I
- Trimark rigs are expensive, fit them only if you want to
- bring 3 Tracking Speed Disruption scripts in cargo
- If you can’t field ECM drones, bring something else
- Don’t try get in range of your neuts, they are there to defend vs. enemy tacklers

[Arbitrator, veteran]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
Tracking Disruptor II, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
Tracking Disruptor II, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I

Drone Link Augmentor II
Gatling Pulse Laser II
Gatling Pulse Laser II
Salvager I /OFFLINE

Medium Ionic Field Projector I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Warrior II x5
Hammerhead II x5

Fitting advice:
- Fit Trimark rigs if you want to but they are expensive
- Downgrade the TDs if you can’t fit T2s, meta 2-4 should be cheap and meta4 is as good as T2
- If you downgrade the TDs to meta3/4, you can field some small ACs
- Don’t fit neuts in the highs on cost of your 1600mm plate
- The high slots are joker slots, fit small remote hull repairers, salvagers, drone link augmentors if you want.


[Blackbird, Rookie]	
Damage Control I
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates I

ECM - Spatial Destabilizer I
ECM - Phase Inverter I
ECM - Ion Field Projector I
ECM - Ion Field Projector I
ECM - White Noise Generator I
10MN MicroWarpdrive I

Heavy Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Heavy Missile
Salvager I
[empty high slot]

Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I

Fitting Advice
- Upgrade your ECM and other modules to meta and/or T2 levels if you can, look at the vet fit for suggestions.
- You have a full rack of rainbow jammers. Bring a 2nd one of the one most likely to be engaged. This fit suggests caldari as their ships are usually not counter-able by other ewar. Amarr and Minmatar makes also perfectly sense.
-Have two of each other ECM jammers in cargo to be able to refit on the run

[Blackbird, vet]
Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

BZ-5 Neutralizing Spatial Destabilizer ECM
Enfeebling Phase Inversion ECM I
'Umbra' White Noise ECM
'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I
'Umbra' White Noise ECM
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I

[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Augmentor I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I

Fitting advice:
- Jammers are based on enemy fleet comp
- have two of each other ECM jammers in cargo to be able to refit on the run
- You have to leave the highslots empty unless you are willing to downgrade the plate (less tank) or switch the MWD for an AB. Your high slots are not that useful on a fleet blackbird, you better keep the higher tank.


[Celestis, Rookie]	
Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Adaptive Nano Plating II

Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Targeting Range Dampening Script
Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Targeting Range Dampening Script
Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Targeting Range Dampening Script
Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I, Targeting Range Dampening Script

Drone Link Augmentor I
Drone Link Augmentor I
150mm Light AutoCannon II, EMP S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, EMP S

Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Inverted Signal Field Projector I

Vespa EC-600 x4

Fitting Advice
- Bring both scripts and use accordingly
- if you can’t field ECM drones, bring warriors

[Celestis, Vet]
Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Remote Sensor Dampener II, Targeting Range Dampening Script
Remote Sensor Dampener II, Targeting Range Dampening Script
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Remote Sensor Dampener II, Targeting Range Dampening Script
Remote Sensor Dampener II, Targeting Range Dampening Script

Drone Link Augmentor I
200mm AutoCannon II, EMP S
200mm AutoCannon II, EMP S
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Inverted Signal Field Projector I

Vespa EC-600 x4

Fitting Advice
- Bring both scripts and use accordingly
- The high slots don’t matter that much, small neuts and small guns are anti-tackler/drone modules


[Bellicose, Rookie]	
Damage Control II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
800mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

Peripheral Weapon Navigation Diameter
Peripheral Weapon Navigation Diameter
Peripheral Weapon Navigation Diameter
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I

Advanced 'Limos' Heavy Missile Bay I, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Advanced 'Limos' Heavy Missile Bay I, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Advanced 'Limos' Heavy Missile Bay I, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
5W Infectious Power System Malfunction
Salvager I

Medium Ionic Field Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I

Vespa EC-600 x3
Hornet EC-300 x2	

Fitting Advice
- A lot of people underestimate this ship. Bringing TPs to a fleet scales immensely with the number of fleet members as everyone profits from the increase in applied dps.
- Instead of the salvager you can also bring another mall neut or switch them for small AC
- If you can’t field ECM drones, bring Valkyries and Warriors

[Bellicose, vet]
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Damage Control II
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates II

Target Painter II
Target Painter II
Target Painter II
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I

Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
[empty high slot]

Medium Ionic Field Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I

Vespa EC-600 x3
Hornet EC-300 x2

Fitting Advice
The 200mm AC is there only because it fits. It hardly serves any purpose except when you get tackled which you shouldn’t

T2 tackle long range (Interceptor)


Point targets, shoot drones, get out alive. Learn what you can and what you can’t tackle. Learn to stay alive, that’s 50% of your Interceptor pilot skills.

Specialized Tactics

See the tactics for the t1 version for more details.



[Malediction, all IVs]
Damage Control II
Overdrive Injector System II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Medium F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction

125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
[empty high slot]

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Ionic Field Projector I

Armor fits that use the armor bonus are also possible, but usually slower and require active tank to run them.
Main benefit is in freeing a mid slot, though it often is filled with Cap Booster.

Fitting Advice
- Drop a gun if you can’t fit three
- You can also fit a MAPC and upgrade the MSE to T2
- You can also switch the Nano for an OD
-You can switch the polycarbon rig rig for an aux thruster, anti-explosive or anti-EM rig

[Malediction, all Vs]
Damage Control II
Overdrive Injector System II
Signal Amplifier II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Medium Shield Extender II

125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Ionic Field Projector I

Fitting Advice
-You can switch the anti-EM rig for a polycarbon, aux thruster or an anti-explosive rig
- You can also switch the OD for a Nano


[Raptor, all IVs]	
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Overdrive Injector System II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II

75mm Gatling Rail II, Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail II, Antimatter Charge S
[empty high slot]
[empty high slot]

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Fitting Advice
-You can switch the anti-EM rig for a polycarbon, aux thruster or an anti-explosive rig
- You can also switch the OD for a Nano

[Raptor, all Vs]
	Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Overdrive Injector System II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II

75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
[empty high slot]

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Fitting Advice
-You can switch the anti-EM rig for a polycarbon, aux thruster or an anti-explosive rig
- You can also switch the OD for a Nano


[Ares, all IVs]	
Overdrive Injector System II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II

Light Electron Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Light Electron Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Fitting Advice<br>
-You can switch the anti-EM rig for a polycarbon, aux thruster or an anti-explosive rig<br>
- You can also switch the OD for a Nano	<br>
[Ares, all Vs]
Overdrive Injector System II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II

Light Electron Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Light Electron Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Fitting Advice
-You can switch the anti-EM rig for a polycarbon, aux thruster or an anti-explosive rig
- You can also switch the OD for a Nano


[Stiletto, all IVs ]	
Internal Force Field Array I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Overdrive Injector System II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Medium Shield Extender II
Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script

150mm Light AutoCannon II, EMP S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, EMP S
[empty high slot]

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Effectively the best interceptor due to 4 mid slots available.
Fitting Advice
- You can switch the TD or a mASB but you need to drop a gun and upgrade the MAPC
-You can switch the anti-EM rig for a polycarbon, aux thruster or an anti-explosive rig
- You can also switch the OD for a Nano

[Stiletto, all Vs]
Internal Force Field Array I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Overdrive Injector System II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Medium F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50

125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
[empty high slot]

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

Fitting Advice
-You can switch the anti-EM rig for a polycarbon, aux thruster or an anti-explosive rig
- You can switch the ancillary shield booster for a set of different things: TD, Sensor Booster, Web, Scram, AB.
- You can also switch the OD for a Nano

T2 tackle close range (AF)


Pursue and scram targets and slow them down, shoot drones, get out or die tackling the target. Remember that these are fleet fits and not really suited to engage people 1v1.

Specialized Tactics

These fits are focused at what these ships are supposed to do well in a fleet and that is heavy tackle. That means besides speed and tackle, they are fit for a sustained heavy tank. They are not really fit around dealing damage, so it is ok to gimp the dps. If you are flying in a smaller gang, you might want to shift a bit of tank to a bit more dps; in bigger fleets this is usually counter-productive.



[Vengeance, Chaser active either all IVs and Vs]	
Small Armor Repairer II
Internal Force Field Array I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Adaptive Nano Plating II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Anti-Thermic Pump I
Small Auxiliary Thrusters I	

2118 m/s, 8433 EHP, 67 sustained reps (lvl IVs)
Fitting Advice
- This fit works fine with all skills at lvl. IV or V
- This fit is not the fastest Chaser around but very tanky
- It is cap stable with either the repper or the MWD running, not both

[Vengeance, Chaser buffer]
400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Adaptive Nano Plating II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
Small Ancillary Current Router I

2136 m/s, 13440 EHP (lvl Vs)
Fitting Advice
- It fits with engineering V and AWU IV
- you can fit a higher meta MAPC to help your PG
- You can also switch your rocket launchers for small ACs and upgrade the plate to T2


[Harpy, Chaser]	
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Overdrive Injector System II

Medium Shield Extender II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II
Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I

Light Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Light Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Light Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Light Ion Blaster II, Antimatter Charge S
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I

2295 m/s; 13485 EHP (18600 with MSE instead of web), 53 repped dps (79 with 2nd MSE) at all lvl. IVs
Fitting Advice
- if you don’t have fitting skills at lvl. V, you might need to downgrade some blasters to Electron.
- You can switch the web for another MSE (drop guns to 3 75mm Rails), an Afterburner, a mASB or even a TD


[Hawk, Chaser double mASB]
Internal Force Field Array I
Overdrive Injector System II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

2480 m/s, 5790 EHP, 194 repped dps on one booster, 372 burst (more with OH),
Fitting Advice
- Fits with all IVs and Electronics and Engineering at V.
- Be aware of EM hitting ships, you have a huge EM hole.
- Caldari pilots tend to have hybrid skills from all turret ones. So 125mm ACs can be switched to small caliber hybrid weapons (75mm rails, electron blasters) if DPS increase will be worth it.


[Enyo, Chaser buffer]	
400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Damage Control II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator

Small 'Knave' Energy Drain
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S

Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
Small Ancillary Current Router I

Hobgoblin II x1	

2085 m/s; 12900 EHP (with lvl. IVs) Fits with Electronics V rest IVs


[Jaguar, Chaser buffer mASB]	
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Overdrive Injector System II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Scrambler II
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50

150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I
Small Processor Overclocking Unit I

3036 m/s, 9150 EHP with 170 repped dps on one repper at all lvl. IVs
Fitting Advice
- Low SP need to downgrade the guns to 125mm ACs
- You can switch the mASB for an AB or a 2nd MSE

[Jaguar, Chaser buffer]
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Overdrive Injector System II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Scrambler II
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II

125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S

Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I

The best AF for the job.

This ship is the only really capable of catching and holding a kiting vagabonds, cynabals and tier 3 BCs.

3036 m/s; 12 750 EHP; 50 repped dps
- You can also switch the Nano for another OD
- You might need to drop one gun
- You can switch one MSE for an AB and then switch the PG rig for another resist rig



Recons are great force multipliers. Especially the tackle recons are a great addition to pretty much any fleet. If flown correctly, they usually have a decent chance of staying alive due to their great range. You will be high on the primary list usually, so keep that in mind. In a lot of fights it makes sense to stay behind in safety (even cloaked).

Specialized Tactics

Especially the Force Recons can fit an Expanded Probe Launcher quite well. Their main job is usually not to apply dps but to apply their T2 Ewar. The Expanded Probe Launcher adds a lot of versatility and especially the tackle Force Recons can be decent initial tacklers. At least they can punt the fleet on the target.



[Curse, armor curse]	
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Tracking Disruptor II, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
Tracking Disruptor II, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400
Tracking Disruptor II, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 400

Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Drone Link Augmentor II

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Ancillary Current Router I

Warrior II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet EC-300 x5	

35300 EHP, 1267 m/s

Fitting Advice:
- This fit needs the “Inherent Implants 'Squire' Engineering EG-601” for 1% PG or the bonus implants They’ll work too. The 1% PG implant is really cheap.
- You can also drop the plate to a 800mm T2 plate and fit trimark rigs.
This will drop your tank by 3k EHP and slow you down by 100 m/s.
- Bring both TD scripts. When in doubt, the optimal range script is better but it depends on the situation.
- Sadly Navy charges necessary for cap stability

[Curse, shield nano]
Damage Control II
Reactor Control Unit II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800
Large Shield Extender II
Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script
Large Shield Extender II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Missile

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

This is as bit more tanky.
Still, in bigger fights, stay at TD not neut range and use neuts for defense purposes only (when something gets in range)

Fitting Advice
- Bring both scripts
- This fit is aimed at small and/or kiting shield gangs
- You can switch the warp disruptor for a 2nd TD if you have enough tackle
- if you fly with shield Logis, you can switch one LSE for an Invul and the RCU II for a PDU II. This gives slightly less EHP but more resists.
- Also fits with a medium NOS can be viable


[Pilgrim, Punter / Heavy Tackler]	
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Damage Control II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 400
10MN Afterburner II
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I

Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Hammerhead II x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Warrior II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5	

Fitting Advice:
- This fit is good as a punter/combat scout
- It can tackle most stationary snipers well
- It is useless against fast moving targets
- In bigger fights, stay at TD range or even better, stay hidden in warpable range

[Pilgrim, active tanked]
Internal Force Field Array I
Medium Armor Repairer II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Adaptive Nano Plating II

Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 400
Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I
1MN Afterburner II

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

Fitting Advice
- Cap with everything running lasts 2:30 minutes
- Compared to the buffer fit it gets more HP after about 50 seconds (if you survive that long)


Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Signal Distortion Amplifier II

Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
BZ-5 Neutralizing Spatial Destabilizer ECM
'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I
Enfeebling Phase Inversion ECM I
Enfeebling Phase Inversion ECM I
'Umbra' White Noise ECM
'Umbra' White Noise ECM

Expanded Probe Launcher I, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S

Medium Particle Dispersion Augmentor I
Medium Particle Dispersion Projector I

Warrior II x5	

Fitting Advice:
- Bring three extra ECM of each race in your cargo to refit on the run


[Rook, shield]
Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
Signal Distortion Amplifier II

BZ-5 Neutralizing Spatial Destabilizer ECM
Enfeebling Phase Inversion ECM I
'Umbra' White Noise ECM
'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I
Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I

Heavy Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Heavy Missile

Medium Particle Dispersion Augmentor I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Warrior II x5

- You can switch the rigs for ECM range rigs (2 range rigs gives a range of 74+53 km
- A PG implant lets you fit a T2 LSE
- You can also fit a 2nd SDA instead of the BCU
- Bring lots of different ECM to be able to change your ECM on the run.
- EM resist hole is not plugged because not many things can really hit you with EM at your operational range


[Lachesis, shield]	
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Signal Amplifier II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 400
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Warp Disruptor II

Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Heavy Missile
200mm Railgun II, Spike M
Salvager I

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Vespa EC-600 x3
Hornet EC-300 x2	

Fitting Advice
- with Logi support, you can switch one LSE for another Invul field for better rep efficiency
- Downgrade the Railgun if you can’t fit this
- You can also switch the SigAmp for an OD, a TE, another nanofiber or a backup array.


[Arazu, armor]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II

Warp Disruptor II
Warp Disruptor II
Warp Scrambler II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 400
Remote Sensor Dampener II, Targeting Range Dampening Script
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Dual 150mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge M
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Vespa EC-600 x3
Hornet EC-300 x2

41900 EHP, 1144 m/s
Fitting Advice
- Instead of the RSD you can also fit a SeBo if you think you need to get a fast lock.


[Rapier, shield]	
Damage Control II
Overdrive Injector System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I

425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M
425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hornet EC-300 x5
Warrior II x3

Fitting Advice
If you want to bring a point for say a small gang, drop the Invul

[Rapier, armor]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II

Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron
Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron
Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I

220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Barrage M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Barrage M
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe I
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Hornet EC-300 x5
Warrior II x3

Fitting Advice
- You can downgrade the plate to meta4 to fit more webs or a point instead of a TP