Moving into Wormhole Space

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Picking the right System

Before you can even start thinking about moving into a W-space system you need to pick the right one for your needs and plans.

There are about 2500 Systems in W-space, each different and unique. Choosing the one you will like will take time and lots of effort. You will probably spend days or even weeks scouting before you find a system that suits your needs. You will have to decide if you are going to live there by yourself or with a couple of friends. You will have to know what activities are you going to perform there (manufacturing, harvesting Gas and Ore, Killing Sleepers) and if you are going to be able to do those things alone or will it require a fleet. You'll have to know if the activity you picked will require frequent Logistic runs out to K-space.


The following factors affect your choice of your home system.

  • Plan ahead on what kind of static you wish the system could have, look for that.
    • Since with continued site-clearing, the sites in your home system will spawn less and less often, the class of static wormhole is what determines your profit potential in the long run. See 'Warning,' below.
  • Keep in mind that the wormholes have mass restrictions. You won't be able to jump Capital Ships through most of them, and there are wormholes that won't even allow battleship sized ships.
  • Look for a system with a variety of Planets that will later be used for your Planetary Interaction colonies.
  • Decide what Class of the system you're looking for, take into consideration the kinds of exploration sites the system is likely to spawn.
  • Ask yourself if you want the system to have any Effects that would help you with your activities. (i.e. a Pulsar effect will help shield tanking ships and cripple armor tanking ones.)


Let's say you would like to harvest gas and ore, you won't do any Manufacturing, and you want to kill sleepers, but you don't have any corporation members to help you with that.

  • If Ore and Gas are your main priorities, you might want to consider a higher Class System, because they are more likely to spawn better Grav sites. You can now go look for a Class 4 wormhole with a static Class 2 connection. The reason for this is that the home system (Class 4) will provide you with the Ore you want, and the Class 2 connection will most likely have a High Security K-space exit as well as anomalies with sleepers that you can manage to kill by Yourself.
  • If, on the other hand, sleepers are your main goal, and mining ore is what you want to do in your spare time, then the System you would be looking for would be a lower class. A Class 2 System with a static high sec exit would spawn anomalies with sleepers you can kill solo, and an occasional Grav and Ladar sites you can mine by yourself.

It's up to you what kind of system would be the best for your needs and activities you want to perform. All you need to do is find that system.