User:Kataki soikutsu-Incursions 101

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Class Information

This chapter contains the standard information of this class pertaining to scheduling and class contents. The General Information should be sufficient to create a proper class topic for scheduling on the Eve University forum. Additional information relevant to the teacher is listed under Notes for the Teacher.

General Information

Illustration link for class description on the Eve University forum: http://xxx.jpg

This class describes how to succeed in Incursions - what they are, how they work, and how you can profit by them.

  • Duration: 60-90 minutes [and an additional 60 minutes/hours for the optional practical exercise]
  • Location: Docked up safely in a station. [Note the fleet for the practical will form in Aldrat and will then travel to the Incursion site.]

Class contents:

  • What are Incursions?
  • Incursion Mechanics
  • How to find an Incursion Fleet
  • Q&A

[* Practical exercise]

Student requirements:

  • Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up:
  • Access to the Class.E-UNI in-game chat channel

[* A suitable ship for the optional practical exercise. Fits on this site recommended:]

Additional information: This class is primarily lecture delivered in the Class.E-UNI channel in Mumble, followed by Q&A. [An optional practical exercise follows.]

Notes for the Teacher

Required materials:

Class Contents


Welcome to this class on Incursions!

Over the 60 minutes or so, we shall cover what Incursions are, and how you can participate in them successfully.

(Instructor should then introduce himself or herself - covering relevant experience level and background.)

We have a few ground rules for this class:

  • Please put your Mumble settings on "Push to Talk" if you have not already done so.
  • Feel free to type any questions in the Class.E-UNI chat channel as we proceed - I will try to answer your questions as they come during the class. [At the end of my lecture, we'll open Mumble for any further questions or general discussion.]
  • You should be [docked up safely in a station [in Aldrat if you intend to participate in the practical exercise], or located....]

Everyone ready? OK, then - let's begin....

What are Incursions?

Incursions are a random PvE event in EVE. The Sansha's Nation invades a Constellation for a few days with mysterious goals. We as Capsuleers can slow or even stop an invasion by taking on the Sansha ships while they work. If we do enough damage to the Sansha one of their Motherships becomes vulnerable. And the invasion is stopped when we blow it up...

In game terms Incursions are high level, group PvE content. They are similar to raids in other MMOs. Within any Incursion there are many sites of different sizes ranging from 10 pilot site to the 80 pilot Mothership. In terms of skill, Incursions are really end-game content. Generally requiring at least 2-3 months of skilling before a pilot is ready. In general pilots fly Battleships, Tech II Logistic Ships, and Strategic Cruisers for Incursions.

The running of High Security Incursions revolves around finding an Incursion Community you like to run with. These are not Corporations or Alliances in EVE, but chat channels dedicated to forming Incursion fleets. Each channel has its own requirements, specialties, and culture. This course will cover the basic requirements that they all have in common but it is advised that each pilot do their own research when looking at communities to learn their differences.

Low and Null Security Incursions are not run as often due to the risk of PvP inherent in the space. This is not to say they are never run, and in fact Null Sec Alliances like to get ride of them because they are disruptive. It is more the groups that run any particular one tend to be tighter knit and harder to fly with if you are not already part of them.

Incursion Mechanics

journal bar new chat channel NPCs benefits site types

How to find an Incursion fleet

Basic fleet comp by site Incursion communities fitting ships: Basics Kitchen sink shield MWD Armor advanced doctrines.