User:Etienne law

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Etienne Law

Etienne Law ("eh-tee-eh-n ") is a Sebiestor engineer and graduate of the Republic Military School & EVE University. Devout to the Minmatar Republic, he became a capsuleer on 2nd July 113 YC. He is currently in null-sec with 4S Corporation in the RAZOR alliance. When not on deployment with RAZOR/CFC he resides in the Tenal region of New Eden but has also been known to live in wormhole space.

You can follow Etienne on Twitter: @Etienne_Law

Check out Etienne's EVE pictures: EVE Pics

IVY League

EVE University

Etienne spent over 12 months in EVE University and from an early age lent his abilities, most noticeably, to the universities 'Low-Sec Camp' amongst other projects. Based out of the metropolis region of New Eden, Etienne had many responsibilities including mentoring and serving as an officer in the IVY League Navy (ILN). Anyone wishing to join IVY League can find more information here:


In his service to the UNI, Etienne has been awarded the following medals:

In the defense of others, Etienne has been awarded the following medal:

"Awarded to the brave pilots that fought to protect the Holy Cottage in 9UY4-H on the night of September 23-24, 113 YC."

Etienne Law - Before joining EVE University


An EVE University graduate, Etienne was also a mentor for those pilots younger than himself. He has mentored over 20 students on their journey through EVE. Anyone interested in aquiring a mentor or even becoming one can find out more about the mentoring program at:

Low-Sec Camp

Etienne was a familiar resident of the universities Low-Sec Camp and was a member since the early days of its creation, being present at Dudreda, Heild & Maseera. Anyone wishing to join the LSC can find more information at:

Ivy League Navy

Etienne was a staff officer of the "new" (12th July 114 YC) IVY League Navy. He held the ranks of Lt. Commander & Commander and was responsible for all ILN recruitment, records and the creation and command of the Operational Command Support Unit (OCSU). As a Lt.Commander, Etienne was an officer of the old ILN Battlegroup 3: "Honeybadgers", where his responsibilities include tracking ILN leadership, certifications and fleet participation. After a brief period of re-organisation Etienne was promoted to Commander and formed the OCSU, a department of the ILN overseeing recruitment, record keeping, intelligence and PvP based events. Etienne resigned his ILN commission in November 114 YC shortly before leaving IVY League for sov-warfare.

4S Corporation

4S Corporation Logo

In November 114 YC, Etienne joined 4S Corporation. 4S is one of the oldest and most accomplished corporations in New Eden. Created in 2003, 4S was involved in early alliance warfare as part of Fountain Alliance while independently establishing a reputation for effective anti-pirate fighting. In 2006 the corporation began to build an industrial base suitable for the capital age and founded the alliance Morsus Mihi, leading it and the Northern Coalition to become one of the most powerful and influential entities EVE has ever seen, and being involved in most of the game's major wars.

In January 2012 4S joined Razor Alliance and in September 2013 moved into Goonswarm Federation and continuing its presence within the CFC.

4S has been involved in over 100,000 kills since 2006. An average of 1500 each month. You can expect constant PvP ranging from the smallest skirmish contacts to the legendary capital battles that often come to define periods of EVE's military and political history. But 4S is more than a PvP corporation, it's a gaming community with roots dating back before EVE itself. We're an incredibly friendly bunch of guys. Many of us have holidays planned together, along with frequent meet-ups. Many of our pilots are 'lifers', if 4S wasn't their first serious 0.0 corp it quickly becomes their last as they form friendships and enjoy experienced, ambitious and fun-seeking leadership, they can't imagine ever leaving.

Once led as a corp by Vuk Lau, respected as a former CSM chairman and longtime coalition leader, 4S maintains a reliable empire-based industry and healthy finances which sees us able to offer reimbursement of all main fleet doctrine ships, as well as invest in capital ships, provide fuel and assist new pilots with free ships. There is an emphasis on efficient centralised logistics so you can expect to be able to buy fitted ships from the corporation at our staging location, get your assets moved by carrier/jump freighter when the corporation relocates, order items from Jita and benefit from 0.0 market seeding. Of course none of this happens without the dedication of our players and if you have ambitions to join the tight-knit command team there are always opportunities.

Anyone wishing to join 4S Corporation can find further details here:

RAZOR Alliance

RAZOR Alliance Logo

RAZOR Informational Video


Cobalt Edge Deployment

Not strictly an official deployment, but in December 114 YC RAZOR began putting pressure on Intrepid Crossing's infrastucture looking for good PvP fights. Etienne was extremely active in small gang roams and large scale fleet doctrine engagments against RAZORS's arch enemy neigbours. IRC was already on shaky ground due to a recent nerf to drone alloy drops and had started to fray internally.

As IRC began folding under repeated bombardment from multi time zone fleets, it became apparent to RAZOR leadership that IRC was struggling to mount a lasting defense. This led to a full scale "non-invaision". After a definitive fight in HB-5L3, by RZR and the CFC against IRC and allied force ROGUE, IRC were finally demolished: Battlereport. IRC subsequently fell apart and failscaded, as individuals and entire corporations fled Cobalt Edge.

In the days that followed RAZOR diplomats brokered a deal with IRC to let them move assets out of Cobalt Edge peacefully in exchange for sovereignty of their space. The deal included gifting southern Cobalt Edge space to IRC's only allies in the main engagement, ROGUE.

Campaign success

The news stories:

EN24: IRC didn't want Cobalt Edge anyways

Counter IRC Cobalt Edge and a Razor sharp invasion

Cobalt Edge RAZOR perspective

Great Wildlands Deployment

On 31st Januray 2013, Etienne went with RAZOR on a joint deployment with allies Fatal Ascension in E02-IK, Great Wildlands.

RAZOR went in to help SOLAR against the newly formed coalition, N3. On the 8th March 2013, after several months of fights RAZOR and FA returned home. The decision to return home is believed to be due to communication issues with Russian alliance SOLAR as well as each alliances respective timezones being out of sync. Pandemic Legion and NC. have now deployed further north in the dronelands with the hope of dispatching SOLAR once and for all.

Tenal/Cobalt w/ROGUE Deployment

On the 8th of March 2013, RAZOR returned home and swiftly deployed on the Tenal/Cobalt Edge border. They allied themselves with ROGUE in order to protect northern assets from the advance of PL and NC. should SOLAR alliance fall.

NC. Fail

WAR: CFC vs TEST & Friends in Fountain

On June 6 2013, in an address made by Goonswarm Federation , it was announced that the CFC will be invading the region of Fountain in a full scale war centered around obtaining control of new R64 moons included during the Odyssey patch.

Over a week later, on the 15th June 2013, Etienne with RAZOR deployed to the front line in B-DBYQ with late deployment cited as providing time to analyze their strategic position in the north.

On July 20 a jump bridge was successfully installed between B-DBYQ and 4-EP12 allowing the CFC to gain its first foothold in fountain.

Goonswarm Federation

In the early hours of September 6, 2013 4S corporation left RAZOR Alliance for Goonswarm Federation.


Delve 2013 CFC Deployment

On August 28, 2013 Etienne deployed to 1DH-SX in Delve to commence a 'clean-up campaign' along with the rest of the CFC. With TEST now defeated, work will commence flipping Delve sovereignty over to CFC control.