Dust 514: 101st The Screaming Leporids

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The 101st "The Screaming Leporids

The 101st is the first division created in Dust University. It was formed to meet the need for mercs with a desire to excel in corporation battles. It's current commanding officer is Death Scyhe Duni.


Kevall Longstride/Dennie Fleetfoot saw the need for a more dedicated division of mercs within Dust University and formed the 101st. The word leporid means "rabbit or bunny". As the number of mercs in D-Uni and the 101st grew, Death Scyhe took it upon himself to write up a proposal for organising/directing the 101st. This was approved and he was given the title of "Commanding Officer". Death went to work right away restructuring and organizing the 101st.

Joining the 101st

Currently to join the 101st, you have to fill out an application