User:Mark kashukeni
I am a (mostly) retired wikipedia editor with over 28,000 edits to the English wikipedia and over 2,000 images added to the commons since 2005. Now I'm an EvE online player and EvE uni member.
Fitting Template
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
EM Ward Field II
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Sensor Booster II
Tracking Computer II
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Large Core Defense Field Extender I
Large Core Defense Field Extender I
Hobgoblin I x5
Scan Resolution Script
Optimal Range Script
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L

- Gunnery Supports IV
- Caldari Battleship IV
- Short range blasters
- Something else
Miner I
Miner I
Salvager I
Small Shield Booster I
1MN Afterburner I
Survey Scanner I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Hobgoblin I x2

- Basic mining setup, requiring nothing but a few basic skills.
- Hobgoblins provide defense against random rats; salvager lets you salvage any wrecks the drones leave behind.
{{ShipFitting | ship=Venture | shipTypeID=32880 | fitName=Basic Miner/Salvager | fitID=Basic-Miner-Salvager | high1name=Miner I | high1typeID=483 | high2name=Miner I | high2typeID=483 | high3name=Salvager I | high3typeID=25861 | mid1name=Small Shield Booster I | mid1typeID=399 | mid2name=1MN Afterburner I | mid2typeID=439 | mid3name=Survey Scanner I | mid3typeID=444 | low1name=Mining Laser Upgrade I | low1typeID=22542 | drone1name=Hobgoblin I x2 | drone1typeID=2454 | drone2name=open | drone3name=open | drone4name=open | drone5name=open | rig1name=open | rig2name=open | rig3name=open | difficulty=0 | warsop=A | warsopReason= | version=RET 1.0 | shipDNA=32880:483;2:25861;1:399;1:439;1:444;1:22542;1:2454;2:: | skills= | notes=Basic mining setup, requiring nothing but a few basic skills.</li><li> Hobgoblins provide defense against random rats; salvager lets you salvage any wrecks the drones leave behind. }}
{{ShipFitting | ship= | shipTypeID= | fitName= | fitID= | high1name= | high1typeID= | mid1name= | mid1typeID= | low1name= | low1typeID= | subsystem1name= | subsystem1typeID= | drone1name= | drone1typeID= | charge1name= | charge1typeID= | rig1name= | rig1typeID= | difficulty= | warsop= | warsopReason= | version= | shipDNA= | skills= | notes= }}
<url=showinfo:3581>Purloined Sansha Codebreakers</url>
In Game Browser - Using Client Services
Some ingame functions are accessible through the ingame webbrowser. To allow this access some new tags have been introduced. EVEMail
Opens a “New Message” window. The receiver field will contain the charname. In the extended version, you can also supply the subject and the message text.
<A HREF=”evemail:charname”> ... </A> <A HREF=”evemailto:charname,...” SUBJECT=”subject” message=”text”> ... </A> Show Info
Opens the “Show Info” window for the given item type. If you also add the itemID, you will get more detailed information of the item.
Note: You should not add the itemID when it is not really needed. If the item is repackaged or destroyed, you will receive an error message. It is always safe to use the typeID.
<A HREF=”showinfo:typeID”> ... </A> <A HREF=”showinfo:typeID//itemID”> ... </A>
<A HREF=”showinfo:1//3012978”>Agent: Tasara Athasho</A> <A HREF=”showinfo:2//1000129”>Corp: Outer Ring Excavations</A> <A HREF=”showinfo:5//30003277”>PF-346 solar system</A> <A HREF="showinfo:657">Iteron Mark V</A>
Shows the route from your current position to the given solar system in the map.
<A HREF=”showrouteto:solarsystemID”> ... </A>
Shows the given solar systems in the map.
<A HREF=”showinmap:solarsystemID1//solarsystemID2//...//solarsystemIDn”> ... </A>
Draws a map into an image.
<IMG SRC=”starmap:ids=list of map objects&marks=list of markers” size=”size”>
list of map objects is a comma separated list of constellationIDs.
List of markers is a comma separated list of entries. Each entry has this format:
solarsystemID::text to display::-::-
<IMG SRC=”starmap:ids=20000509&markers=30003489::You are here::-::-”> Character Portrait
Generates an image of a character.
<IMG SRC=”portrait:characterID” SIZE=”size”> Logos
Generates the logo of a corporation.
<IMG SRC=”corplogo:corporationID” SIZE=”size”>
Generates the logo of a faction.
<IMG SRC=”factionlogo:factionID” SIZE=”size”> Icons
Generates the icon of a given typeID
<IMG SRC=”typeicon:typeID” width=”64”>