User:Shen tekitsu

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In Progress

Noobs in Null - Field Trip/Fleet Practical Concept

"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bubbles"


  • Provide opportunity for new Uni pilots to practice fleet participation skills (travel commands, coms, chain of command, etc) in hi-sec
  • Provide exposure to null sec bubble mechanics in a semi-structured environment.
  • Educate new pilots in basics of travel in null sec
  • Promote the NSC to a wider Uni audience
  • Leverage pilots into Intro to NSC fleets and classes

The focus of this class will be educating new pilots about bubbles. This will be accomplished by leading a fleet from Aldrat HQ to the Reb entrance to the NSC. The HS leg of this fleet will give pilots a chance to practice travel commands and fleet participation. Coms discipline will be discussed en route as well. Once in the NSC area, bubbles and their mechanics will be discussed and demonstrated. Depending on the level of hostile activity in the NSC area, the lecture on bubbles may be given docked up with a brief practical afterwards.


  • Estimated time 60-90 minutes
  • HiSec travel fleet from Aldrat to NSC entrance.
  • In-space practical of bubble mechanics and tacticals in the EZA area.
  • Discussion of bubbles may occur docked up if there is heavy hostile activity in EZA area.
  • This is not intended as a PvP roam, but provisions for being engaged ("Why is there a cyno on my overview?") will be made.

Points of Instruction

  • HiSec Travel Leg
    • Brief review of fleet movement commands (depending on general attendee experience level).
    • Practice moving as a fleet from Aldrat to low sec.
    • High-level discussion of coms discipline and combat coms (using +1 scout reporting as fleet approaches low/null entrance).
  • Null sec practical
    • Discuss bubbles - what are they, how are they used, how to deal with them
    • Discuss tacticals and bookmarking as they relate to bubble avoidance in null
    • Discuss star/system map, as related to choosing warping points for bubble avoidance.

Tech 2 Frigates - A Look at the Wondrous World After Your First Frigate V


  • Educate newer pilots on wide variety of ships available to fly on the frigate level.
  • Emphasize the contribution each ship type can make for a relatively low isk/time investment.

A high level look at the ship types available to a pilot after finishing the racial frigate V train. This course will attempt to offer one answer to the question pilots ask after moving out of the Aldrat campus for one of the satellite campuses - "What should I fly?"


  • Lecture only, any location.
  • Estimated duration 30-60 minutes, depending on questions.

Points of Instruction

Assault Frigates

  • Time to inject - 11d15h
  • Required skills - Power Grid Management V, Mechanics V

Covert Ops

  • Time to inject - 11d20h
  • Required skill - Electronics Upgrades V

Electronic Attack Ships

  • Time to inject - 11d20h
  • Required skill - Long Range Targeting V


  • Time to inject - 11d20h
  • Required skill - Evasive Maneuvering V