Jump clones

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Jump Clones

Eve University has enough standing with one of the Khanid corps, Khanid Innovation, and one of the Caldari corps, Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. Do not do any missions for Khanid Innovation OR Wiyrkomi Peace Corps as we will lose these facilities.

EUNI's Jump Clone Stations

  • Lonetrek/Haurala/Erenta/Erenta V - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support
  • Lonetrek/Kaala/Akonoinen/Akonoinen VI - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support
  • Lonetrek/Makiriemi/Isikano/Isikano IX - Moon 11 - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support
  • Khanid / Nohshayess / Khanid Prime / Khanid Prime V - Moon 1 - Khanid Innovation Factory
  • Lonetrek/Okunda/Ossa/Ossa VII - Moon 11 - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support - this station is not recommended because it cannot be reached without multiple lowsec jumps.

What is a jump clone?

You're probably familiar with clones used in the event of player death. Those clone are called "skill clones" or medical clones. They preserve your skill points up to the maximum level of skill points allowed for a given clone grade.

A jump clone is different: you can actively 'jump' into a jump clone instead of having to die to active it.

When you activate a jump clone, your current body, with all its implants, is left behind at the station where you are. Your old body effectively turns into a new jump clone and you can jump back into it later. After jumping, you have to wait for at least 24 hours before jumping into another clone. Think of it as jumping with your 'mind' or 'soul' between the bodies. You bring all your skills and standings, but leave the body (and its implants) behind.

Both skill clones and jump clones are purchased at medical facilities in stations. But you can also get a jump clone installed aboard a capital vessel that has Clone Vat Bays fitted. By far, the only type of ships that may use Clone Vat Bays are Motherships and the Rorqual.

If you die (get podded), your jump clone is not affected at all. You will end up wherever your skill clone is and all your jump clones will still be available. Your skill clones are independent of your jumpclones, so even if you have a jump clone somewhere, you still need a skill clone to make sure you don't lose skillpoints when you die.

What do I need to get a jump clone?

You need at least one level in the skill Informorph Psychology. Every level in that skill will allow an additional jump clone.

Since the Revelations patch, you or the corporation you belong to need to have 8.00 standing with the corporation that owns the station where you want to buy the jump clone.

Activating Your Jump Clone

Once you have a jump clone installed, you can activate it from your character sheet after momentarily aborting your current skill training and exiting your ship. Note that you can only jump into a new jump clone once every 24 hours. If the station you jumped from has Medical Facility services, then your old body is left behind as a new jump clone. You can jump back to this new clone, or jump to any other another inactive jump clone, after waiting 24 hours.

You are free to equip your new body with implants, e.g. special hardwire implants to help you fulfill a certain role in fleet combat as a specialized clone pilot. If your new body is destroyed, your skill clone will automatically activate and you will only lose the implants you had plugged in at the time of death. Your original body will still be intact and available to you as a new jump clone.

Can Jump Clones be lost?

Yes, if the location your clone is at gets destroyed, so will the jump clone and any implants that were on it (e.g. when the Mothership that is carrying your Jump Clone get destroyed, The installed Jump Clone is lost).

Careful, careful

You can never have two inactive jump clones at the same station. Due to the way game mechanics work, it is possible to lose implants if you are not careful.

Suppose you have the following clones:

  • In Jita, you have a clone contract (Medical Clone).
  • In Jita, you have an inactive jump clone with a memory implant.
  • In Rens, you have an inactive jump clone with a willpower implant.
  • In Agil, you have an active clone, with a perception implant.

At any time, if you are podkilled, you will wake up in Jita, at which point you will have an active clone and an inactive jump clone, both in Jita. Your skill clone will preserve whatever number of skillpoints you have saved in the clone contract, regardless of which jump clone died. The skillpoints saved is a property of the skill clone that is created when you die, not of the clone that was killed.

Note that it is safe to create a jump clone at a station where you already have a skill clone. You will have two clones at that station, one inactive jump clone and one skill clone which will only be activated if you get podded.

Now suppose that you fly your active clone from Agil to Rens. You will now have an active clone and an inactive jumpclone in Rens.

If you try to install a second jumpclone in Rens, the game will refuse to install it. You will not lose anything.

If you try to jumpclone from Rens to Jita, the inactive clone in Rens will be destroyed and replaced with the clone containing the perception implant. You will lose the inactive clone and its willpower implant. The game will warn you and allow you to cancel the clonejump.

If you try to jumpclone from your current body in Rens with the perception implant, to your inactive jumpclone in Rens with the willpower implant, the actual results will be that the inactive clone and the willpower implant will be destroyed, and you will stay in your current body with the perception implant. The game will warn you and allow you to cancel the clonejump.

Much of the information about Jump Clones on this page, although slightly edited, was taken from the Grismar Eve Wiki which can be found at http://eve.grismar.net/wikka.php?wakka=WikiHome