Kill Rights

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what are Kill rights

Kill rights are earned when another player carries out an illegal act of aggression against you by activating an offensive module on your ship. CONCORD takes a dim view of such actions and will flag the offending pilot with a criminal flag (a flashing red star with a skull in the middle) you as the targeted player will then earn the kill right on the aggressor.

Kill rights are not given in Nul Sec space nor if you agree to a duel, remember in a duel you can be podded so it is advised that unless you like the idea of dueling you should activate the auto reject button in your audio and chat options.

Limited engagements are not subject to kill right either; these take place when you target a pilot who is flashing red or yellow with a skull inside keep in mind however if you fire on such a pilot he and his corp mates can fire back so think carefully before engaging as this is a common tactic in High sec for pilots to get kills and to loot your wreck.

Your ship does not need to be destroyed nor you podded to earn such a Kill right any offensive action on the part of the other pilot will grant the kill right.

Finding your kill right

Open your character window in game and look at the list on the right hand side,third from the bottom is the kill right option;clicking on it will open a new window listing all kill rights you have simply click on the one you wish to activate and select the options you wish to take.

Activating a kill right

If you are awarded such a kill right and have activated it the offending pilot will begin to flash with a suspect marker (the yellow flashy with the skull inside) remember if you fire on him he and his corp mates can fire back. There is little point in activating a kill right on a pilot who has a -5 or worse security rating as they are already flagged as a criminal and any pilot can engage them anyway under the rules of limited engagement, it might make you feel better if you have just lost your pride and joy all the same.

If the offending ship is destroyed or the pilot podded CONCORD will consider the kill right to be used and that will be removed from the offending player.

Selling kill rights

If you own a kill right you can chose to sell the right to other pilots; in order to do so you select the kill right you wish to sell. On opening the kill right you will see three option buttons which allow you to select who you make the right available to all pilots, just your corp or a specific named character, alliance or corporation other than your own. If you have offered a kill right for sale and it is accepted by another pilot the ISK will be transferred to the kill right owner immediately irrespective of whether a kill is made or not. It is also acceptable to make the kill right open without any cost implication however there is nothing to stop the offending pilot getting a friend or an alt to kill him in a starter frigate to clear the kill right.

Expiry of kill rights

If after 30 days the kill right is not activated or the offending pilot killed the kill right expires this is a set time you cannot extend it by keeping the kill right and activating it on the 30th day expecting another 30 days, its a use it or lose it time limit and once its gone the offending pilot is free from your wrath.

The University places restrictions on some engagements refer to Rules of Engagement