User:Bucky Beldruf/Incursion Logi DC

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Common Vanguard Operating Procedures

These procedures are intended to be general in nature. Each FC will handle things slightly differently, most likely a FC will change the order of things. Always listen to your FC. They are here to give an incursioner an idea of what will likely happen in some situations. Or to help future FCs.

Logistics DC

Most of the time during a Logi DC things get hectic but not ship loss worthy. Stay calm and listen to the FC.

1. Fleet will go into "Closed Comms" at the first mention of a Logi DC

  • The remaining logi should feel free to speak up if they need to (ask someone to overheat tank)

2. The FC will call to "Abandon drones"

  • This is done near the bottom of the drones 'right click' menu

3. FC: "If you have shield bots, put them on the remaining logi"

  • If you do not have shield bots you should still abandon your drones, or try to bring them in unless told otherwise

4. FC will likely provide a new kill order outside of the standard one. Asking to kill sansha that scram first! Dronebunny will likely want to switch to the primary calls

  • scram: Tama, Schmael, Deltole, Auga, Sansha Nation Commander

5. FC will likely ask that 1-2 non-scramming frigates are left alive to keep the next wave from spawning

  • Most likely Eysturs, or Tamas in an OTA
  • Keeping one or two frigs alive keeps the next wave at bay and provides options. It's why all drones should come in, even if you don't have shield bots

6. FC may now ask for an align, If he/she is thinking the fleet may need to get out quick

  • Now the FC has a choice. If things are going well see 7, if the single logi is failing see 8

7. The dps from the sansha is dropping. All dps drones are in or abandoned and the fleet will hold steady with 1-2 frigs alive until the DCed logi reconnects

  • This option is the most likely. A single logi can generally hold a fleet up.

8. FC: "Align to the broadcast, Wing commander be ready for my call"

  • This command brings the fleet aligned and warns the wing commander that a wing warp may be incoming
  • Likely the FC will wait to align and wing warp until all the scram boats are dead, even if that means losing a ship

8a. FC: "Wing warp us. If the DCed logi is in comms do not log in"

  • The fleet will need to regroup, or ask in local for help to get their DCed logi out of the site

WT Sighted Nearby

1. Fleet will go into "Closed Comms" at the first mention of a WT nearby

2. FC: "Kill all [scramming boats] in tagged order, ignore the tags on [non-scramming boats]. Dronebunny ignore non scramming frigs"

  • scram: Tama, Schmael, Deltole, Auga, Sansha Nation Commander

3. FC: "I have broadcasted an align, please align now."

4. Once all scramming boats are dead move as a fleet to the closest station and dock up

  • Remember an incursion fleet is a very a powerful group. Still, do not bate a fight, try to get away.